NetOne's Forum Posts

  • added another 2 to the list above

  • Added two more see list on first post

  • im a noob myself but

    For the sort of game you are doing (i.e. not a simple mobile game) ...

    as far as I can see, most of the successful amateur indies who turn out a professional game within 3 years (seems about the average development time) ,

    have at least 1x coder, 1x music / sound person, 1 or 2 x artists,

    of course it is possible to do everything your self but it is all about time and maybe more importantly, sustaining enthusiasm for a project over that time.

  • In case there are any other idiots like me out there. Heed this....

    I have literally spent 2 weeks trying to figure out why my game is broke and it is because....

    Global Variable = 0 (intending game to run nicely)

    Event 1

    If Global Variable = 0

    Then go run game from level 0 with start screen and start menu.

    Event 2

    If Global Variable = -1

    Then go run editor

    Event 3

    If Global Variable is not = 0

    or Global Variable is not = -1

    Then go run the game straight in at level (Global Variable 1) bypass all start screens and menus.

    If you haven't spotted the error by the time you are reading this then you are probably in the idiot camp with me.

    Actually it's pretty easy to spot when written like this. But when it is nestled in your event sheets with all the other code it looks so innocent and blameless I kept skimming over it.. for 2 whole weeks....

  • Smileh 2 free days a week ! What?!!!? no excuses then....

    If I had 2 free days a week I would have made the next big online hero shooter failure by now.

  • Top tip, get a different job that doesn't involve working 12 hour days. Otherwise you are going to be in the same position.

    As u appear to have some skills I might even suggest go on the rock and roll for a year and do this full time to get something finished.

  • Dont get me wrong, I love working in C3, (a lot more than I expected to be honest). But just some minor things that bug me now that I am using C3 for real.

    * It is annoying that groups/anything always open up after drag dropped or copy pasted

    * It would be good to have a full screen toggle on the top bar somewhere (maybe on the top right, seems to be a bit of dead space there next to the profile login), as it is uncommonly nice to work full screen with C3

    * The find/search box stays open on top of the events you are trying to look through. Would be better to have search box neatly integrated into the search results, at least when docked. Or hide the search box after results with a button somewhere on the results to open again.

    * Definitely need to see complete size of sprite font boxes in the editor , currently they are invisible (bar the default text)! maybe like semi transparent like when they are selected. eg vid

    * Always need a "sure you want to close" prompt if closing, even if just opened, recently saved / there are no changes. As it is quite easy to close browser or tab without thinking.

    * The open from browser lists projects in alphabetical order and it cannot be changed, it would be better if the default was by modified date time order and even better if option to change listing format

    added 07/12/2017

    * In many cases I can't use the expand/collapse black arrows when I hover over them because the curser is still in the resize column state. eg vid (update well that is interesting when review the video the curser is in a different place, (looks like it is in proper place in the video. but in reality it is over the black triangle) than when I am actually using and recording !!! WTF how does that work???!. So there is definitely an issue where the curser is not where it appears to be !!!) (Just for my own sanity ! this is real world real world

    * Load from json text fields , can be massive but are displayed in their entirety in the text field . didn't seem to have this issue in C2 if I recall the field just displayed a small bit of the first line of text I have solved by putting them within a blank sub event to collapse them but meh. also it scrolls to the centre when click on which is really annoying. eg video

    added 08/12/2017

    *Adding the family name onto the instance variables in the left properties box makes very hard to identify and read the variables, makes it cluttered and unnecessarily long, forces the text to wrap, forces the user to increase the window size to avoid the wrap, reducing main editor space. I get why you have done it because objects can belong to multiple families but it is kind of unnecessary, please consider removing this, or if it is a requested feature please put in a separate column right at the end after the variable value and allow us to set the column width for it.

    *In some cases changes to variables are not reflected in the editor action bars. but are there when action is opened

    see video

  • NetOne I don't wanna take any credit for this as it was R0J0hound who solved it.

    But the example is pretty cool. I'm still trying to figure out if there's any way to use it in practice in any projekt.

