naelian's Forum Posts

  • Well, you will always find here people ready to help you if you find just a little time to read answers and say "thanks" ;-p

    You can make games running everywhere but it's still a hard work to think and create a game which is running well everywhere. A mobile as not the same perfs than a computer, not the same screen size, no keyboard ...

    IOS is more specific problem ... you can create with C2 a game running in any browser so in safari and ios safari too and without any special cost but putting a game on app store require actually a apple dev licence which cost money. In fact creating a real ios game need in general using the native IOS engine giving more perfs than playing using safari ! ... and so in C2 a specific export toward another system giving more power and specific features for monetize your game.

    The evaluate version of C2 is here for you to pratice more C2, create your first game (perhaps putting it on scirra arcade) and understand limits and difficulty before creating a great/big game using a licence version which help greatly doing that.

    But i really think you must practice first before dreaming monetize your game ... and the best way is to create a first game only with the objective to create something playable.

  • Please put a link to your index.html for playing ... don't want to download capx for all the games/updates !!! (avoid spaces in names/folders in dropbox too)

    So i'm waiting for the "index.html" link of the return of super alien dolphin destroyer of the death revenge part II ;-p

  • I'm still waiting for appMobi users feedback.

    I have always this problem on Iphone using webapp export (i'm not registered as ios dev.) ... so a black bar appeared on the topmost part of the screen "cutting" graphic and text which are now out of screen in the bottom part. If someone have some tips ... the preview local wifi mode is correct in XDK appMobi choosing Iphone4 and also correct using App Lab on a Iphone4 ... so it's perhaps a problem link to new iphone specific tags add in Construct 2 ?

  • Compan360 v2.0c has been upload to dropbox since a few days !

    It's a update adding a little more new features.

    + Arrows keys can always be use but you can no use "WASD" (qwerty keyboard) or "ZQSD" (azerty keyboard) for moving. "Up" key press force zoom mode and "down" key press force unzoom mode.

    + When the mouse cursor is on then 25% most left part of the window a blue arrow is display pointing left because click here make you move left ... idem for right part.

    + When the mouse cursor is on the 20% most bottom part of the screen all comments are removed and autozoom on comments is disabled (idem if "touching" in this area on mobile).

    + When the mouse cursor is on the 20% most top part of the screen Compass and Map are removed (idem if "touching" in this area on mobile).

    ~ New Menu layer for future improvements coming soon such as the "discover" mode to discover the panorama automatically without doing nothing !

    ~ New tests actually done to create a specific mobile version using appMobi ... so perhaps the "Map" and the "autozoom on comments" features will be usable on this version if perfs are good ! (features disabled for mobile with actual version because creating great fps drop).

    Actually my appMobi tests are bad ... little improvements, many time spend and new bugs ... so i think is better to wait for cocoonjs to test a full features Compan360 for mobile.

    Sorry for this quite long comment for only little improvements ! ;-p

    PS : Scirra arcade version is still 2.0b


  • As say zsangerous there is really good things in new releases since the "stable" R90 so you will take no risk if saving a project in r90 and make a copy of this project for use with the last release and test it. Perhaps just looking at new features of this new versions since R90 can give you more ideas to how make your game better and decide you to install it ? ... probably some improved tests (checklist) are done to avoid bugs or incompatibility than could appeared with new features in a stable release but unstable are really usable too.

  • Yes it's difficult to make a rpg ... yes it takes many time ... a 2D puzzle game stay a 2D puzzle game ... it could be interesting and easy to create too with a good concept ... translate in different languages changing 10 lines of text ... but it's more difficult to interest a player with the same used 10000 times rpg rules and 2D sprites when this same player played wow / skyrim etc ...

    Yes difficult but not impossible ! ... real players like games for games and a very good old rpg can stay interesting ! i like this kind of game !

    In fact why i come to C2 ? why i come to html5 ? it's when i see this =>



  • It's perhaps a little bit more difficult ... do you really want to add coins every 10 secs or add for example 1 coin for 1 house 10 seconds after "this" house have been built and then 10 seconds after etc ... ?

    In this last case seems the better way is to use instance variables for objet "house" and "flat" and use this instance variables as timers for each element built ...

