NetOne's Forum Posts

  • Give the family another instance variable Type. Give each type, triangle square etc a specific number for type. 1 for triangle 2 for square etc.

    For each level you need to define a win condition.

    Eg if object with iv type 1 has iv z 2 and object iv type 2 has iv z 1 then win.

    I would do this with an array. Eg define each win condition for each level in an array. Use 3d array use array z for each level. Xy for the win conditions.

    Note layers way might also work in place of z instance variable but you will still have to define your win conditions in an array tho, assuming you will have a few levels. I can't think of another way unless you want tons of variables flying around.

    The issue using layers is that you will have to have as many layers as the max number of objects. if small number maybe less than 10 then OK. But If u use z iv then u can have as many objects as u like and keep adding without worry to make very big puzzle for pro skillz gamers....

    Actually to avoid arrays, which can be confusing for inexperienced, then you could probably add another instance variable to the family for winz and if all winz = z then win....

  • Put all the objects that need z in a family.

    Then give this family a family instance variable called z. Then each object in that family will have an instance variable z. You can then use that z for everything like setting z of object or getting z of object etc. Basically you are giving the object a 3Rd dimension.

    I am doing exactly this here for the rings and space invader sprites ... every tick I am sorting the objects according to their z instance variable by using for each ascending by instance variable z. ... WNIMmlpMEE

  • If you test C2 please make sure you replace the "For each" condition ...So I looked in to Pixi's code .....So I made a similar test in C2 using the Particles object instead, and you can get similar performance gains.

    Testing on a HTC 10:

    Sprites: - ~5500 30 FPS

    Particles: ~31000 30 FPS

    Particles are super fast, over 5x faster at rendering! ....... particles don't process collisions ........

    just butting in being an *** ....but considering the above, then The Manual needs an update....

    quoting under particles "......Particle effects are more efficient than creating the same effect with Sprite objects, but not by a large margin......."

    but the tests show said margin is actually pretty large.....

    this manual is saying to me "....go ahead and use sprites for that massive particle bomb /all that smoke / dust explosions etc because sprites have so many extra features and negligible performance hit over particles..."

  • In your gif there is alot more going on than a simple line of joined sprites.

    What you have there is a number of different sprites,

    Combined with some type of interpolated curve

    Combined with some fancy shader

    for the edges.

    It's not simple stuff. You will need a good grasp of curve maths and will need to program a custom shader effect if a suitable effect doesn't already exist.

    There is only a couple of regulars on this forum capable of producing that but it is possible.

    Definitely not for noobs but would be a cool project ...

  • One sprite in the layout with 8 direction.

    Adding another sprite, set size, filled with all red, close sprite editor and crash.

    Error report information

    Type: unhandled exception

    File:, line 61, col 128641

    Message: Uncaught Error: image sprite collection needs rebuilding

    Stack: Error: image sprite collection needs rebuilding at ie.ǃSM ( at ae.ǃSM ( at a.ǃyw.ǃfk ( at a.ǃyw.ǃfk ( ... .js:1:8711) at a.ǃyw.ǃfz ( ... .js:1:8511) at ne.ǃfz ( at de.ǃfz ( at re.ǃfz ( at window.ǃkT.ǃOyJ ( ... .js:1:7142) at ǃOyO.Q ( ... .js:1:2123)

    Construct 3 version: r30


    Date: Tue May 23 2017 17:45:13 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time)

    Uptime: 2364.3 s

    Platform information

    Browser: Chrome

    Browser version: 57.0.2987.110

    Browser engine: Blink

    Browser architecture: 64-bit

    Context: browser

    Operating system: Windows

    Operating system version: 7

    Operating system architecture: 64-bit

    Device type: desktop

    Device pixel ratio: 1.25

    Logical CPU cores: 8

    User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.110 Safari/537.36

    C3 release: r30

    WebGL information

    Version string: WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium)

    Numeric version: 2

    Supports NPOT textures: yes

    Vendor: Google Inc.

    Renderer: ANGLE (NVIDIA Quadro K3100M Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0)

    Major performance caveat: no

    Maximum texture size: 16384

    Point size range: 1 to 1024

    Extensions: EXT_color_buffer_float, EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2, EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, OES_texture_float_linear, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc, WEBGL_debug_renderer_info, WEBGL_debug_shaders, WEBGL_lose_context

  • Bl4ckSh33p

    just stumbled across your post

    you will need a more knowledgeable person than me to explain why this works

    it is something about edge being a universal app and not allowing loopback calls for security reasons.

    to enable loopback exemption (and thus preview over lan) specifically for MS edge,

    do the following...

    open command prompt as admin

    (Type CMD in the windows search

    right click >open as administrator)

    copy this text in at the prompt

    CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n=Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe[/code:71tk1v26]
    and press enter
    [b]you should get an OK message[/b]
    [b]restart edge[/b]
    and all should be well with the world now.  
    @scirra maybe this should be pinned or be included in the lan preview tutorial for other edge users
  • Just an idea

    If you are positioning it in the layout

    but it is moving in your game

    then maybe it is an animated sprite? (or you have more than one frame by mistake)

    and for the last frame you are stopping on, the origin point is in a different place than in first frame?

    This will cause it to move place in game.