    Definitely you could use it. top of my list would be a very cool title screen!

    Second, for my own selfish, nefarious, shmuppy reasons. would be 3d enemy formations and also , with a bit of adaptation, proper full 3D creation and editing of 3D paths. currently im using 2D paths and varying z separately cos I cant visualize/edit 3D paths

    Sadly, I dont think I have the brain capacity to figure out how mr R0J0hound has done this. Also my game is currently totally broken from me just trying to implement a simple level system and this stuff is way beyond that. So, for now, I will accept my limitations, stand back, and just admire its awesomeness.

  • I don't think this is the place, but I dislike and am not interested in C3 because of the choice to make it only work in the browser instead of stand alone desktop application. Is that how it will remain or is there any plan to make a desktop version?

    i dont understand the hangups with the browser app.

    I fully admit i was a bit skeptical at first and yes there are still a few bugs / issues to iron out and im still a bit uncomfortable with the saving methods....but....

    .... overall, it works real nice, and compared to C2 , it looks better, feels better, scales better from screen to screen, is more responsive, quicker to load, ui is cleaner, you can go full screen and have events sheet really top to bottom of screen, works offline , will always be up to date on line, i can access it from pretty much any reasonably modern device from anywhere in the world ..... it also seamlessly transfers to a mobile touch interface to work beautifully on my android mobile phone wtf !!!!.....

    all of a sudden, downloading and installing an exe onto a windows OS feels archaic

  • R0J0hound


    Ive just seen this, I cant believe I missed this whole thread.

    You guys took this all the way....

    im looking over the events trying to figure out how and its making me feel very dumb....

  • Rest assured you can do it with just events and no custom plugins or JavaScript would be needed. There is a function object you need to add to your project in the same list as sprites and stuff.

    How hard can it be? There is nothing that construct lacks that makes it impossible.


    Here's an example made in a couple hours to give you ideas: ... .capx?dl=1

    Wow, so sweet man, always so enlightening to see the way you do things ..... that animated dude tho....... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> .....

  • I don't use C3. I actually want to get away from web technologies....

    Hey R0J0hound, this is unsettling news, am I reading this correctly?

    you wont be joining us on the C3 Mothership to Zion ?

  • Backtired

    sadly Im at work so I cant see R0J0hound example but Im sure its gonna be cool!

    but for sure there are functions (chunks of code that can be called from wherever),

    which I assume are similar to classes.

    my whole game is a ton of functions that call each other

    events/code can call functions

    functions can call functions,

    you can have iterative functions inside functions,

    you can have functions within the expressions of other functions

    and functions can pass and return values to each other and/or back to where they were called

    no excuses, get on with it......

  • Backtired

    Im making a (non bullet-hell) shmup myself but havent got to the bullets yet.

    However I've experimented enough to know that construct makes it about as easy as can be without doing it for you and that the possibilities are only limited by the time and effort you can afford to put in (as well as the performance of your target platform.)

    Just FYI most of the pro bullet hell shmups use a bullet scripting language called BulletML. (a BulletML plug in is available in the store). But you can probably do most, if not all, the same stuff with built in behaviors (and a bit of ingenuity). The really fancy native shmup engines draw the bullets off screen in a separate process and paste them all back as one single overlaying sprite for extreme performance. (However I have a suspision that the html canvas object kinda works like this also)

    There are definitely a few tutorials on you-tube showing you how to make bullet flowers in construct, once you understand that there should be no stopping you.


    Ive listed a few Construct 2/3 shmups here (I must update this list)

    but you can see the possibilities.

    Don'Yoku (on the list above) would be like something you are going for.

    although that is a proper pro endeavor probably not the best Idea to go straight for something like that if it is your first time. But hey, no-one is going to stop you!

    Good luck with your project it would be great to see some more shmuppage on here.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Are you talking about the first boss there?

    If yes then I dont think the balls are connected.

    It is just that the fire rate and speed is aligned with the refresh rate

    There is an illusion of being connected but im pretty sure it is actually a series single projectiles firing out.