naelian's Forum Posts

  • Check if uncompressing the .7z file (install the "7zip" program to do so because it's not a standard format as .zip) create a folder into folder ... so if you get a /rex_pause_dt/rex_pause_dt/(files) only copy the "last" rex_pause_dt folder containing "files" into the behaviour folder.

    In editor because it's a behavior and not an object ... add the pause behavior to an object and then retrieve pause actions events and conditions using this object.

    This plugin is interesting to specifying some objects/or instances of an object that need to be paused and not. But if you need to put all your game in pause the standard command System.timescale set to 0 (paused) or 1 (running) do the job.

  • Thanks Ramones this is THE answer ! ... can i call you "Master" ? <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Doing so 107 is still triggered 26 times but with no more lags ... perhaps merging this "Default" animation + my code will provided even better speed because 107 will be triggered only once ! ... *need to be tested* !

  • It's not no instance is returned but many instances are returned if overlapped, use a "for each button" in a sub event after the "on touched Button" to retrieve each instance of Button touched

    So your code is not working when is no a unique answer.

    Can't be seen and can't be touched is different, blind people see nothing but can touch many things ! ... so all your visible tests do nothing but you can add a condition "Button is on layer" with the "for each button" to retrieve only all touched buttons on a specific layer and in your case and because you have only one button on each layer you will get a unique answer.

  • It's perhaps not really a R141 bug but a new different behaviour in "on animation finished" creating a lag bug in your game (impressive game) ... clean code with checking variables still the best way to avoid unwanted results in time.

    Scirra team will probably explain us asap if there is really a bug or not, but sure my coding avoid it ;p

  • event 108 is good, event 107 is probably not good now because "on animation" finished retrieve pillars one by one and not all instances.

    change 107 like this this :

    (If) On animation "pulse" finished and VisualFeedback not = -1

    (Do) => set VisualFeedback to -1

    (add a new event)

    (If) VisualFeedback = -1

    (Do) => set VisualFeedback to -2 and (all your set animation to "default")

    As all "default" animation will send at the same time the problem will be solved.

  • *I remove all refs to another bug link to force close a node webkit window because now solved*

    Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a simple project requesting fullscreen

    2. Debug the project using node webkit as debugger

    Observed result: error msg (because of browser fullscreen resquest in code)

    Expected result: no error

    Browsers affected: node webkit in debug mode

    Operating system & service pack: Windows 7 64b SP1

    Construct 2 version: R141, R142, R143

  • Try Construct 3

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  • *tips*

    Yes it's possible to edit the package.json to launch nw with fullscreen or kiosk mode set to "true" ... but in this case the project is launch with a fullscreen WHITE window and seems also spend time doing this.

    It's far better to use the C2 specific "loader" system and request a fullscreen at start using a empty "black" layer and then "go to" your layout when the loader system is completed (this should be instant unless in preview mode).

  • Should be nice to provide a way to retrieve any parameters following a "nw.exe" using the node webkit plugin.

    Example : Renaming a "nw.exe" into "nw.scr" is working fine to create a Construct 2/Node webkit windows screensaver but i don't find any C2 way to retrieve parameters send by windows to change my project behaviour and make it more compliant with standard screensavers management.

    Note : The new node webkit 0.7.0 release seems provide new ways to retrieve this parameters but this version is also full of bugs so it's perhaps better to wait for 0.7.1 ;p

  • Hi everybody !

    A year later ...

    Sorry about the previous link but the "playtomic" plugin used to manage scores is no more working and make the game hang using it, so i will try to create a new version using the "new" plugin, stay tune !

  • Thanks James kalin, i no longer "play" with contruct 2 but i will try to find my old code to give you some hints ... but the most difficult is to find a flat 360? panoramic bitmap !

  • You must put the "copperlicht3D" extracted plugin folder in the C2 sub folders like this : "Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins\copperlicht3d".

    "Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins\copperlicht3D\common.js"

    "Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins\copperlicht3D\copperlicht.js"

    "Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins\copperlicht3D\edittime.js"

    "Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins\copperlicht3D\PluginIcon.ico"

    "Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins\copperlicht3D\runtime.js"

    All new objects plugins worked like that ;-p

  • Ashley ... i've try this new feature but seems not working at all !

    , Using AppMobi export directcanvas + fullscreen scale mode the status bar stay here on XDK, trying "test anywhere" the status bar stay here on App Lab ... if this bar is hidden please tell us in which mode ? ... need more details ...

  • Thanks for this update, more and more people do the job to make games use french keyboard too, so i'm really happy ! ;-p

  • I think a game with big animated sprites ... perhaps try first a little game with a 16 px x 16 px player sprite and a single tiledbackground ... and if all that is working well increase quality by little step and add parallax effect and all special effect after that. Read all tips on forum to improve fps on ios mobile is important too. If working like that is more easy to find why something is not working properly and everytime you get some lags after adding something new trying another method to solve only one problem at a time.

    Making a mobile game is a war because after adding a single sprite object or using a bad method to do something you can have huge fps drop.

  • i test that on iphone 4/ios 5.1.1 and give you my feedback ! what is you ios version ?

    Ok i try to use it ... and it's really unplayable and with big issues.

    I not sure this kind of game can be good on a iphone using ios browser because it's too slow for that.

    It's never good to make a game for a desktop browser and then try to move it on mobile ... so don't focus on mobile i'm sure you will loose too many time to have something never really playable.