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  • Hi newt ,

    That's not good.

    How does this happen?

    Is it because the companies hosting your game have been compromised or have shared your game without permission?

    Or is it possible to rip html games straight off rival host websites?

    or other....?

  • change or save ????

    you can use an array or a dictionary to store all instance variable(s) for all instances of sprite.

    for a array something like

    [quote:1hr9tnx2]+ System: For each Sprite order by 0 ascending

    -> Array: Set value at (0, LoopIndex) to Sprite.?myinstancevariable

    if you want to save like a game save

    set the array above to a local storage object in json format

    [quote:1hr9tnx2]+ Button: On clicked

    -> LocalStorage: Set item "Save" to Array.?AsJSON

    but if you are doing this save game file then construct 2 has a save game feature that saves the whole state of the game, no arrays needed

  • Ashley

    in C2 no tint was around 100 RGB and max 255 resulted in overexposure good for some effects

    in c3 the max tint 255 RGB basically is the same as the 100 tint in C2

    no possibility to over expose and only possible to have subtractive tinting

    is this intentional or is it a bug?

    some pic

  • >

    > > I'm sorry to say that NewGround Jam period is too short for a semester, and too early for the semester after summer vacation. Since you put the words so firmly like, me and my colleagues can see Scirra's determination clearly. We are sorry to say that we won't invest on C3 education programs, and we will help our customer schools to migrate to other 2D engines in order to avoid the termination of C2.

    > >


    > Older engines never had layers. They are just a convenience.

    > You can make 1000s of layers on one layer using the engine z stacking or even have your own dynamic z sorting in 2 events ....but I suppose you prefer to teach your students defeatism instead of ingenuity.


    Everything in the class is for convenient comparing using DirectX or OpenGL to make a game. Of course, I can teach student how to make a engine from a blank file, and compile it to get a native binary.

    Anyone with half a brain can learn Construct 2/3 basics in 1 hour by themselves


    [quote:31oc6y09]Of course, I can teach student how to make a engine from a blank file, and compile it to get a native binary

    Now that would be a class worth attending, even if it was simple pong or spinning box.....

  • Conditions are set on the left. (i.e when mouse clicked and variablex = 1) [note you can stack the conditions or even have sub conditions/sub events]

    Actions are on the right (i.w set the Boolean true or false)

    i dont think you can set a Boolean by expression in an action (you would do it in a separate condition)

    If you want set the variable directly in the action then use a normal variable, if it is to be a Boolean type just fill it with a 1 or a 0

    then you can evaluate something else to get the return value for the variable in the action.


    sorry i just read what I wrote and I cant even understand it.

    to simplify

    as far as i can see you cant set a Boolean with an expression in an action

    but you could set the conditions then just have another event that checks the conditions and sets the boolean

  • God dammit, my mom put so much toilet paper in the toilet that it didn't flush. Then even though the toilet bowl was full of water she pressed the flush again and the whole bathroom got flooded with bits of poo everywhere and water flooded down into the kitchen as well. I was having a good fking day up untill this....

  • Personally I would crack on with the game then if you start to hit GPU ceiling on your target devices maybe think about optimising these sort of things.

    Thing is that unless you are wanting to deploy to old mobiles or trying to render crazy amounts of sprites then most GPUs are so powerful these days that, especially with browser based games using webgl, you are more likely to hit CPU ceiling first.

    I'm no expert though.

  • I'm sorry to say that NewGround Jam period is too short for a semester, and too early for the semester after summer vacation. Since you put the words so firmly like, me and my colleagues can see Scirra's determination clearly. We are sorry to say that we won't invest on C3 education programs, and we will help our customer schools to migrate to other 2D engines in order to avoid the termination of C2.

    Older engines never had layers. They are just a convenience.

    You can make 1000s of layers on one layer using the engine z stacking or even have your own dynamic z sorting in 2 events ....but I suppose you prefer to teach your students defeatism instead of ingenuity.

  • unless things have changed then

    draw calls are per rectangle of repeated tiles

    [quote:277azksy]Therefore to optimise this, the Tilemap plugin searches the tilemap for areas of repeated tiles. It identifies the largest rectangles it can where the same tile is repeated, and remembers these. When it comes to be drawn, it draws the whole rectangles at a time rather than going tile-by-tile.

    So I suppose if your windows and walls are not at least partially using adjacent repeating tiles then it may not be the best option.

  • This guy has some serious cojones

  • Yea. Technically it is still beta so "features may be missing" and Im sure ive seen Ashley say somewhere the live plug in is pretty much done so I think it is coming together.

    To be honest I was surprised the UWP performance wasn't better but it wasn't atrocious I'm sure there are a lot of construct games that could work with it. I would very interested to see the performance boost enabled by signing up for the ID program. And This 128mb issue something that could probably be easily sorted. I'm so far away from anything like releasing on Xbox that I'm not to bothered though it is just interesting to tinker. (Wow I'm feeling positive today must be good coffee !) It sure would be nice to see Sombrero on live though. digitalsoapbox you'll have to be the trailblazer on this one... Trailblazer , now that's a blast from the past... I was pro skills at that back in the day....

  • thanks for the insight digitalsoapbox

    i dont get the 128 mb you are talking about,

    MS says that UWP has access to 1 gig when real world deployed in forground mode (450MB when in dev mode)

    Are you saying that we cant use more than 128 MB because construct games have to be able to handle a background mode and they cant?

    cant the games just quit if not running in foreground?

    [quote:362hjbtw]The maximum memory available to an app running in the foreground is 1 GB.

    The maximum memory available to an app running in the background is 128 MB.

    Share of 2-4 CPU cores depending on the number of apps and games running on the system.

    Share of 45% of the GPU depending on the number of apps and games running on the system.

    what I dont get is that with access to even these restricted specs and running through edge in UWP then most construct 2 / 3 games should kill it...

    but it seems they dont....... hmmmmm....



    dont you think it would be prudent to remove the "export to xbox one" claim in Construct 3 advertising until plugins and everything else is in place and xbox UWP performance is validated and any limitations can be stated in a caveat against an export to xbox claim?

  • ps: again

    right closed visual studio and just exploring went into dev home on the xbox one (this is not the dev area but a sort of pretend version of the real xbox home) and my game was sat there like a real game, clicked on it and it and it worked, so it had been "side loaded" by visual studio.

    and now that visual studio is closed and not trying to debug it all the time it is running much better

    I would say 40-50 FPS on average, a little janky and has some slow down but I am thinking this is pretty much real world performance of UWP on XBOX ONE

    so it is not as good as my surface pro in edge but I would say very usable for games with less going on.

    ill do some more tests and stick a vid but it will be a few days , should be spending the spare time on my game rather than this.....

    Note I deliberately put the flying logos in my game to push both the cpu and gpu a bit as my game is not complete.

    maybe I will take the glokar or kiwi story demos and see how they fair

    more ps:

    totally off topic and about 5 cans in. Scirra should develop a console that just runs chrome or the best browser links straight to a website with quality controlled html/js games . cos as far as I can see all these wrappers APK or UWP or whatever they are never as good as native browser performance. The browser is the true universal platform not UWP, its just that we haven't figured out how to really monetise it yet and that's why Construct 3 concept is really quite revolutionary and I am very interested to see how it evolves...