naelian's Forum Posts

  • Everything is possible ;-( ... many times some differences have been found between 32 bits and 64 bits C2 releases ... so perhaps the generated code can be slighly different and generate this kind of problem ;-( ... so you need to test this game on a 32 bits os too ... or find someone which can do it to be sure this is a C2 problem.

    Firefox 13.0.1 same problem ... ok it's obviously something new in C2 or in code ... before this release i have just a problem using shift or R not working "alone" but "shift+R" reloaded ammo very well ! ;-p

    I look at the video and it's very interesting to see some differences ... the font use to display text on top left is not a web font but a local font on your pc which is not standard ("Arial" is standard and work everywhere WINDOWS/MAC OS/IOS/ANDROID/LINUX) ... so some users only having this font install on they own pc have the same display as you ... for me it's something like "Times" which is used !

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  • Thanks to answer my question ... reload group is grayed so disabled ... have you some code to activated this group in your program ?

    There is no bad os no bad browsers ;-p ... only programmers never wanted to change the code to adapt behaviours ;-)

    I never have any problem with all my games such as compan360 using all that ... so i'm a genius ? ;-p

    Are you using C2 R95 too ? ... this could explain the problem if not ...

    In my case i never use the "group" system so i don't know if there is some bugs !

    I don't use "Group" for a very simple reason ... 1 group = 1 event even if unused ... free edition is limit to 100 events by program ... so as creating a object instance variable isn't a event ... i can do a MyObject.reload = true test which is doing exactly the same thing that using a "Reload" group ! ... and saving sometimes events #

  • I'm on vista 32 bits, construct 2 R95 32 bits free edition ... i already give you my browser ... I'm sure your "reload" group is disabled at start (your screenshoot show his name in gray) ... so perhaps you have somewhere a code to activate this group "reload" ... but for me this group is never activated so can't work .... all other keyboard events work fine so it is a group "reload" specific problem ...

    I have firefox too so i will test beta 6 with it and give you the result

  • Test the beta 6 ... same problem don't working ;-(

    i have a stupid question ... you test your program using what kind of browser ? what is your os ? ...

    Have you ckeck if the group "reload" grouping this 2 events is activated ... it's grayed on your screenshoot so disabled ! ... never working ! you don't test your code on your own computer man !

  • LOL what a waste of time in copy/paste and increasing event # for nothing !

    never use "pressed" but use "down" with keyboard events because pressed only work when you press and release the button so it's not good if you check keyboard events "on every tick" ! ...

    so do this :

    (first event :) keyboard : Shift is down

    (second event just under the first) keyboard : R is down

    Then select the 2 events clicking on the keyboard column on the left (put all that column for the 2 events with yellow background) ... after that click right, and check Make "or" block in the list) and the "or" statement" will be automatically put between all events selected before !

    • After that put your action only one time on the right part ! so no copy/paste needed for each button managed doing the same action.
  • I use last stable chrome or sometimes the beta canary chrome version to look if "fps" is improved ;-p ... i don't understand at all how it could work with you if not using a "or" between the two events !

    for example to move left the good syntax is :

    Keyboard | left arrow is down .....   (DO ACTION MOVE LEFT)


    Keyboard | Q is down (fr keyboard)


    Keyboard | A is down (us/en keyboard)

  • hummm sorry but it seems that for me "shift" will have never work alone but perhaps it's because it will take some time to reload ammo .... so i try always "shift" and if i don't see any action i try "shift+R" just after ;-p... can you verify you put a "or" statement between the 2 events ? ... in fact actually no way to reload ammo in your last release so there is a big problem with this feature ...

  • No problem ... but you have change the tutorial to improved it so we don't know anything about your new code ... share your capx using dropbox or another hosting site and give us a link to this capx and we could help you.

  • sorry i 've answered but the way scirra disconnect users from this forum is very frustrating because we always loose all text we have written !

    So again considering "player" is the player sprite ...

    1?) in the layer select the player sprite (left click) and (then right click) -> Z-order move to top of layer ...

    2?) in code "player : move to top of layer"

    You should have to use 2?) if the tree is a object create by code in this layer or move to this layer using code because doing that it is always display in front of all others existing objects in this layer.

