Tom "Ninjadoodle" Vencel - 7 Day Games / Videos / Prototypes

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  • Can't you just use GooglePlay leaderboards?

    I haven't tried them yet, but that should already be included in Construct 3's Google plugin

  • Mikal - Thanks for the link, I will have a really good look into it :) It sounds like this might be a good solution!

    BadMario - Thanks for the reply! I'm not actually sure I want to release my game as Apps at all. I'd like them to be playable on my website, with leader-boards implemented. As far as I know, Google Play Leader-boards only work on Android. I could be wrong tho?

  • #7daygame number three is done!

    You can play 'Cursed Jewels' here...

    Here is the retrospect video...

    From a technical aspect, and what I've learned this week, I'm the happiest with this one out of the three so far. I'm also very happy with the level layout I ended up going with, and feel like it plays and flows well. The one reservation I have, is that it might be too difficult for anyone who isn't used to skill games. I will let you guys judge :) My best score (under pressure) was 12 jewels, while Charlie (my wife) got 4. Have fun and post your best runs :)

  • I am in the same boat sort of. I would prefer not to have to release any apps. Just games on my web site, they play fine on mobiles anyway.

    About GooglePlay, I have to check, I definitely need this. Back in Mochi ads days their leaderboards helped a lot ( I think ) There is an extra incentive to play more and beat other people's scores, especially with sports games, and 90% of mine are sports.

    I know people were complaining about Google plugin in construct 2 because it was only working with web games and not mobiles, so I am under impression that they should work on everything.

  • BadMario - Mochiads were cool while they lasted :) Thanks for the info, I will have better look into it, as I'd definitely love to add some score / achievements etc.

    PS. Where can I find your games... I checked your profile, but no links :(

  • Cursed Jewels is my favorite so far, nice board, a little complexity, gives a feel for developing mastery for the board layout and skills. Nice work.

  • Mikal - Thank you for the feedback! I'm happy you like the game :)

    As I go through this challenge, I'd like to make the games quiet varied in both mechanics and gameplay. It will be interesting to see what choose to make in the upcoming weeks. One thing I've noticed already, is that I'm learning a ton - not only about Construct 3 (which is a absolutely amazing), but about working smarter in general.

  • Ninjadoodle

    really good job with all your games so far! I like the simple designs/concepts. I just got 25 on cursed jewels...

    one bug is that sounds still play if you turn them off in settings.

  • Hi AllanR

    Thanks heaps for the feedback and for spotting the bug :) I'll make sure its fixed soon!

    P.S. That's a really good score, and funnily enough my highest (and I made it lol). Guess what tho, one of my gamedev friends scored over 120 (I don't think he's human btw) - makes me think I need to make some adjustments at the higher difficulty haha.

  • Ninjadoodle

    just played a few more times - got 27 twice, and then had a great run of 104.

    another thing that would be nice is if it told you what your score was at the end because it is easy to not pay attention, but then wonder how close you were to beating your score...

    I don't think you have to make it harder. Eventually you will make a mistake, or the teleports will disappear at the wrong time, or the flame will get you. A run of over 100 is still only a minute or two.

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  • AllanR Wow, that's impressive! You guys must be from another planet lol.

    Also, that's really good feedback. I agree 100%, that this would be a nice addition. I'm gonna think of a nice/simple way of presenting it, and implement it in this weeks game, then if it works well - update the older ones.

    Again, I really appreciate the feedback :)

  • I usually just have a final layout with scores and use local storage to save/load those

    Since you asked about my games, this one has current game running time and score, plus all time best in both categories

    This one use a simple text field to display stats

    You could also use your pop up/instructions window to display this.

  • Hi BadMario

    Thank you for the links and the tips!

    I've played both of the games and they are very cool, I especially love runback - what a cool idea :)

    I'm gonna figure something out for my leaderboards - would be very cool to have them built into my site somehow, so I'll see what I can come up with.

  • Hi guys :)

    The latest prototype is here! Buster is a very heavy bowling ball, and Billy is a disappearing block, who does't like being poked. Together they will show you a bit about the tween behaviour and screen shake.





  • Hi guys :)

    #7daygame number four is done and dusted!


    + the retrospect video...

    Have fun and post your best runs :)

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