newt's Forum Posts

  • Oh wow this is one of those times where placement of the events really matters.

    If you set the value before you do angledif, nothing will happen.

  • Thanks guys!

    That anglediff, does sound perfect for the timing issue.

  • If you were making your own custom movement(top down), and you wanted to know when the object was turning left, or right... how would you set it up?

    My first thoughts were to have the current angle sent to a private variable, and then compare that variable... if its less than current, you have a right turn... etc.

    Seems a little complicated, especially on the timing.... any thoughts on a better way?

  • I think this is less about the message, and more about the way, and the reason it's being delivered.

    It's one thing to be a whistle blower, quite another to get up on the soapbox, and try to instill terrorism.

    Everybody's herd of "Don't kill the messenger, cause you don't like the message" , and the fact that Assange is trying to hide behind that is what makes him a douche.

  • Sorry, but unvetted, and anonymous sources will always be suspect at best, and any information coming from an organization that chooses to overlook that is tainted as well.

    Also, touche on the douche.

  • Not to derail the topic too much, but yes that method linked will do, that or the tiled background object. The problem with grass is that it can show a pattern at some point.

    Now with a tiled distortmap tho, you can use the color filter for some randomness.

  • While there is such a thing as "Setec Astronomy", the way Wikileaks, and the people involved have dealt with it make them nothing more than vigilantes.

    Same goes for "Anonymous", and the only reason they are involved is because they're a bunch of fickle ******** who didn't hit F5 quick enough.

    That and they have the moral memory of a goldfish.

  • Well the cog/gear motif is used for a lot of other apps.

    Would be nice if the devs came up with something different for C2.

    Something that's a big ol "in your face" to the other guys.

  • It seems not all 3d modelers export to the same scale. If the model is so big that it goes past the camera, you might just see the inside of the model.

    Check the import scale, and the eye distance.... you can go below 1 on import scale.

  • Any combination of pitch roll or yaw will do that.

    Experiment till you get the speed right.

  • You have pitch, roll, or yaw, not sure what you mean by z, since that's the distance from the camera.

    + System: Always (every tick)

    -> 3DObject: Set roll to 3DObject.Roll+1 degrees

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  • Well probably the easiest way I can think of would be to use a distort map, but that would mean breaking collision detection, unless you use a canvas.

    Thing is your getting an error from your current method, possibly something to do with "is falling" in conjunction with "system create object relative to object", so your probably going to have to figure a different set of events for that.

    As for using a distort map the easiest method might be to set the x,y of a vertex a certain distance from the center when you either A: have so many top objects, or B: use the distance of the player from a certain point to control it.

  • Is this top down, or side view, 2d or 3d?

    Not sure how that would translate to sideview....

    In any case might want to check out the expression distance(x1,y1,x2,y2), or overlapping at offset.

  • You could just keep it the way it is and say that's the style-- make the backgrounds and all the enemies look like paper cut-outs or something.

    ^This is actually a pretty cool idea.

  • Bump with a gift:

    A zip to make some new families, a bakers dozen.

    As you may, or may not know you can add to the available families by simply adding a 16x 16 .bmp to the Families folder.

    Included are a few new rts types, and some combo's for the existing families.

    Meaning you can put two or more families together, to make a whole new one!

    Can't think of a better way to celebrate.