mystazsea's Forum Posts

  • Have you checked under the Path finding Behavior properties if Rotate Object is set to "YES"?

    Do you want to Rotate or mirror the object...They both do different actions...

    You might need to post your event sheet and make it clear what you want to happen..

  • I assume you mean you have set up a Camera object with a Scroll to behavior?

    if so then something like:

    System every tick

    set layout.angle : camera.angle

    might work for you.

    If you manipulate the camera object angle now the layout rotation will follow..

    of course this will also affect GUI overlay layers as well so you may want to just rotate certain layers instead of the entire layout.

    hope that helps

  • You are on the right track with using text height and text width...

    but you would also probably need to add a certain number of pixels to the height and width of the bubble object to ensure the text is not overlapping the border of the bubble object.

    for example...

    one text update.-->

    set 'bubble.width' to text.width+10 pixels

    set "bubble.height' to text.height + 10 pixels

    Also try using the 9-patch object for text bubbles...I findt hey work so much better than sprite objects because they expand to any size with no loss of detail or blurring...a very handy feature compared to regular sprites.

  • You could always use the built in Turret behavior as well as the line of sight behavior

    that way whenever you have line of sight you can tell the enemy to fire with the auto aiming function of the turret behavior.

    hope that makes sense.

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  • Have you tried using a visible or invisible onscreen cursor sprite that is controlled by the gamepad movement inputs?

    use cursor collision detection events to detect when the cursor is over the buttons

    Depending on the layout of your buttons on the screen you could make the cursor snap to the buttons as well for ease of use.

    moving the cursor object X number of pixels at a time.

  • You may need to post your capX to properly troubleshoot this.

    Have you checked that the text box is wide enough to display your answers in the layout screen?

  • You have to rename the autosave file to a capX file to be able to read or write it

  • Without looking at your capX im guessing that you would compare the tap position to the fish.X position and then mirror the Fish if required to based on the side of screen tapped on relative to the fish of course.


    if fish is on left side(tap.x>fish.X) of tap position set mirrored


    if fish is on right side(tap.x<fish.X) of tap position set not mirrored

    if you needed to you could spawn an invisible sprite at the tap position to help determine x position compared to the fish sprite x position.

    Does that make sense?

  • right you are zenox98 I misread the original post cheers for pointing that out

  • hey beard is there any way you could repost the link to the capX

    The link is broken 404 error file not found


  • To make the animation start when you hover over it try this

    Condition:--> Mouse-->Cursor is over object -->

    Action:--> set animation(select object and animation + play from beginning)

    To Stop the Animation create a new condition and "Invert" it

    Condition:--> Mouse--> Cursor is over object (invert this so its the opposite) -->

    Action:--> Select object -->Stop animation

    Hope that helps

  • im still here zenox98 but i dont have that file anymore

    here is a new one i just whipped up for you which is more or less identical to the last one

    Line between two objects

  • here brunosxs i dug out the old file from my archives...thanks to joannesalpha for original post

  • yeah bump....can you fix the broken links?

  • wow jaw dropps....

    googles definition of awesome to see if its good enough a word as a adjective for this thing

    thats simply incredible....amazing .....

    been looking at that on my page for about 20 min now

    awesome complex...

    high definition is crazy good


    of course it would/should be possible

    but yeah complex stuff

    look at the source code

    and see whats there if its adaptable to C2

    im sure someone who knew how would probably take a crack at it sooner or later

    as for me...well beyond my pay grade <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">