newt's Forum Posts

  • There is no agreeing, or disagreeing, there is the way it is.

    You've been given alternatives.

    Sorry you're unhappy with that, but as the man said "You don't go to war with what you want, you go with what you have."

  • Video slots/poker?

  • Marvelous!

    The first two worked well, but deceleration is a bit harder.

    Its kinda hard to tell exactly when deceleration should kick in.

    If I go with just speed, I can go with lerp(current speed, (length of path - distance on path) , something*timedelta)

    It works, but its not the curve I was looking for.

  • I would also point out, that little cap I posted uses like .07 vram, and is (infinitely, almost) scalable.

    Even less if you make the tiled sprite 2x2.

    Did I mention that you can display that in 3d?

    But as Madster said there are always trade offs, less vram, more gpu processing.

  • Look at it this way, not only do you have to get the two computers to connect, an undertaking in itself, you have to figure a way to deal with any lag there may be in between them.

    In other words if there was some lag the other player may not get the information that the ball was hit for several milliseconds... a lifetimes wait in terms of collision detection.

  • Well it might help to forget the z element all together, as each x, and each y can have a value, so can each x, and y combined.

    Another thing you could do is use a nested loop.

    ->on start of layout

    -->loop "x" = 0 to 64

    --->loop "y" = 0 to 48

    ---->array compare value at loopindex(x), loopindex(y) =1

    ----->do stuff at loopindex(x), loopindex(y) * 10

    That's essentially what the for each in array does.

    Note, the array object is 1 based, in other words it does not start at zero, so a loop may actually be easier to use instead of current array -1.

    Then you have to add 1 to loopindex to compensate.

    But I wouldn't worry about that till you get the gist of it.

    Just remember that x, and y are coordinates that can have a value, besides it position.

  • Boopity bipitty?

    Sorry I had to.

  • I agree the dissemination can be frustrating, but that's the nature of open source. It's controlled chaos at best, but once you get the big picture.... its a lovely thing.

    Speaking of the big picture, I'll describe the array object in terms you might be familiar with.

    Think of the object as a blank image, you have so many pixels in width(x), and so many pixels in height(y), and a specific color for each(z).

    If you acquaint your map to a picture you could say you wanted to "paint" a star that was only as big as a pixel at this point in the image.

    In terms of the array you could say that point was at 200 pixels across(x), then 150 pixels down(y), and since there wasn't any thing there before you could say instead of zero pixels you now have 1(z)or:

    array(200,150,1) instead of array(200,150,0).

    Now if you were to do a "for each" in the array, you can have it check to see if there is a 1 or a zero at the z position, and if its a one, create a star.

    Of course you wouldn't want everything to be one pixel, but lets say your star is 10 pixels big and your layout is 640 wide, and 480 pixels high, you could divide that by 10, or make your array 64x48, and then when you place the star multiply its position by 10, or array(20,15,1)*10.

    So looking at this in Construct:

    On mouse left clicked(or start of layout, etc... you don't want it to run every tick)

    ->for each in array(runs every x,y, and z)

    -->array compare value at current x, current y, (and or)current z = 1

    --->system create object star at array current x, current y * 10


    You don't have to actually have to use the z in this circumstance, you can just say the value at x, and y.

    Continuing on:

    [quote:3835ijs5]so how can i actualy save\load information in a external file and how to keep the players away from messing around with that file. and what do you mean by external editor? sorry but i just dont understand.

    Now that you know how to read what's in the array, a simple way to load the array is just to create random data, or random().

    Since we are dealing with either a 1 or 0 we could look at the possibility as a percentage, or if random(10) = n make the zero a 1.

    Start of layout

    ->for each in array

    -->System compare random(10) =1

    --->array set value at currentx, currenty to 1

    Now that the array is set you can save it as an external file IE array Save to file myarray.array, or what ever extension you like.

    I'll let you figure that one out.... &appath is your friend.

    Same goes for load... works the same way, in reverse.

    As to the external editor, basically what your doing is making an app in Construct that uses mouse coordinates to set the x,and y, and a click to set 1 or 0, and then saving the array. There's several examples in the forum.

    And finally, there's really not much you can do to keep people from changing the array, but you have to ask yourself "Are you at the point where that could ever be a problem?".

  • See now your going into the level editor plane of thought, which is something just about everybody does at some point or another.

    There are several objects that can do this, the array object being the best for this imo.

    Thing is you have to set up the data by making an external editor, or randomly generate the data and save it to the array... an external file.

    As always the wiki is a good place to start.

  • Might take a look at hinges.

  • There's no rules against adding bigger images, you just have to set limits for what your doing.

    All you can do is load it up, and see how much vram it takes up, but always be aware of what few steps you can take to save that vram, p^2, etc.

  • There are ways around everything

    I'll just leave this here.

    If you haven't already, I'd highly suggest downloading the perlin noise plug.


  • Now that we can run more than one preview at a time... might want to add temp2, temp3... etc.

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  • I think there may be a possible bug with "clear all nodes". Every time I do that it goes back to the starting node, even if I add one right after that, a tick after to boot.

    Also, is there any way to slow the turning on angle to path?

    It would be nice if the sprites rotation was a constant speed.

    And is there a way to set deceleration?

  • either way it's probably the same amount of ram... possibly more with multiple pngs.


    > yea you will, using opacity.


    No, png24 have multi transparency.

    He means the transparency of the object.