newt's Forum Posts

  • See the thing is there already is a function to follow first in range, but the problem is its quite difficult to get exactly what its picking into something else.

    Using a dummie sprite might be doable,but the fact is it would require a lot of labor just to get it to work, and you would almost double the amount of objects used. I believe a simple call to the system compare points would be more plausible, but again you have an issue with what the system will pick, and what the object is picking.... while using follow first in range, and a family.

    Now as to avoiding solids.

    I did try using line of sight, and the results are a bit better.... need to experiment some more.

  • Might be nice, but unless you add a mandatory "add first object to the family" your going to have some problems later on. The reason is, families are based on object type, it has to know what kind of object it's a family of first.

  • Another suggestion, I wanted to bounce off everyone before I dirty up the tracker.

    Currently the turret behavior does not take into account whats in between it and the target.

    So if for example you have a wall in between the target and the turret, the turret will still try to shoot through the wall. Really there's no good way to avoid this, other than making up a bunch of events to check and see everything that's there, or have a collision event for the bullet.

    I know sometimes this is actually what you want, but for when you don't, Id like to suggest something like a "Shoot through solids" check box.

    Also another couple small suggestion's for actions dealing with the turret behavior, would be a "Is turning" condition, a "Is reloading" condition, and "On new target acquired".

    Reloading meaning it has a target, and has fired, and is waiting for the next shoot.

    Useful for things like if it receives damage in the wait period.

    Then on new target acquired meaning its switched targets, but the old target is still in range.

    I'm not sure about a condition on this one, perhaps another preferences check box, like "Keep target until out of range"

  • Having recently found the awesomeness of groups I agree with this wholeheartedly.

  • Instead of using shader effects I'd use an animation.

    Simulating movement is fairly easy to do, just make as many frames as you have segments of track, and for each frame move one segment down the line.

  • Here's another stick for the craw. Even if we do get a way to set image points, whats going to happen when that sprite gets resized?

  • User definable?

    Or possibly the ability to turn pathfinding off during runtime, and regenerate map, then the reverse.

    Edit your probably right, would cause more problems than it would solve.

  • Was going to suggest my bolt gun, but it would be hard to implement.

    So here's Acid Spitter instead.

  • The only time you would want to do this is when you want to go non modal.

    It might be useful as a sub-window for layouts, for assigning behaviors, families, etc.

    But I agree the event sheets need to remain linear.

  • I wanted to post a suggestion and discuss its feasibility, or even its usefulness, before I posted it to the tracker.

    The suggestion is: would it be a good idea to add a check box for the rts behavior to make it possible to go off layout?

    As it is now rts wont let you go to -x or - y, but there are times when that might be useful.

  • Same goes for vindaloo, better to read about it than find out first hand.

  • Yeah, I gotta try something else, seems system compare is doing something buggy with family compare.

  • See now I wouldn't have even thought to mix sprite compare with system compare.

    Thats ok cause I didnt even know there was a system between.

    Thanks, I do believe that will fix it!

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  • Yeah everybody should have Microsoft Sam. I know you can get additional voices, but then again not every one will have those voices.

  • Say you have one event you want to pick two different ranges of angles from, like left and right, but a little more complicated. I need to have one event that checks that an angle is between 315, and 45, or 135, and 225. Basically left and right, with out a top and bottom.

    Like if you were looking at a clock if its between 2 and 4 o'clock, or 8 and 10 o'clock do something.

    Initially I started with angle compare of angle is greater than 315, or less than 45... that works great for the right side, but since I need this in the same event I need to add a left side. Thing is when I add angle is greater than 135, or less than 225 Im basically saying if the angle is greater than zero, and less than 360 do this.

    Is there a way to compare a angle range without using </>, and also how the heck do I deal with one of those ranges being between 90, and 315?

    I know if it was set up with 0 degrees at the top it would be a little easier, but then again Im going to have to set up another event that does the opposite, and picks top and bottom.

    Any ways HELP!