mystazsea's Forum Posts

  • jimutt.......You are most welcome ..hope it works out

  • First of all ...there are so many ways to do this...

    the fastest way would be to just add the pathfinding behaviour to your player and use that..

    making sure that you add out all of the walls etc as obstacles

    but because this may not look right..your player would in some places..take the shortest route ..which may mean 'FLYING' in places they shouldnt

    to solve this if and only if it suits your game

    you would create a maze of blocking sprites that are invisible at run time.

    making sure that your character fits between the maze walls as required with no room for "flying"

    and of course you would still have to change animations when the player reaches a ladder but this should be easy and not affect the pathfinding at all ..because its just animations not mechanics

    one other way could be to mod a platformer sprite and add pathfinding behavior to another object that the platformer 'follows'

    basically using the pathfinding object to find the path or waypoints then make the platformer follow the pathfinding objects x po

    and if and when the pathfinder moves up or down a floor level..then and only then does the platformer climb

    you would need to create a sprite with 'PATHFINDING BEHAVIOUR'

    you may as well use the built in features..there is no reason why you cant modify its usage to suit your game

    then secondly make your Player controller sprite and add a 'platformer' behaviour or custom movement ( based on your layout above you seem to require this..not 8dir)

    the movement speeds of each should be the same for each object so that they cant get away from each other

    you could even get the path finding object to spawn waypoint sprites which either drop to the floor or spawn at a fixed height depending on which floor the pathfinder object is currently on and spawn every second or so..

    which the platformer then moves to these objects waypoints

    these are just some ways...that use the built in pathfinding...

    just mod it to suit your needs

    its a pretty robust behaviour like all c2 behaviors there is alot more ways to use them than you might think

    be flexible...let your mind flow with lots of tests/ will see so many other ways

    one of the will suit your game perfectly

    hope that helps

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  • You are welcome...etaprime

    of course its just a teeny may want to play around with it to see what it does...

    I also expanded the size of the layout and i think i set unbounded scrolling to "yes" because it may help

  • hey etaprime

    had a quick look at your capx..

    the main issue i can see with the scrolling issue is your events in the scroll group

    using the viewport as the base is restricting the scroll...because even though the layout is bigger..the viewport size is fixed..

    so if you use that value will always stop at the viewport x distance and go no further

    does that make sense?

    tried a little fix for the scrolling in your capx and commented my changes...

    the spawning issue is more complex because based on what I can want different distances between each spawned ground block

    you would need to alter the spawning to take into consideration the position of the last ground block and a random range of values to add to the new x spawn position.

    I didnt change this because you may have other ideas for generating distances (a formula of increases perhaps)

    hope that helps alittle

  • you dont have to do that..

    there is always a simpler way,

    use helper sprites

    most game devs use helper sprites to show what the player is looking at during run time

    you can set the opacity of a helper FOV cone to zero

    heres a capx to illustrate what I can change it to suit your needs

    there are hundreds of applications of this idea ..

    hope it helps somehow

  • we would need to see your events to see what problem is

    can you post a screenie or capx of your events

  • This is a very vague question JeonCrack..

    You need to explain what you need in more detail

    before anyone can answer it properly

  • Katala ...thats awesome

    The good thing about 'unfinished' things is that are full of great new ideas and inspiration for new ways to do things

    even the world is in a state of perpetual 'unfinished-ness'

    thats what makes it so beautiful

  • Is it possible to Minimise the Collision mesh of the object on the layer below....I would say if you could...that might help...

    If you can flatter your base layer to a singular object may have no collision

    Other wise ..we would need to see your capx to see exactly what is going on

    hope that helps

  • No usually comes down to user

    glad you figured it out..

  • You could also set the Animation speed to a factor of the Movement speed ..

    This way the animation speed is in sync with the movement


    every tick ...set animation speed to current movement speed +/- (any value you like) or divide the movement speed by a percentage...

    makes very smooth looking animations

    of course you may want to limit or cap the animation speed to a certain value

  • Wow that looks AMAZING!!!

    what a brilliant game idea...

    I love the Desertification

    I am so impressed

    Wish you would write a tutorial on how you did that..its brilliant

    Bravo!!!....Great concept

    Awesome visuals and music

    well done...

    cant wait for the full game

    looks great

    Thanks so much for sharing that..Highly recommended

  • Good question....unfortunately I don't really know how to help...

    you could try putting a Behavior like "Solid" onto the objects and then manually disabling the Collisions On start of layout...

    I would try that to see if its a possible workaround

    but you are right,

    those objects dont seem to have a collisions checkbox, I never noticed before

  • hey MozayKnows

    mmm really ? Vector X didnt work?

    it works on my games

    I would first ask you since you said that you already tried Vector X

    perhaps you messed up the events happens, none of us are perfect

    Anychance we could see how have you setup your double tap conditions as well..

    if there is a problem I would start looking at the

    The start of the events, 'The conditions' that you used maybe where the Problem lies..

    any chance you could show how you did your Vector X events...maybe there is a problem in it

  • Yeah I was thinking about Raycasting as well last night...using raycasting might also give you a way to determine the placement of light glows...

    but yeah i tweaked this a little more..but R0j0hound thats awesome..well done!

    if you want to see my new Updated Version of my older non math attempt below with WebGL Radial Blur and other tweaks...still not perfect but could be worked on

    and of course we are still using really basic graphics here Id love to see a fancy version with a full proper light sphere properly alpha blended

    and all soft edges with light faded grunge fx..

    or maybe just this of course ;P

    and Yeah and BOIDS!!! flocking bugs flying infront of it to distract the player from how truly lowbudget this FX is haha

    Thats what Id do

    next version will have flying moths in front of it I promise