NetOne's Forum Posts

  • Sorry i deleted my post cos i said you could disable vsync in chrome flags but when checked i couldn't see it, it used to be there but it has been removed.

    Yea i get you, i think the reasons you state maybe applied years ago for consoles when the hardware and performance was fixed.

    They days your game needs to run on different machines with different specs.

    weve already got a fix cap of 60hz on desktop. unless you are pushing really hard you are pretty much guaranteed 60. So you could go without dt and know what to expect. But i still wouldn't and def not for mobile where you dont know ancient devices and being used.

    If you really want to run stuff only 30 times a second you could control that easily in events.

    But Its not slowdown we have to worry about any more , it is speeding up.

    pc gaming is now gone 120hz + with 144hz monitors the norm now. Consoles look like they are following suit as are no longer hosting fixed specs. browsers will likely follow soon enough and release the frame cap as well due to gaming

    so to future proof your game you have to use dt.

    Also I see no reason to separate game logic from drawing as your canvas will only change once your logic is done so the ideal situation is to render at the end of every tick. any other frames rendered on top of this are just redrawing the same thing that hasn't changed yet. so you wont see it.

    I'm no expert tho, just my view....

  • newt

    The Construct Ai has become sentient and has trapped Tom at home "ill" while masquerading as digital Tom.

    This is how it starts....

  • Yes, other users also have issues with Surface Pro touch. Take a look at this topic:

    yea but i was wondering more with regard to touch rather than stylus

    and also I am trying to find out if this is specifically a surface pro thing ?

    or is it a general chrome on windows tablets thing?

    also if Scirra are aware

    maybe i will go down my local computer store and see if they have a non ms windows tablet on display that i can load c3 on.

  • Just a general question to scirra and a call out to other Windows tablet users.

    Question to Scirra Are you testing with any Windows tablets? because...

    right now C3 is totally unusable with touch on Surface Pro 4. Its impossible to scroll windows, the scroll bars do strange things, cant scroll event sheets without moving events, cant scroll or select things in the layout without everything going haywire. Plenty more but you get the idea. Swapping to mobile view makes things much better touch wise but comes with a host of other issues which i wont go into.

    im not sure this is down to scirra as i have found other touch issues with chrome on Surface pro im just stating and wondering what scirra think?

    Also, to other non surface pro windows tablet users...... are you finding such issues????

  • Try Construct 3

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  • eryson27

    Yeah I like it a lot. But that's mainly because i can do sketching, artwork, use C2, test the mobile games directly in preview, all on one device, without having to sit at a desk. I sit at a desk 8 hours per day at work, so it's nice to work on the sofa when I get back home :p


    Personally ,,, and I love my surface pro for all the reasons tunepunk says..... the stylus is totally awesome for drawing and taking notes..... and I love that the device is really powerfull but.....;. can be a pain using touch, and especially stylus, with C2 on the surface pro. there are loads of little quirks that make it tiresome after a while.. for me anyway. Also with regards to C3, chrome is not playing well with touch on windows / desktop, on surface devices anyway.

    however I do do exactly as you saying and set up the surface pro at my local quiet cafe while my kids are at gymnastics on Saturday mornings, but I do this with Bluetooth keyboard and mouse so you could just as well use a laptop of some kind anyway,

    what I am really thinking is that...

    C3 is starting to look very usable and robust on android chrome right now....

    .. and unless you are specifically looking for real stylus support then....

    (assuming web gl compatibility and performance) any half decent, large android tablet with C3 , or one of the transforming chromebooks, might be the best solution going forward

    (unless google fix touch on desktop/windows chrome which they dont seem to be in any rush to do)

  • It should show up if you swipe in from the left of the screen.

    yes I did swipe and you get animation properties......BUT

    heyyy..I found the secret.. have to double swipe...... fist swipe is animation properties ..... second swipe is colour....

