NetOne's Forum Posts

  • Right so, I have been playing around with Visual Studio.

    It is truly a horrible piece of software

    I have been deploying in "debug" mode. This is clearly analysing all the script and performance frame to frame, and doing so causes the 10/15 fps.

    so then I tried deploy in "release" mode. this should give real performance results, Visual studio will not let me do this. it keeps throwing up errors saying I haven't specified the "remote" build machine when the xbox which it sees has been clearly selected in the config menu under release configuration. I got around this by specifying the ip address instead but then it starts the build but cannot complete the build because my "firewall may be blocking connections". I disable firewall. no change. This sort of stuff is beyond me.

    so I go back to debug mode, again no problems it sees the xbox but the dbug mode is clearly slow.

    so then I select performance profiler under debug mode this appears to be a debug mode but runs without the debuging data and instead gives a nice graph of performance.

    surprise - things are looking much better. now getting 30-40 FPS game is almost playable.

    so this is as far as I have got. but it makes me suspect that if I could get the release mode working things would be much better

    in fact what I really want to do is just build an uwp app and side load it without any visual studio intervention and just see how it plays.

    is this possible? nobody here deployed to xbox? anyone give any insight?


    Ashley understand you are busy with C3 but when you can could you guys put together a tutorial / guide for xbox deployment.

    PS small update ok I got the "release" deployment working by randomly selecting "x64 architecture" (FYI MS recommend any selecting "any CPU") so it had nothing to do with firewall. but no change in performance 30-40 fps.

    im going to leave it here for now and have slightly changed the title of the post to reflect these findings

    I would love someone who knows what they are doing with visual studio to pitch in.

  • Ashley I cannot find the xbox edge version , i looked through every menu but couldnt see it.

    glerikud I compiled the 3 construct 3 performance test demos. So you can compare your own results against Xbox uwp.

    For Xbox one s on uwp

    fill rate done at 376 sprites. (Vs 129 on my i5 surface pro)

    Bbox done at 1157 sprites. (Vs 25,654 on my i5 surface pro)

    Quad done at 3982 sprites (vs 94,209 in my i5 surface pro)

    As you can see the xbox graphics gpu fill rate is better ... Yea. Party.....(surface pro is integrated gfx so expected)

    But....... The other numbers are totally wtf. It looks like the xbox CPU is being nerfed into oblivion when using uwp.

    I made videos and can post if you like but it is just me launching remote machine debug from visual studio to Xbox one. Nothing to watch.

    However here is a video showing 60 FPS on surface pro vs <10fps on Xbox one uwp. ... p=drivesdk

    Note in visual studio I am selecting remote machine debug. Selecting universal platform under project config and putting in the xbox IP address , that is it.

    There seems to be a couple of posts on the unity forum detailing exactly the same 10 /15 fps with xbox uwp. one guy has profiles to indicate that only one cpu out of 8 is being used and that cpu is maxing at 10% capacity. There are no follow up solutions.

    Im sure im doing something wrong. maybe its because its debug mode so its slowing down visual studio pc side to analyse the code.? i fully admit i have no idea what i am doing so anyone who has deployed to xbox one????

    Ive been through all the instructions 10 times and from everything ive read there shouldn't be any such performance issues even with the uwp hardware restrictions.

    Theres even an ms page mentioning construct ... lanes-html

    Ill have another play tonight

  • All ok

  • Yea confirmed in C2 also.

    i tried with different collision boxes and origin points and snapping but no change

    I'm surprised its not been raised before.

    Make a small cp3 and put it on the construct 3 git hub issues section.

  • hi Ashley

    out of curiosity why are you interested in edge performance?

    does UWP run js through edge ?

    on my dev PC (surface pro i5 with integrated graphics) my game runs beautifully on edge, 60fps/20-40%cpu, butter smooth, feels even better than Chrome.

    so it must be down to some possible bad settings or a combination of the xbox UWP hardware restrictions and whatever way UWP handles the JS code.

    In the name of scientology I will try another test this weekend.

  • newt, behave... xbox one was going to be my path to glory,,, no more working for the man... beach side property... lambo on the drive... full entourage of ******* models catering to my every need..... then ..... 15 frames per second ..... god damn it...

  • So i have an xbox one lying around since Christmas not doing much. PS4 and PC are the current platforms of choice in my household.

    But anyway tonight thought i would sign up the £12 for a dev licence. Downloaded visual studio. Put the dev app on the xbox. Use the uwp export in construct 3. With not much faffing around got the game deployed to xbox one.

    All that beautiful gaming specific hardware gave me

    15 fps ????!!!!

    This is a game that funs 60 in i5 with integrated and runs 40-60 on most phones.....

    Is this the reality of uwp on xbox one ????

    Are there some settings im missing

    It says its running web gl

    But The cpu is going to 90%+ would normally be 20% on my pc and maybe 40% on phones so....


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  • woops

    ....I was trying to blow up the blocks by placing the barrels then using the "explosion button" wondering why it wasn't working.

    its possible that this needs to be clearer ..... maybe make it a clear bomb or stick of dynamite rather than an explosion decal and maybe make the barrel a create,

    ive grown up to expecting barrels to explode for some reason....

    its also possible that I was just being a total dumb *** though.....

  • Can i blow up blocks?

  • Very slick....

  • Just trying the Construct 3 Android build service (mainly to see how my in work touch control transfers to mobile)

    Note : It is exactly the same game as above (developing in Construct 2)

    but I just loaded into Construct 3 and changed the resolution to a more mobile friendly one

    built very quickly . uploaded and downloaded in about 2 minutes id say

    absolutely no issues.

    running on a Motorola G4 at around 40 fps .

    Note I am aiming for PC only currently so this is not optimised for mobile.

    It was just a test of the Construct 3 build service. (There is a lot of stuff I could get rid of to get back to 60 without compromising too much. I may do a mobile version in future) ... sp=sharing

    but yea, quite impressed.

  • The more time I spend in this game dev world the more I realise there is really no best way to do anything.

    As long as what you are doing is reasonably performant / effecient and it works then go with it.

    As well as layers or layouts you could also create/spawn the menu items when you need them then destroy when done. Or you could have them ready off screen then move into position as needed. You could do visible invisable with activated deactivated code. Or any or all of the above together .

    To add. The most important thing is whatever way you choose you should be comfortable with the method, and it should be as adaptable , changeable, and reusable as possible.

    I will close with the caveat that I've never made a full menu system yet so it is highly likely that I haven't a clue what I'm talking about.

  • Seizure inducing at best.

    Spinning white lines will make it even better! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

    Dude... please don't tell anyone but.. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed"> .... I love Fry Me Omelettes

    If my game can have half the polish, professionalism, fun, immersion and addiction of your game I will be very happy. really good job there...


    I know I said one a month but I started the editor in full effect and have spent almost the whole of the last day and a half on this (and some of it was sort of in place already) I think its pretty cool and probably wont have much time for the rest of the month so here you go.

    I don't know really what I am doing or where this is going.

    Or even if can handle this kind of complexity but I'm giving it a shot.

    essentially this is a screen that will allow me to populate the arrays that will be used by the game side of things.

    it is not really connected to the game or arrays yet but that is the plan.

    VIDEO LINK ... sp=sharing

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