nettemple's Forum Posts

  • I have a dictionary that stores messages

    0: Hello 1

    1: Hello 2

    2: Hello 3

    I want to set text "message" when an event happens...

    Basic logic is "messages.setText --> dictionaryName.2" (I realize that is totally abstract, but that is the logic I am after)

    Also how would this work from an array:

    Basic logic is "messages.setText --> ArrayAt(2)"

    I just need the proper syntax. Cheers!

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  • Note: In the description below, Obj A is the static object at the bottom of the screen and obj B are objects falling from the top of the screen in a space-invader like style.

    OK - a creative solution - When the collision (between Objs B and Obj A) would happen, I switched the animation (in B) to from "alive" to "die" but sometimes I would get two and three registered "hits" which made my score go up inaccurately (one point per hit). So some hits would register 2 or 3 therefore giving me multiple points - which was not my intention. One collision = 1 hit = 1 point. I was disabling collision on hit and this still did not work (as well as Trigger Once While True) so we out smarted it old-school style based on the comments and creative thinking in the above suggestions(?)

    SOLUTION: When the collision happens, the animation shifts to "die" and in the die animation, I made the collision area 2x2 pixels and tucked it in the bottom right hand corner, thus preventing a second collision from happening. I moved the collision area on Obj A "alive" up slightly so that when a collision happened the "die" collision was already below the Obj A thus making it impossible to hit a second time. I have tested this with dozens of falling Obj Bs and it is spot on accurate. (and no complicated code was required).

    Thanks for the assistance Lesley and Dr Hasan.

  • You were correct - I had to add a "trigger-once while true". Because it was placing particle object repeatedly. It wasn't under an "every-tick" but still repeating because it was being fired by a compare two values (showParticles = true) therefore was continually repeating. A common newbie error. Thank you for your assistance.

  • I tried that but the instance sprays continuously (I used "create object" in the event sheet)? Even though the particle in the frame on start is set to one-shot? There does not appear to be a "restart Particle" (similar to restart fade... Also I saw online that it destroys the one-shot particle on completion. Other suggestions?

  • How do I restart a one-shot particle in the event sheet? I have a particle fire once after load. But I want to trigger it again on an event. Any suggestions?

  • Creative solutions! I will try and report back.

  • I saw a video on TY where the presenter (posted recently) referred to this issue and stated In-App Purchases do not work with iOS and Construct "3". He advised that you export as Construct 2 then everything will go smooth. Not sure if this is still the case, (YT video was very recently posted BTW), but I am dependent on some of the features of C3... Can anyone tell me if this (C3, iOS and inAppPurchases) has been resolved and is working smoothly? Thank you in advance.

  • I cant disable the player collision because they are being "attacked" by multiple enemies - so I want the collision to be active in case they collide with a second enemy "while" the first collision enemy animation is playing. So for example - player collides with enemy 1, the enemy 1 death animation plays, then when animation finished, score is increased by 1. While that animation 1 was playing the played collided with a second enemy. So the second enemy death animation starts (before completion of the first enemy animation)... The real problem I am having actually deals the the SCORE... As the player collides with the enemy AND while the death animation is playing, the score rings up multiple hits (I have it coded as "Score = Score + 1". So instead of adding 1, it may add 2 or 3 to the score sometimes... (BTW, I already tried the TRIGGER ONCE WHILE TRUE and it doesn't fix the issue)

  • How do I: (a) on collision, (b) change animation of object, and then (c) wait until that animation (15 frames) fishes before continuing?

    I have (a) and (b) but am looking for the solution to (c)... I have tried a "wait 0.5 seconds" and this works but it is klunky. :-) Is there a better way: "wait to end of animation", "play after frame 15", etc?

  • I have pinned multiple objects (3 objects and a particle) together and attached then on start of layout and all works fine except the particles don't seem to pin? I also tried "on every tick" set the angle of particle to match that of the "parent" object - also no luck. Any suggestions? I basically want the particles to sway back and forth below based on the X movement of the parent object (similar to a dangling rope)


  • Didi you ever get any feedback on this? Is it too late? I am a prof and teach in an MFA program and may be able to help - but I see this post is quite old?

  • How do I use an array value (...i.e. myList(2) ...) instead of a hard coded url in the "Parameters for iFrame: navigate to url" dialogue pop-up?

    Currently if I place in a YouTube url like so "" it works fine but in my array, I have 15 url values like so:

    myList (0) =

    myList (1) =

    myList (2) =

    When I try a variable or an array value I get a server error in the iframe: "Server Error in '/' Application.

    Runtime Error..."

    Thank you in advance. Cheers.

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  • [reply to Pinkie's question, via duplicated "spam-label" post] In regards to your question about cost (399-4 wks). It is for those who want or need live instruction and guidance. It is not for everyone. You'll get 8-10 hours of live instructions + unique text and video content - in a format where you can ask questions and request specific information for clarity and understanding. I teach these same concepts in a summer camp workshop and I can tell you they accelerate understanding and results. It is my hope to also form a community where people will support each other and offer specific pin-point solutions to members. So it's not necessarily for someone who merely wants to dabble, rather has the expectations to do something "real" down the road at some point.

    All of this same stuff is available free on youTube and even on the Construct site for free, so if a student doesn't need the one-on-one live help, its not for them. Also, if you are addressing the type of person complaining that the cost of Construct being too expensive, then the workshops are definitely not for them.

    I can tell you from my own experience that learning some of the concepts are simply not intuitive, where as others are extremely simple and easy to apply. Personally, I would gladly pay a fee at times to save me hours of scanning YT videos and worst yet, step-by-step text driven tutorials - how painful is that? :-) One final note. I have been developing web and mobile platforms for over three decades - I have come to learn that there are different personalities in the personnel flow. People who are highly competent with technical aptitude and programming see absolutely no value in a workshop like this. But those who are highly skilled visually and who have had to deal with the frustrations of the limits that they face when actually trying to "build" their game or solution will appreciate these types of options. One GREAT feature of CONSTRUCT is that it lowers the bar for entry, BUT if you get into database integration, multi-player features, or some of the more advanced capabilities, you're right back at a high bar mark. Even the Javascript feature, as awesome as it is (and which I believe places Construct at a new level), is not for the non-programming light of heart.

    Anyone is free to disagree, but I can only speak from my own experience - there is a lot of great support in the community, and although I see some "attitude" periodically, the Construct community seems to be more helpful than most (i.e. stack overflow re: attitude). There have been times when I needed a simple solution to a problem - and I did not get it from the community, and I could not find it on YouTube, plus add to this there are so many "different" ways to code a solution - there are cases when a live knowledgable person with an on-target and super-efficient answer is worth it.

    Best regards...