Mystwalker's Forum Posts

  • you should add another little "sensor" sprite (without physics behaviour this time) attachet to the bottom of your main character sprite, then check for "onOverlapping" between sensor and the ground/objects

    Yeah I guess so. -__- I was trying to avoid this scenario, but I guess it's the only work around. I still wonder why this is happening though.

    Thanks a lot. :)

  • That's a known problem in JS input. Hope it gets fixed soon. It wasn't made for games in the first place... :(

    Seriously? If it was made for games then why... ?..?

  • I am trying to make a test of a platformer with physics. However I am having trouble getting the character to jump. It jumps okay when no conditions are imposed, only the "press button" one. But I need to stop the character from jumping in air. I thought I would do this by checking if it's in contact with the "ground" and if so, let it jump, however I am using the "overlap" condition to check this, which for some reason it's not working. The player it's clearly overlapping the ground, C2 for some reason does not think so. I thought I would then use "on collision" instead, but the problem persists. Is this a problem with physics?

    Also, why can't I invert "On collision"?

    • Post link icon

    I think C2 it's VERY affordable right now. It was very nice of the guys here to make the early adopter promotion. Now it's the best way to get it. I understand that in some places $32 might be steep, but you can't really find anything similar to C2 cheaper and C2 will only get more expensive later. So do the math.

    About MMF2, MMF2 it's inferior to C2 for game making. The only thing it has on it the EXE export and a few other exporters. But these will come in the future. I have faith that C2 will have many exporters.

  • Yep, that would be nice.

    And also, being able to change the size, the color, etc... of a text through Actions.

    I don't think we can right now...

    Oh darn. I was planning on doing this. =\</p>

  • Don't play games during earthquakes.


  • Thirded (I know, not a word xD). This would also be great for RPGs when you want to move sprites when an event is going on. Assuming you can switch movement type at runtime. Is that possible btw?

  • Tokinsom: Yeah I always used detectors, or -x and X positions relative to the wall. This would definitely be of huge help. I believe it could implemented as a behavior?

  • Sounds interesting. What is it?

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  • Ashley : Just letting you know that the preview problem seems to have been fixed in the new r72! Whatever alterations you made the audio seems to have fixed it.


  • I will not give an opinion on Arcade shooters, since this genre, along with FPSs, I cannot seem to be able to play them for more than 5 minutes before I start bleeding from every orifice in my body, meaning, they bore me to death.

    Platformers are a different story, these can be extremely fun and addicting, but also can make you wanna skin yerself alive. I like platformers where there's a sense of advancement, getting new moves, new skills, etc., that kinda stuff, you know. These sort of platformers weren't very popular back in the old days, usually they were very straight forward and simple. If you are going to make a simple platformer, make it short, same length as the first Mario for the NES is perfect for this kind of platformers. Keep it fun though, give interesting power ups and stuff like that. You can also make it longer like this but this takes a lot more effort, one my favorite long platformers is Yoshi Island. The game was relatively long for a straight forward platformer, but it was fun and interesting, many puzzles and secrets.

    If you plan on making the game reward you with upgrades and/or level ups (beside the typical power ups), you should make it longer. When you add upgrades and levels (character development levels), maybe even different equipable weapons, the game becomes a candidate to be long, but also more technical in nature, these are the ones I like to play. You don't have to have a great story for any of those two genres, although, platformers with RPG elements usually tend to have stories.

  • newt:

    You can drag the action, holding the ctrl key to the event without action.

    A straight dark line "previews" the placement of the copied/duplicated action.

    You can also select the action to copy, use the shortcut ctrl-c to copy and then select the destination event or the condition itself and use the shortcut ctrl+v.

    : Object is Boolean_name = true

    Right click : Invert

    Object is not Boolean_name = false

    Inverting conditions in this manual article.

    I see, now it's clear what it means. I knew about inverting conditions, just didn't occur to me that's how the Boolean worked in C2. Thanks!

  • As to the first suggestion, +1. It would be nice if you could click on an action and choose to either place it below or above it. Plus it would also be nice if there was a way to paste an action into an event where none exist yet. As it is now you have to paste it into another conditions actions if you want to use it.

    ^ This too!

    On the Boolean, At least you can tell whats going on comparing 0, or 1, but that also gives you so many more options. Like say you had two conditions to compare, you could use those together to expand like if variable a + variable b = 2... do stuff. Basically if they are both true.

    I didn't really get that... so I am gonna ask, When it says "[Object Name]|is [Boolean Name], what does it mean? I am used to do this: [Object Name's [Boolean's Name] ]|is [on or off/true of false/0 or 1] then do [this or that]. That's why I am confused. <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • ...make the pasting more precise? I don't know if it is happening to me only, but when I paste something, it always goes to the bottom of the block and I have to manually put it in the right place. This gets quite annoying when you have basically the same code repeated multiple times, but with minor changes.

    Also, The audio plugging, does it have an option to check for if a sound/music has stopped playing? Could it be implemented?


    EDIT: OH and yes, the Boolean are confusing sometimes...

    For example, I have an object with a Boolean called "Active", in the conditions, I am not able to set it to true or false, it just says "[object name|is [Boolean name]. O_o Does this mean it's always active or ...? I have a hard time getting used to this, because I always worked with Boolean in a way where it was either, on or off/0 or 1/true or false.

  • Pre-loading is not necessary at all, it's just to reduce the latency for sound effects. If you don't pre-load it just streams it from the server which is ideal for music. I guess this is why I need to hurry up and write the Audio documentation :) So yeah, just get rid of all the preloads.

    Ashley: Oh man, thanks! ^_^;; So I guess this must have been the problem all along. This seems to solve the problem for the exported project only though. =\

    Does the preview work on yer computer? On mine it still does the same, gives me same errors. O_o

    However, exported project works like a charm, no errors given on any songs! So maybe this is a bug indeed, but only in preview mode? <img src="smileys/smiley24.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    PS: I haven't run the project from an online server yet though, but in my knowledge, it should still work.