    OK ...sort of nice design guys ... and I notice that there are 3rd and 4th swipes in some places.....

    but totally not need to put some UI indication that there is a second / third menu for second / thirds swipes etc

    actually I am thinking it should be context based when feasible eg if I am picking the fill or draw actions then the colour picker should come up on the first swipe.

    anyway whatever but there needs to be some indication that there is a second / third ... swipe menu,

    maybe even an indication that there is a first swipe menu also.... like a little arrow or tab blade on the side or something....

    I think going to claim >not dumb< on this occasion......

  • Im checking C3 on a Sony Z1 compact (with a 4.3 in screen)

    and a Moto G4 (with a 5.5 in screen) (i'm stating this as I thought it may be a screen size thing)

    and I cant find the colour picker in the sprite editor ?

    am I being a dumb ****

  • Cool ... looks 99% sorted in R37 ....

    One thumb development is almost a reality... !

    ...... except... the 1%......

    (as usual you are probably already way ahead of me but I will be a PITA and ask anyway...)

    If the back button could also close any open side swipe out menus as well... then that would be perfect.

  • Raised since beta day 1

    Makes C3 totally unviable on Android.

    Really basic thing.

    Thought this would be sorted by now....

  • Don't forget that surface book and surface pro (especially the i7 versions) have extremely aggressive power management when they are not plugged in.

    And they have even more aggressive power management when specifically in "power saver" mode (<15% battery?) (and for newer fanless models - if they hot). I've seen some tests where the i7 versions are continually throttled to <50% CPU capacity.

  • PrinceofMars

    I don’t mind having a look if you don’t mind sharing…

    I can promise non-disclosure (for what it is worth)

    but I can’t promise a quick response (very busy at work at the moment + family = have little time for anything, even my own project.)

    But yea, PM me if you like…

  • The manual does recommend not using "is equal to" for angles instead use "is within"

    Interestingly if you set the sprite angle to -180 it will be read as exactly 180

    Probably something with how angles are calculated in C2 and in computers in general.

    Interesting tho.....

  • Dude, Ive had a few more plays. and I think there is an issue with your player control. I've tried in both edge and chrome and your player ship is jumping / stepping in big jumps instead of moving smoothly while under control. Assuming this is not deliberate. It is like it is reading touch only every 0.3 seconds or fighting the input. Is it possible you have two sets of control active on the player ship at the same time??? Like a move to position is active at the same time as well as a drag and drop or something? Please dont take this the wrong way, its just that I love shmups and I think your game has the potential to be something special.

  • Just had a quick go at work.

    Couple of things

    I can use shield after I had died so shield is appearing without player sprite.

    The player is jumping on the edges when trying to keep in bounds

    (this is probably because your player control events are happening after your keep in bounds events. If you change the order around this should stop.)

    There is not enough feedback when I am hit.

    The primary fire sprites could do with a little beefing up graphics wise, just a little, they are hard to see against some of the backgrounds.

    The player hit box appears to be front weighted, (very accurate to the front of the ship but missing for much of the back of the sprite )

    normally for these types of games you want a hit box that is smaller (maybe half the size) of the player sprite and bang in the middle.

    I would dearly love to see the bosses animated….

    But , regardless, what you have achieved there is fantastic,

    I very much look forward to having a proper go when I get home...

  • Yes you can easily do this with C2. But sorry man , the only reason I can post on this forum is that I am at work and just keep the forum open while I do my real job work tasks.

    I can’t do any actual C2/C3 work at work.

    Once I leave work it is all kids and wife stuff.

    I can only use C2 on the weekends late at night.

    Maybe someone else will pitch in with an example

    but actually I don’t recommend looking at other projects if you want to seriously be a game dev and learn and be autonomous.

    The way I would work is to try different things and divide my learning into small mini projects eg,

    Learn to use family with IVs

    Learn to use z sorting with IVs or layers.

    Learn to use arrays / dictionaries

    Learn to compare variables and set win conditions.

    after a while with C2 (and same with unity and programing)

    you will realise that there is 10 different ways to achieve the same thing.

    and if you know the 10 different ways then you can decide yourself the best way for your unique game without listening to ideas from people who don’t really understand your vision.