naelian's Forum Posts

  • Yes, i just replace the previous releases of online project and capx with the new one (no interest to keep old releases online !) ... If you have already test a old release you perhaps have to refresh the app after loading to force update so you must have now 2 lines of text display like that :

    Normal mode : 88888 (no monospace use so a "1" not take the same width than a "8" ... this display so can be not good if the text is put on a bitmap to simulate a real object) ...

    Oldies mode : 88888 (monospace 'like' behaviour is force for numbers so it's possible to create special background effects (dim here) ... or use this font as a front display on a bitmap to simulate a real object. If you don't want the oldies (fade in/out) effect remove or disable the fade behaviour in the text object)

    Obviously it could me more simple to find and use a "real" monospace digital font ;-p ... i choose this one because pretty nice and this is the only one i have found using only the 7 standard segments for displaying numbers (0-9) ... but sure it's possible to find something better !.

    I have also in mind to put in this project a font for doing "subtitles" ... objective is the same as before so same display on every browser (no css webkit specific tag)... nice rather classic font with effects (light shadow + outline) to have a text always "readable" is all cases.


  • I've you try to create a first menu layout where to define your global variable currCheckpoint instead of doing that in the level layout ? seems that now restarting a level reinitialize the variable to currCheckpoint=1 if i understand your problem ... so perhaps declare this variable in a menu layout launch only when starting the game and not everytime you start your level solve the problem.

    It's just a idea ...which seems have sense ;-p

  • ok thanks Kyatric i've miss this syntax feature (with you i learn more every day ;-p)

  • Thanks aridale ... fear to speaking only to myself on this post ;-p

    I'm a full novice in comm features ... so "yes", i think there is several way to do the comm part and this is the hard part for me ! ;-p but the real challenge stay to find a good perf way to allow realtime control thru web ... so the technology choice is greatly link to perfs.

    Input data send by mobile is the main objective but it could be great also to have a way to display html5 game data on a mobile screen such as score, hit points ... and secret data that must not be see by others players ! ... so mobile can "assists" the main game as some display include now in keyboards.

    Perhaps this part (on local network first) is most easy too create ? sure it could interest many people ;-p

  • paf 56000 first try ... i discover this fun mikado game just now ! ... leaderboard is fast but seems in reverse order of scores ? ... quite strange ... but great game ! ... i need some of your secret !!! ??? i search a way to create a outline font like those you use since many weeks !

  • Well i discover Photon reading this post ... multiplayers/achievements/leaderBoards ... all that seems really interesting and 100 users at same time for free is a good price too ;-p

  • Lol the flying monkey ;-p ... sure the top 3 prices are really interesting !!! good idea this competition !

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    i think previously it vas something like that ...

    but in fact seems not ... more details please

    kittiewan you url link is bad

  • And what is the problem ? it's not clear ... i embelled complete C2 project into hta without problems so html too ... so please give more details

    <a href="http://path2html5project/index.html" target="_top"> ?

  • Yes it's totally true but i create a "oldies display mode" is the new capx to force a kind of "monospace" management for numbers ... this lack of monospace can also be a good thing ... it depends the way you want to use it.

    The "oldies display mode" give a dim/fade effect to numbers as in old arcade console and can also be use to simulate a computer generating a random number.

    *edit* new capx and online test uploaded ;-p

  • puoidirloatutti ... sorry man i think i've not understand well what you want !

    If you want to create a real wheel moving effect on something which is not "numbers" (simulating something fully mechanical) my work will not solve your problem and i suggested you searching "jackpot" (or something like that) in forum because i have already seen demo like that here ... the best is probably to create a new post for this new question too !

    I think this wheel is not very difficult to do but required a lot of time to be done (very high sprite or tiledbackground to simulate a "column" of objects and then a system to make it move with different speed on y axis.

    I'm working on the capx but to simulate and game generating a random "number" effect used in some old electronical games so it's not (i think) the same objective ;-(

  • don't forget to add naelian to your post ... thanks ;-p

    ok i will change my capx to do this and not simply add 1 ;-p

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  • Ok several problems in your code ...

    First, as in the example put the Touch object with property "input compatible mode to yes" ... so you can test your "touch" code using a mouse on pc ;-p

    Second one ... change all "left click" for "right click" and specially in the PC/Control section because touching the Thumbstick will now make you fire (when testing touch on a pc) if don't doing that ;-p ...

    Third ... remove all references to ("stick") so all Touch.X("Stick") => Touch.X and all Touch.Y("Stick") => Touch.Y ... why ? ... probably because you don't have a layer with name "stick" !

    ok ... i have testing this on a PC and now it works pressing "c" and using mouse as touch so it works also on mobile ... just something ... you could perhaps have some problem with the fire touch AND using touch stick at the same time (I don't think so but if so multitouch plugin exists ...) don't forget to add here a delay as for the click firing in pc mode !.

    last comment : please add arrows key support, space to fire and remove the "while" plugin from this project if don't using it ... you mobile support stay incomplete ... the mouse pos is use to rotate the turret on pc .... but on mobile ? ...

    Enjoy !

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  • first ? think it was xperia the first mobile to implemented webgl ... in a open way ... ;-p ... first phone sorry it's quite different ;-p