mystazsea's Forum Posts

  • Congrats on your game...Ill have a look when I get a chance

    well done

  • These might help

    You could also write your own collision detection based on dimensional arrays....

    what I mean is...a sprite object is just an array of could make an array for each sprite the requires pixel perfect collision and just program some code that constructs the array as a sprite...

    I mean C2 is doing that already...but you might find a better faster way if you look into it..

    each array entry point could contain as much information as you wish including positional data etc.

    I mean its a double up but you might learn something new in the process which is what this is all about

  • The Function Behaviour might help you

  • There are many ways to do this

    I suggest creating a spawner object that you can move around the canvas however you wish ..either by using the

    spawner -->set position to X{random(range)} Y {random(range)} expressions

    or pathfinding

    or bullet

    or whatever you like

    and either add a timer, a 'every X seconds' condition

    or a system-->wait expression

    to the spawn time ..

    hope that helps somehow

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  • Of course you can...but you would need a parser and all the other features of a bot to make it work

    anything is possible..the only limitations are what you can imagine......but you gotta actually start writing the code or nothing will happen

  • I use a transparent helper sprite object that you can call an additional condition in your mouse event that detects overlap of the helper sprite


    just add another condition to your Mouse event ...-->

    System--> compare two values--> distance(player x,y,object x,y) < (whatever range you want)

    just a few ways..hope that helps

  • If I understand your question correctly ...the event action you are looking for is

    line 20 event sheet 1 make the login console read --> ""&Output.Text

    that might do it.. ..see what happens

  • read your other post...just added the answer for you...

  • Right hand click on the event group scroll down to collapse all....also the manual

    left mouse buttons are action oriented..right mouse are power user controls in general

  • Oh you !!! ?? try equal stress. Even the load??. I usually just say "See too" ??

  • all I can say without looking at your events is add a new loop at the end which manually places the objects on the right layer every tick...its a brute force method but it might do the job

    just make sure its at the end of the event sheet

    the last call so to speak

  • There are so many ways to do this...

    one simple way is to use a dummy or null object and give it path properties..for example

    You could make a translucent Triangular path sprite object that has image points at each corner and make your platform move to the image point x,y pos of the path sprite..this way you can place the paths where ever you like and just set platforms to follow the image points as waypoints, as long as the object is overlapping the path..

    does that make sense?

    or you could try adding a Pathfinder Behaviour and just plugin a sequence of x,y coords or waypoints...that you already know

    step by step it would look something like this

    you know--> find path to waypoint 1 ..when path found move along path..etc

    ---> when arrived at destination --> Find path to waypoint 2 etc etc

    or just a simple bullet behaviour would work but make sure angle is not affected by direction

    set bullet angle to the angle of the triangle then either change direction after a certain distance or when reached x, y pos

    Hope that helps..

  • You would possibly need to post your events so we can see what is happening

    Other ideas to investigate could be :-

    -are the objects spawning ...or are they existing objects?

    -are you using layer names or just default numbers...?

    If you run out of options you could place a loop that says....every tick -->place objects on layer

    but this would be by no means anywhere remotely near a perfect solution...its always far better to find the cause than treat a symptom

    also what z order logic are you using?..your custom logic or someone else's?

  • hey folks here is a nice little simulation of Boid behavior that only uses Bullet and Sine wave behaviours...

    its not perfect but its very simple method of getting Flocking and boid behaviour without too much effort

    free to use and alter in any project..

    no credit necessary unless you feel like it

    best wishes and hope you like it


  • Hey Ashley...How are you going?

    I hope you are doing well and enjoying life as much as possible...

    Just wanted to say thank you again for all the amazing work you and the team have put together into this software.. ...C2 is really amazing ...and it has come such a long way with so many features I am constantly astounded how many features C2 supports......well done.....truly salient software....I have been using it for years now and its my goto software for just about any project...even with the simple sine behaviour I am still finding new ways to implement it ..incredible stuff...thanks

    however, I do have a few requests if possible....a few small implementations that I believe would speed up work flow immensely.... if there were any way to slip these into the editor code tree easily, I would be very much appreciative..

    In the Layers Tab...pretty please...if at all possible, could we get some additional controls such as

    {some way to select multiple layers} maybe I missed it in the manual but I don't seem to be able to select multiple layers ..additionally, to be able to apply layer triggers (such as hide or lock) to the selected layers would be a nice feature and again speed up work flow.

    I know this one might be a huge ask....but is there any way we can have

    {layer groups} layers within layers?

    I know I know..I am being crazy here.. because it would mean each layer would need to inherit the parent layers attributes such as parallax etc but I do think there is some useful merit in a system initiated this way..if it could be planned correctly....what do you think?

    okay that's more than enough from me...and if I have made some huge booboo by missing some obvious feature..please correct me ..anybody although I read as much as I can ...I have missed things in the please correct me if I am in error

    Thank you again Ashley for your amazing dedication and commitment to this...The greatest web tool available today...sooo much good here ...cheers bud..try not to work too hard