  • lol sure arrow keys are not a problem ;-p and it's also a good way to help people using mouse with left hand because on the right side of the keyboard ...

    English keyboard is "qwerty" so you use "WASD"

    French Keyboard is "azerty" so we use "ZQSD"

    In all my game i put support of this 2 keyboards settings so "W/Z" must have the same behaviour and "A/Q" too.

    But why "shift+R" ? why not only "shift" or "R" or "space" it's more simple and your game is not a "ARMA 2" with 250 keyboard shorcuts so it's possible to don't have to use 2 keys for reloading ! ;-p

    Thinking about people using arrow keys with right hand and mouse with left they can't reach some keys to do some actions ... so having a way to reload with mouse is good (for example using the mouse wheel)

  • No more reload on Shift+R bug ? ;-( ... ... auto reloading 1 ammo when firing "without ammo" could be cool. Finding ammo in the game could be cool too in future releases (no unlimited ammo in this case) ... good too have now ammo # more visible ;-p ... no more comment about pixel art i think we could never be on the same "wave" about that but it's your game ;-p

    Try thinking a different keyboard mapping ... "," ... "shift-R" ... obviously it's not simple to use these keys ;-( ... (i'm on a french keyboard so it's worse !)

    Last thing ... zombies are slow ... but jumping over them is not so easy when a box is over ... so if player is not reaching the top of the box is killed after several bumps on the zombies head/helmet ... it's very frustating ... could you consider that touching zombies helmet don't do damage or force zombies to knee and after, bump the player so it will be possible to avoid be killed.

    Never look at fps before ... 120 fps on my pc !, it's good ! ... ;-p


  • Looking at this result (previous post) it's possible to have only one sprite object with 100% size cards (as for a animation) and just create instances of this object to have different pos and size and with instances overlapping each others but you must change the size and position of each instances and also change the frame each time a instance is lesser then 10% size to make it go to the other side of this animated view ! So you are doing yourself the animation and must managed the speed with code.

    For me this the better way to do that ;-p

    Creating 3 wheels required :

    1 sprite object with all cards + 5 instances if this object for each wheel (15) ... it's "light".

    By moving instances the result is smooth, by changing size depending on distance between instance and centered pos the animation effect better than using a auto animated sprite.

  • kittiewan, yes it was my first idea to do something like that but sure it will be better if using a sprite for each card to improve the wheel effect changing the size of the card/sprite depending on distance between this card and the center pos like this :














    For me the best display (without using 3D plugin) will be provide by a view displaying more than one card on each view "frame" and using X axis because a card is highter than wide so better effect using smaller area.

    view 1 :           


    20% C1 + 60% C2 + 1[0]0% C3 + 60% C4 + 20% C5

    view 2 : if moving <-

    " " + 40% C2 + 80% C3 [+] 80% C4 + 40% C5 + " "

    where "[]" is the centered pos .. "x% Cy" the x% size for the y card

    For better effect the more centered cards are on top, all cards partially overlap each others (except for 80% size).

    so it's not finished i will create another post !!!!

  • And new update again ! ;-p ...

    General :

    • The same generated number is now use in all mode to better see the differences using each display mode.
    • Cleaner code removing unused things.

    Oldies mode :

    • This mode use now red color such as in some old clocks or slot machines (@puoidirloatutti <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />)
    • the ":" text is display now using a clock like second 'tick' each time a new number is generated (so here every 0.25 secs)
    • First "0" are not display too and # of digits can be change in program code.
    • (*edit add*) the "Oldies"/"mode" text is also display now using 2 levels of display brightness such as Alarm clock of special text like "WIN !" on slot machines.

    ENjoy !

  • No it can be use for every kind of object so you can use a "choose" to randomly change some text but also to randomly change "all" kind of "open" value. if use on a global object having several instances ... all instances get a different value with a only one command.

    Yes i think i understand your problem ... you can't put a command in the default text property of a text objet ... which only accept standard text ... it's the same for all object in Construct 2 ... so you must override all default "bad" values when your program start using the system "start of layout" event :

    System => Start of Layout

        mytext: set text to choose("One", "Two", "Four", "Five")

        mynumvariable : set value to choose(1,2,4,5)