you people really dont get the message do you...
fine, then remain as you are. after all - progress blows right...? >_>
you are just like B. Gates who once said "640K ought to be enough for anybody".
you think i enjoy bringing this over and over? you think i value my time wasting on brining up this big images issue? did you asked yourself "why this guy is so persistant?" ?
because lack of big images is what handicappes both my game and my workflow with Construct. Because THIS is the most common issue for most new non-programer users of Construct.
look around you. everybody would die for Construct having better big pictures handling, cant you see that? cant you see how many things it would solve and make easier/better?
i know that all your pro's have all the Construct mastery in you one finger - but we dont.
or maybe you just enjoy this situation? being the lone kings of the hill.
fine, but dont expect Construct become any more popular then he is now.
i like Construct. from all the engines ive researched this is the best. best - but not perfect.
its because i like Construct so much i write all this, its because i CARE.
i know that every time i make a new thread a group of users goes "Ohhhh him again...". but perhaps instead of playing the "i am so cool and ironic" role you should stop for a brief moment and think about what this guy is saying. Maybe then he will look so stupid no more.
sorry if i offended anyone or apeared to be rude but thats my thoughts, this is what i think. And if i am famous for anything - it is for voicing my opinion regardless of the circumstances (of course, in range of sanity)