naelian's Forum Posts

  • the testroom.capx don't work without changes in preview mode. It's possible to make it work since R92 in preview mode using the new import feature (look some post above).

    Do this changes in C2 R92 or R93 :

    Put all files in "/copperlichtdata" into project using "files" import feature (R92+)"

    Change the load scene function parameters and use "/nameofscene.cbbjs" or "./nameofscene.cbbjs" ... (sorry i don't remember the exact scene name) and this should work if plugin installed and webgl browser use of course !.

    But exporting in R93 have broken my project which now work "only" in preview mode ! ... so if you are trying to test Juantar testroom after export it will probably don't work as mine.

  • Seems really simple to make this game work on mobile. You can consider using only the "touch" command (in mouse compatible mode) to provide mouse and touch working at the same time so a easy way to test every device !. I try it on iphone ... impossible to play (probably no "touch" use) and the screen mode use seems not the best for a iphone4 but this test give me a good feeling when i look you start screen in retina display mode and no bars ... could be great. Look perhaps toward "1112" game which is like your game and really good, can give your more ideas. Perhaps avoid to display "next" in the button a simple arrow seems enough (think early about future translations ...)

    Good work !

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  • Kyatric, so you think like me ! ... and it's because scirra arcade is not the only way to publish a game that it's important to improve it to avoid a "desert land" effect. Find great games/demos using last features in scirra arcade is the better way to make scirra advertisement !

    PS : Good news for all, seems many games/update waiting to be accepted in scirra arcade are now "up" !

  • Thanks Ashley about these news of soon improvements ;-p

    Yes alert me about perfs drop using more points but my jigsaw puzzle app need these points to be playable ... using good browsers i don't notice important perfs drop in my case ... but it's a puzzle game sure an arcade game it's another thing.

  • ... Ok thanks for this info but don't really see a real relation ...

    i'm not speaking about perfs ...

    i'm not speaking about 400 collision points ...

    just something better than guess 8 points when a shape need minimum twice points to have some shape compliant management in drag & drop features.

    So here the problem is no perfs but time loose correcting bad points and adding others ... this points are sometimes needed to provide a good game experiment for players using drag & drop features so have a way asking C2 guessing more points when needed will be good (guess standard shape polygon (-> 12 pts) / guess special shape polygon -> 36 pts for example).

  • whilelist ? do you change the files inside the zip file before upload ?

  • No need to be update playtomic plugin because it works ! (ok not really simple to use) ... sure it don't provide all playtomic features but leaderboard management is enough for me.

    The plugin is not slow, playtomic servers are a quite long to registered scores (several minutes) but no need waiting ! ... put actual player score in the list display on screen testing scores and this problem is no more a problem.

    You can also find a example from dysotek in a test version of his C2 game "Super Frenzy Ball" ...

    It could be good to have others system like this one for scores but not only ... games use achievements now and this is not managed by playtomic.

    Seems there is "tapjs" which can be use for that ... we needed someone doing a C2 plugin using it !

  • Hello Dysotek ;-p ... your leaderboard test works fine the first time i play ... after this first game others (without reloading the game) make scores display don't work. It's difficult to say if score post work the first time just because i'm really bad at your game and so with little time it's difficult to make a score that allowed me to be in first page of the scores list !

    A++ friend


  • You can find a playtomic plugin doing that in C2 ... seems not working well with IE but good with google chrome and firefox. My game "Unsersea Challenge" use it (forum construct 2 -> "your creations") for the plugin search playtomic in forum.

  • Not sure that "rotate" is really what you have done with your joystick sprite ... doing a circle like move changing X/Y is not rotate ... there is no rotate "left" in C2 but a rotate "counterclockwise" ... so pointing down make turn toward "->" when counterclockwise and "<-" if pointing up ! ... if a perfect circle is rotate there is no visible change on screen this is like turning a button. So perhaps you succeed making angle of player sprite the same as joystick sprite but is just that joystick sprite angle don't change.

    Draw a little arrow pointing right on your joystick sprite ... if this arrow always pointing right when "rotate" ... it's not "rotate" and so angle don't change !

    Conclusion : use "joystick : set angle toward position(Mouse.X,Mouse.Y)" to make joystick "looking" the mouse and then give to the player the same angle "player : set angle joystick.angle". Be sure before testing having both the joystick and the player pointing right when having angle property set to 0 (draw a "->" before on them if needed).

  • origin and image points of a sprite frame can be propagate to all others frames in the same animation using apply to whole animation ... so ok perhaps with 20 animations who have to do the job 20 times but the needed propagate feature already exists !

    About editor sure it will be more easy to have paint features in C2 but i consider that dev priority must stay in features that can't be done by others programs. Of course if someone find a way to include a basic paint tool in C2 with a plugin that could be very interesting !

    I have another requested feature about sprites ... just have a way to give the number of polygons "points" to use in the "guess polygon shape" function ... standard settings seems really be good for squares or really simple shapes ... but have to create 20-30 collision points for 100 sprites with different shapes stay really a very hard work.

    As a image is always better than speaking ...

    Standard "guess polygon shape" function (up) (a 5 years baby could "guess" better)

    The work that must de done after (down) ...

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • You can try using coppercube/copperlicht for 3D things ... i use 3D copperlicht plugin from Juantar in Construct 2 but it's a beta release with big limits as many work is done using a few copperlicht translate functions or in coppercube project file. It's also need a webgl compliant browser to work.

    Just search "copperlicht" in forum and you will find Juantar and my examples.

    But if you search a one package 3D game oriented product look perhaps toward "unity".

  • Not possible unless using special things for every browser depending on them ... scripts/applets etc ..

    So consider that :

    1?/ you can't move the mouse by code

    2?/ you can't managed effect with mouse (cursor and good X/Y pos) if out of game area

    If you want to use mouse as a gamepad you can try using "touch" (in mouse mode) on a game area objet where "mouse" management is required but also the problem is that "click/touch" is needed to have data ... the good thing is that make your game "touch" compliant for "mobiles".

  • I works ... but as sprite2 and 3 are tied to sprite.angle/2 (so same value for each) ... sprite begins to move sooner but sprite3 take the same angle/2 a little time after ... when sprite2 stop taking sprite.angle/2 sprite3 continue a little time to move so it works but you must really move slowly to seen any difference as angle range is short between Sprites are allowed moving and not.

    THINK i have understand what you want to do (but i'm not sure)!

    Try this : replace sprite2.angle formula by sprite2.rotate dt*100 clockwise and the same for sprite3 ! and then change in formulas *100 by other values depending on turn speed wanted. At last, use a variable to see if sprite.angle change when moving mouse and how ... and adjust conditions to only rotate spr2 and spr3 when spr.angle change and in "range" of angles.

  • I'm sure that something will be done with time Kyatric ... just find this time long. A 2 guys society can't do the work of 10 ... so i think that sometimes some quick answers must be found to problems without remake the world.