NetOne's Forum Posts

  • I cant think what would make your tilemap blocky and your buttons crisp

    Maybe something to do with the filtering?

    check bi-linear vs tri-linear vs nearest in the advanced options.

  • oh cool, I get you , nice...



    tried it works real nice.

    it is awesome the way everything and anything now updates across functions when you change or add anything.

    very cool great new feature.

  • looks like the difference between Fullscreen Quality Setting High vs Low.

    In C2 you had it set to high (which gives you full res of your tilemaps)

    In C3 you have it set to Low (which renders at the Viewport Size specified) (and will be better performance if you have a low viewport resolution but will also be blocky)

    check your settings.

    edit (although the buttons look crisp in both so maybe not this)

    anyway yea just verify to your project settings are the same in both

  • OK submitted bug report

  • OK I think there is a bug where Previous versions of (New) Functions are still existing after being updated. This is why I am having difficulty seeing how to pass multiple parameters. Now there are multiple versions of changed functions with the same name.

    Not sure if this bug is covered by

    I cant raise a new bug right now as am at work with upload restrictions.


    ohh apparently I can upload to git hub from work :) (seems they dont block that site)

    one moment......

  • Hi thanks Ashley for the added explanation.

    re maps, I Ive got it now except how to pass multiple parameters.

    i can see from the advanced example that you are passing one parameter (from index 1)

    but how to pass more than 1?

  • That is great news about the possibilities with Chowdren and an awesome looking game to boot, I will definitely support on PS4 or XBone. Massive props to all involved! Well done.

  • ya happens a lot

    I think something to do with 1) changing run time or 2) updating version or maybe 3) some other change of project properties.

  • Yes Im still around. Haven't been here for ages haven't been working on my game either tut tut (work / life etc). So Im trying to catch up with all the news and I see this video about new functions!

    Then I hear Ashley say that the new functions are "3 times faster". and get excited as my game is pretty much a big mountain of the old fashioned functions.


    when would it be worth upgrading the old functions to new format where possible to take advantage of this performance boost?

    Eg, when you say 3 times faster,....

    is that

    3 times faster to call the function?

    (in which case I might consider upgrading ones that are called very often like every tick)

    or is that

    3 times faster overall eg to call the function, execute the events and provide any returns?

    (in which case I would definitely want to upgrade most functions especially the big ones)


  • I thought someone might find this interesting.

    Tonight I started modelling the main fighter ship in 3D in Catia. Im not going to spend too much time on this and it is the only thing that will get modeled like this.

    I need a 3D model to get the animation for the banking of the main ship in game. (I want it to rock slightly like you see in the old games. Also i assume it will make creating a close up shot of the ship for the title screen a bit easier. I have a plan to maybe fix the base model in catia then import somehow to zbrush core to add details. Im not promising anything amazing but just functional. It will be what it will be. It is stealth inspired but needs to have a big rotating gun hanging off the bottom to match the gameplay mechanic of shooting forwards and backwards. I will take a few screen shots through the process. Here are the fist shots

  • Yea but no but….

    1) General users are not aware of indexeddb

    2) Indexeddb also gets filled up with exports and other stuff

    3) It does not get deleted when deleting cache under advanced settings (which is as far as most users would venture and where most users assume all app data is stored)

    4) It can only be deleted under dev tools or reduced/deleted through features of the app that created it.

    5) It appears to have a max capacity of 16GB (I don’t know if this can be changed)

    6) There is no warning when it is full or near to full.

    7) When it is full it starts to cause storage issues with the app (and perhaps other areas of chrome) and gives cryptic messages with no indication of the issue.

    Yes maybe I just happened on it early due to the way I manage project saves but all regular Construct 3 users will likely come across this issue at some stage.

  • Just to follow. As I said I would.

    On surface pro 4 I5 8GB integrated gfx

    to cut a long story short as it looks like it is accepted and yes I have confirmed above.

    YES, 1000+ real events with actions fully expanded on one sheet causes lag of maybe .5 seconds opening events and maybe up to 1 second when moving bits of the editor.

    however collapsing them and only expanding and opening events per group then there is no lag.

    so it seems to be about expanded events.

    But, not to lecture anyone, but IMO 1000+ events is an insane amount of events to have un-grouped or on one 1 sheet un-grouped just from an organisational point of view. It must make it near impossible to navigate your project code efficiently.

    anyway regardless, from what Ashley said it looks like things will be getting even snappier with future updates of chrome so cool.

    (man I am so doing anything to avoid going back to my project from after Christmas.... need to get that discipline back)

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  • Hi Nepeo


    There should only ever have 1 autosave file per project as it overwrites previous versions when it autosaves

    So this may be of interest to you .... This is the way I work with construct 3

    1) I have auto backups set to "Save to Browser" at 10 minute intervals.

    This is the best way for the short interval backup IMO as it happens in the background so does not interfere with workflow and gives me the best peace of mind that if anything goes wrong in short term I have a very recent copy.

    2) Every , say 30-60 minutes, or after I have made a major change, then I will "Download a Copy"

    This is the best for regular saving as it puts a physical copy on my hard drive and due to the nature of "Download" always gives it a new sequential number ( i really love this aspect of using Download) so I am not overwriting any previous file. every save i make will automatically be its own file with a new number suffix.


    3) at the end of every session I save a copy to the cloud.

    When returning to my project I always use the latest sequentially numbered file in the Downloads folder

    This means that my project always has a new file name every time I open it.

    This is the filename used when Construct makes the automatic Backup to the Browser.

    (Note that I very rarely use the Browser Backups I am just happy knowing that they are there. And yes they have saved my life on a few occasions.)

    My project is currently running at about 180MB save

    AS the project filename is always different, every time I use Construct the auto backup adds another 180 MB to IndexedDB

    So not including anything else like exports etc, using construct 88 times will fill indexeddb >16GB (which appears to be max allowed by chrome)