    I saw a recent post about someone requesting help to make ennemy fire X seconds after "spawn" and not all at the same time and seems someone give him a good commented answer ... 10 seconds i'm searching ;-p

    Found ! answer comes from "R0J0hound"

    Consider rhouse and rflat as sprite objects ... (in fact here "rhouse=realhouse") you have many instances of rhouse built and many instances of rflat too ... each objet have a instance variable called "timer" set to 10 by default (10 seconds) .... also a global variable "coins" to count "coins" ;-p

    on every tick

    --- For each rhouse

    -------- rhouse : timer > 0

    ----------- rhouse : Subtract dt from timer

    -------- rhouse : timer <= 0

    ------------ add 1 to coins

    -------------rhouse : Set timer to 10

    --- For each rflat

    -------- rflat : timer > 0

    ----------- rflat : Subtract dt from timer

    -------- rflat : timer <= 0

    ------------ add 10 to coin

    -------------rflat : Set timer to 10

    and so on for each type of built element ...

    C2 is very powerful ! ... you can also create a instance variable to manage delay after which a element begin to get old and make earn less coin or will be destroyed !

    But perhaps the more interesting feature is that rhouse timer and rflat timer can to set to different values ...


    But if you only wanted a simple 10 seconds timer for all elements managed with the same is simply

    --- Every 10 seconds

    ------- system : add houses + (flats*10) to coins

    (where houses flats and coins are global variables)

    simply add "+ (numberofnewconstructtype * newconstructtypegivehowmanycoineach10)" for each type of construct you will have to this formula


    Don't be afraid by number of events spend to release the heart of your game ... because this part will make your game interesting or not .... your don't have to repeat "on every tick" or "on every 10 seconds" each time spending 1 event for nothing, try grouping events using the same condition.

    Good sim city like project ! ;-p

    ENjoy !

  • Yes thanks "everybody" sorry i'm a lout ! ... i'm really confused if someone put himself into trouble when wanted to help me ... it was inappropriate but done in "good spirit" (closed).

  • It can probably be done using a "advanced" lerp function depending if you want a regular increase or not ... using lerp the problem is the third parameter and math is my nemesis so ... i let "expert" give you a more complete answer ! ... it can perhaps be done using a "sin" too

    A very interesting post (not as mine ;-p) about this kind of effects


    thanks for this very interesting post !

    Perhaps something more simple ... if you add dt to a variable every tick, it adds 1 to this variable every second so consider "x" = "targetvalue-value" must be reach in 6 seconds perhaps :

    every tick :

    value = value + dt * (x/6) ?

  • I think you can consider after a week there is perhaps a problem ... i don't know average waiting time before approval ... when you will receive a email saying you that your game or update is approved ... your new game or release is "up" ;-p

  • Thanks ludei and sorry again to ask this cocoonjs question here ... perhaps i will ask now a few more questions about ios/cocoonjs on ludei forum !

    ... thanks to all men that wanted to help me too ... <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • yeti Kart Racer, of course mister YKR ! ;-p ... i just make this answer because many players speaking about mouse control ask for full control features (such as center mouse in window or/and move it by code to avoid that the mouse cursor leave the gaming area) ... here the mouse control is very limited and only in "game area" window and so ...

    ... to control the mouse cursor display on all the screen area you must put your game in fullscreen mode ...

    For old players like me playing "in window mode" and doing others tasks when playing it's a heretic behaviour ! ;-p ... a game must put you in another world and make you forget you are playing on a computer/browser Grrrr !


  • Yes but notice if doing so that this cursor is not display only if the mouse stay in the window project area .... so if going "out" the cursor is display again and disappear if going again "in" project area ... no way to change this last behaviour in C2.

  • Sure Ashley so many things to do ! ;-p ... please users i need your experiment feedback in prioriry about appmobi ... no need to make Ashley spend is precious time in this post but if someone can give me a quick and dirty tutorial explaining the appMobi distributed webapp (.zip) publishing and use and differences with test mode if so ? ;-p

  • I hope so ... i don't have android device and i don't have mac ... so i'm waiting for the cocoonjs launcher in appstore to test it ...

    edit (good news Ashley ;-p)