naelian's Forum Posts

  • Yes, i never have to change my code using firefox or chrome or IE ... so i really think only safari do this ;-p ... but perhaps others browsers don't evaluate the choose function for each instances using a global approach on the first tick ... so it's not at all a safari bug but a lack in others browsers ;-p. In fact is not really important so you could "zap", it's just for users don't loosing time if experimenting the same issue.

  • Ashley, choose is very powerful ... i use it in my Compan360 project to generate random messages but i have notice something strange with safari which is not really a bug but a different way to "choose". If i use 2 instances of a same text object (second instance to create a shadow of the first instance object so with the same text) and set text to the object globally using choose("1","2","3") in safari the 2 instances of the text object can take different values on the same tick ! ... so i must put the choose result in a variable first and then associate variable to text to force the same value. This behaviour seems really safari specific ... but perhaps there is a way to embelled this temporary var use in C2 to provide the same way to choose to every browser ?

  • 1?> It's easy if you use a global variable "toogle_bullet" the "toogle_bullet" value is global "for all" so the same for all "fish" ... but if using a instance variable "toogle_bullet" in sprite object "fish" ... each fish will have is own "toogle_bullet" variable so different values are managed ! ... i change the number type to boolean because "toogle_bullet" can only be true or false ;-p

    2?) Not so easy because more than one fish ;-p, ok i use a for each "fish" with no problem and it works ! ... using "else" here avoid to reverse the test so "if mouse on this fish do action ..." and after creating a else event = "and if not on this fish do action ... "

    3?) You can use the "distance" function to retrieve the distance beetween a fish X/Y pos and the mouse X/Y pos ... as 2?) there is more than one fish so function is a little bit more difficult and need a for each fish system ... ok as sample i change the speed of each fish depending on distance between "this" fish and the mouse ! so 200 if on this fish and 200-distance between this fish and the mouse if not ;-p ... in fact using this system there is no need at all testing if the mouse is on this fish ;-p

    so i let you made the "final" change like this

    For each fish -> fish set bullet speed to clamp(200 - distance(Mouse.X,Mouse.Y,Fish.X,Fish.Y), 50,200)

    "Clamp" is a method to force a value to a min/max value if lesser than and more than ... so here bullet speed can never be less than "50" and never be more than "200" ... if 200-distance is between 200 and 50 it will take this value...

    The new capx link => here

  • Impressive short feedback with different product tests ;-p ...

    thanks nemo for your teasing post ! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • Sorry for you cornfedgamer, good try but you have not created the most frustated game on the earth ! ... perhaps another time ;-p

  • Lol Joannesalfa ... i think ios lovers are all here waiting for news ! seems ludei team is testing ios 6 beta and give feedback soon ... really interesting to have "pro" feedback like this ;-p

  • Sorry it make me laugh ;-p

    Sure you will don't create cocoonjs if not thinking creating a better product that existing products ;-p ... i'm sure it's true too but it will be strange saying something else !

    Very good news about cloud ;-p ... i've not testing cocoonjs but the reactive way you participate to this forum make me already like it !

  • Many comments here are interesting (i've not read all of them !). Sure many people speaking here are really game lovers and it's good ;-p ... a game lover say GAMEPLAY before !!!!! in fact it's quite normal as poor gameplay games go too soon to trash to stay in memory ;-p

    Html5 games creation is quite different for classic games. When creating a classic game graphics are really the most important "first" for 90% of games ... and people waiting for a new game only seeing 3 screenshoots can't say it's not true !! .... so a game is unplayable in early state of creation unless using last computers on market and last high cost graphics cards and so on ... but as this game will be finished in 1 or 2 years ... sometimes more ... it should be will be very playable when published ;-p

    For a html5 game which can be created in a couple of days/months is really different. As acord say graphics are important to bring first interest in game ... but obviously a game which can make you spend hours and days in it can't be "only" a beautiful game and so for that gameplay is needed (not only fps but also game "thinking" for players pleasure when playing).

    So we have game thinking for looking pleasure and game thinking for playing pleasure ...

    Some games "creator" have made the choice to "sell" games with poor gameplay a so very short life but with very good graphics to bring interest until going to trash very soon ... for me it's more games sellers than games creators but it could work too as the players profile deeply change in a couple of years ... hard core gaming is quite over ... so quick played and dir... beautiful games ;-p can find players too ;-p

    The best stay graphics and gameplay, if not possible it is the way you want this game will be played and targetting players profile which help you to find the better choice.

  • Pretty interesting ... but if you are thinking about doing a tutorial i suppose there is no secret private code you want keep for your eyes only so please shared a little capx and sure some guys like me will spend time doing tests and try to find a answer ;-p

  • Well interesting ... this post is a requested feature in C2 and seems there is a specific section whith all requested features no ?

    It will be bad if good ideas are forgotten because not in the "correct" forum section ;-p

  • DoubleElite you have found something else ? ... my answer is good, not good ? and why ?

    Sorry but people requesting for help and forgetting they have do so ... it's really something i don't like at all ...

  • Good !

    Yes i understand the second option will be our choice ;-p and it's a good choice for a beginner.

    But when your game will be finished you will be a "pro" ;-p so try creating a second version using the first option ... sure it will be more interesting for players and give you a lot of way and new ideas to improve your game.

    Don't forget to give us a link to test your game when finished ok ?

    So waiting for you soon in "Your creations" part of the forum ;-p

  • ... Seems you are doing well ;-p

    your game

  • Outside your game window your are not in your game ... so mouse events are managed by os and not by your code. The best is not use the mouse to go in pause mode but a keyboard input for desktop computers.

  • delgado ... sure .... ;-p

    I'm really confused my post is not directcanvas specific as all answers i received could let think !. For me directcanvas is just a way to test a game using a more powerful engine and evaluate perfs gain ... so in this way it's interesting ... but after if players must have "app lab" or use a package version requiring licence / app store and so on ... i think is not actually for me.

    So i don't have answers about appmobi webapps publishing and differences with testing in local wifi mode for a C2 project ... but perhaps appmobi is never use by C2 devs or never use in this mode ? ;-p