    (as you position in layout from origin point of first frame then it moves to the origin of the last frame in game)

  • Cheers dreikelvin, it is early days, all the graphics are just placeholder for now just to get the feel of the game as I work on the engine. Yes definitely the enemies will eventually be animated and attack.

    I like your idea of "reaching out" to hit rather than shooting. Maybe something could come out of their mouth, like another mouth...Alien style...... !

    The music track is not mine. (It is Carpenter Brut, I think he is too famous to want his music in my game). But it is part of the vibe I am looking for. (Not necessarily dark, but high energy)

    I am trying to resist doing any graphics and music until I have the game machine running properly. Only then then I will get to the fun stuff!

    I checked out your soudcloud. You are Pro. Once my engine is ready I will need sound effects and music and you will be on my list if you don't mind.

  • of course there can pretty much do anything you can think of with Construct

    in this case Just set the angle of torch fire based on the 8 direction


    right = set bullet angle motion 0

    up right = set bullet angle motion 45

    up = set bullet angle motion 90


    (ps for the down directions use negative angles eg down = -90 deg

  • You really need to show some starting code

    and a screen shot of your game idea.

    Eg what is your game? side scroll / top down / isometric

    What is your control idea?

    What is your character mechanic. Separate Gun / Body / Head


    Basically though the angle of your character , or where your character is looking, will be (or can be) defined

    and you just need to use that angle to set the bullet angle of motion when firing

  • Try Construct 3

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  • > Based on the mock ups I'd go with 640


    > 320 ruins the look of your game


    Thanks Yeah I think I'll go with that... I think I would save enough memory just by optimizing the assets for 640x360 instead.

    Separating trees and other assets to - tree trunks and canopy, i could save a bit of memory as well, and mixing and matching, instead of using several full trees sprites in different variations. Characters and animation I could also separate to smaller parts, to save more memory, but a bit more work.

    If there is any chance your game might end up being played on living room TVs, eg through androidTV/shield or even console then you might want to consider 1024 576, I found, unless you are specifically aiming for a blatant pixel art look, lower resolutions on big HD TVs just look too pixelated and expose a lack of detail you don't notice on smaller HD screens.

    I found 1024 576 was a good compromise. It gives a sort of amiga500 higher res pixelart game look on big TVs.

  • Scirra

    Guys , just wondering why you merged my suggestion with the other 3D suggestion?

    One is asking for 3D backgrounds

    And mine is asking for the ability to display a 3D model like a 2D sprite.

    they are totally different ideas.

    This means only one of two things.

    Either someone at Scirra is not reading the suggestions properly or....

    That scirra is bunching all 3D related requests into one,

    because scirra is already considering going 3D?

    ( a "2D" fixed view plane 3D engine ? Would make sense...)

    I suppose u could be dumping all 3D related suggestions together in the same "will never see the light of day 3D suggestions" bin... but im going with one of the others.

  • Finally got to work on some game tonight after many days instead of just lurking around this forum at work. Took me an hour to remember what I was doing but I finally got these enemies to follow a path, then go into formation, then just sort of waver side to side Galaga style. Not that you would notice it with all the randomness going on. But its a small achievement for me. They are all just spawning in centre for now while I put together an editor that will allow me to script some nice enemy movements ...within a few weeks hopefully. (ignore all graphics, all just placeholder for now..background will eventually be 3d not sure about the flying girl im thinking i will go back to a spaceship but we'll see...obviously need to work on some propper bullet patterns and pickup much work and no time.....)

    any suggestions for gameplay ideas mechanics welcome, its surprising how dry one's imagination becomes as one get older..... or anyone knows anyone who likes drawing pixel art spaceships you know where to send them...


  • 3D Sprite Object - 2D Style Pixel Art or Cell Shaded Real Time Rendered 3D model sprites.

    I have stuck this request on the suggestions forum if anyone fancies voting

    Its a massive long shot. But it would be ace.

    I am not talking about a full 3D engine.   What I am talking about would be like a sprite object that you could drop into the game.  But instead of containing a 2D sprite it would contain a 3D model.

    However, for all purposes the game would treat it as 2D sprite with a 2D collision box.

    It would likely only need to be orthographic 3D  i.e. no perspective but maybe that could be an option.

    Instead of 2D animation frames you would have poses, rotations, model swaps.

    There would be basic lighting options.

    But the main thing is that there would be shader options to set pixel resolution with restricted colour palette, or a cell shaded option. This would be real time rendering in the style that you need.

    This is one of the big reasons companies use 3D engines for 2D games is the work involved in updating 2D pixel art animated sprites


    This guy is trying to do the pixel art thing here.


    But to have this a feature in Construct 3 as a plug in .... OMG

    the suggestion (same text)

  • Back button still kills the project without warning on Android. I'm assuming that will get fixed. Raising here as was raised in one of the previous posts in this thread.

    Back button should close the current open menu window / dialogue box, or if there are none open should give a close project warning.

    Also, sticking with android, it is mad annoying that the keyboard pops up every time I open a menu window as it blocks the selection. Leave the keyboard closed unless I deliberately select a text field

    I'd love to test more on Android but I keep pressing the damn back button.....

    Ps the preview button is currently 2 menus in from menu list. It should be directly under the menu list or even better on the main menu bar at the top. The preview button, for me, and I'm assuming most others, use is second only to save and so should have priority in the UI