newt's Forum Posts

  • Each plug you add gets in there as well, take a look at the plugs folder, some of those are pretty big.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • partialy. go into your profile Tom and keep hitting F5.

    wanna have 100k views? no problem - ill just leave my coffee mug standing on the keyboard for night.

    Are you still logged in?

    If your a guest that would explain that.

    Cookie monster strikes again.

  • Yep.

    Remember the exe will have all your resources, an icon, dll's which are basically your plugs, etc.

  • Both, a la physics, and a hinge.

  • I speak gibberish fluently. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Might try the "Intro to C2". Its pretty much the same.

  • Same here. Its guest everywhere else, and I cant log in anywhere else, cept the forum.

  • I still think we should adopt one of the spam bots, and make it our mascot... give it a signature and an avatar and let it roam free. It could be our pet.

    We could even have conversations with it about WOW GOLD and ERECT PENISES if we get bored enough.


    Actually thats not a bad idea when you consider that any other forum that uses gravatar, and the bot is signed up with would have its avatar.

    You could have a little phrase on the avy saying "I'm a spammer please ban me", or better yet "Make Games With Construct!". <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Some of these are amazing, does anyone know roughly how long they take to do?!?!

    Over 9000 minutes in ms paint.

  • Ahh ok, I was wondering why you were having all those crash's.

    Any way 2 events with no impact wins in my book.

  • Animmaniac i see you are very productive on creating new effects. can i request one from you?

    Can you create a "Shake" effect? preety much like "Shake" beh. I belive that if effects such as Warp are possible it would be also possible to that but without global distortion?

    Think eearthquake effect for a game. Or like Critical Hit effect in Baldurs Gate saga.

    That would be such a nice feature!

    I know it can be done with events but putting it all in a effect would make it so much easier and in less amount of time!

    Yes, but you need to take into account the vram, and frame rate impact an fx has compared to events.

    BTW You can do that via camera scroll as well. Something like Linkmans camera shake.

    set scroll x/y to scroll x/y + normalrandom(0,5)

    Anyway nice job on the Fx's Animmaniac

  • Well if they can get it to WallyWorld, then its pretty much guaranteed to sell. But that comment on Americans using it is kinda off putting.

    Also looked at the so called wiki... its not very encouraging.

    Then again neither is ours.

  • One other thing to keep in mind. The naming system could also be applied against enemy's. Like a certain named bullet will do this much damage to one enemy type and different to another enemy type. In other words you wouldn't need to calculate all the variables each time. You can just add up all the variables beforehand and apply that instead.

    But then again 22 variables means a lot of permutations....

  • Once a pv is changed in a layout there's no way to remember what its original value was.

    What you could do is use global variables, or better yet the hash, or ini object to store the original values.

    22 pv's is a lot to deal with all the time, you might consider a different approach by grouping variable types by common use.

    For example, an apple can have many different variables, red, green, sweet, tart, etc. But you dont just say I want a red apple, you call it by name IE Red Delicious, or Granny Smith.

    Now to use that in say something like an ini you would name a bullet as an ini group, and then if the bullets name/ group is used you can get its variables using for each item in group.

  • There's no need to reload a texture once its already in use.

    Try creating another instance instead.