mystazsea's Forum Posts

  • Do you need a preset fixed length of digits sequence?

    or just random digits...?

    26 random numbers could be translated into letters

    For a 26 digit random sequence of numbers only

    make an Array 26 X by 1Y in size


    make a series of events

    something like

    Array for Each X Element--> Array Push Front random(0,25) on X axis

    This would push 26 random numbers into an array

    from here you could get these values and use them how ever you like

    Creating a second random numerical Array with any number of random values from (0,9)

    would give you the raw data you need for Numbers....

    you could also create a algoryhtm that once the random array is created

    then use the Array to take random data samples from the Same Array X Elements determined by the listed or ordered numerals stored in the array

    so for like

    after generating and populating the Array with all of its random numbers stored into each X element

    you could then get the first value at X and then use that to take another number from the element value it represents

    so if X1 happens to be a "6"

    you would then get the Value stored at element 6 and use that as the random multiplyer for anything you like or just take its raw value because its already random from its initial generation

    you could transpose alphabet letters onto the Random Values how ever you like

    once example would be




    and so on

    but you could also reverse it or "shift" the sequence along as many values as you like

    even determined by the first value in the cypher key stored at any position on the Array you like

    This is the basis of cryptographic keys

    shown here in one example of many such possibilities


    only you know which Value is the key and its position can also be stored by another random number assigned to a X value..


    "shifty" hey

    here is a random number and letter generator I made ages ago


    it might help you somehow

    hope that helps

  • WOW...Thats pretty darn good


    a top effort

    why dont you post it on the ARCADE...its great!

    well done

    5 GOLD STARS!!!!

    simply brilliant effort

  • Yes its a great Feature....

    I tend to break down all my events into systems

    so for each system in the game

    player controls

    enemy ai

    music systems

    level generation

    HUD events

    Camera controls


    they all go on their own event sheet

    it makes it soooo much easier to read and find where problems are..when debugging because then the debugger tells you exactly where the bug is happy joy

    Build robust systems from well planned events and you have epic WIN

  • Lots of people know how to do this....Try a good thorough search of the forums

    all of this was covered in great detail years ago

    there are hundreds of good examples and solutions that people have made

    you just need to dig them up

    This is why there is a search function...most of the people who built this stuff ages ago have moved on to other projects ..but the Topics are still there ....if you can dig pun intended

  • Hmm its a good question ..Ive often needed that myself...I ended up making copies of my audio files and manually changing pitch and calling them at random times...

    I dont know...

    We could ask Ashley for an Audio Overhaul or additions in the next beta's

    I am sure there is much more to Web Audio that what Construct 2 currently has access to

    ill look into it

  • No worries....

  • Hmmm without web GL may have a tricky time...

    im not sure

    have to look into it

    you could try using a Transparent overlay and change its Blending mode

    pinned to the Sprite

    using a few color choices...

    it may not be perfect but it might work out ok and the file size would be quite smaller than 10 sets of colors

    try that

    try one color overlay and mask it to the Sprite outline if you can

    its a good question..

    Ashely? any ideas?

  • yeah pretty much..i dont see any reason why it cant

    in short your answer in points

    Large Tile maps YES

    ive done games with more than 2000 unique sprites much larger than tiles some of which are full screen backdrops ..main menus with pages of bonus features with dynamic music and sound systems, multiple layers of parallax scrolling , saving and loading, Terraria like digging based on a very large series of overlapping Arrays etc etc

    it just depends on how good you are at coding and planning out your game in an OPtimised process

    Object Persistance YES

    Terraria like maps of Thousands of tiles all stored in Arrays..but Construct 2 has a built in save feature that saves all data whenever you like..

    Current View points YES....simple as..construct 2 only renders what is needed in sync with all plugins and Scrollto behaviors etc

    Perlin noise...C2 has so many web gl effects its not the past I used to

    make my own noise overlays until the WEBGL became dont worry you are rocking

    4 player multiplayer...yep ..check out the features list or the MANUAL...its pretty epic

    Steamworks support....achievments...this is a feature you have to code in yourself ..just like any other playtform

    its not that hard if you know how to do it..there isnt really shortcuts to doing it right

    dont worry

    C2 is very can handle every project ive worked on ...some are EPIC in size and scope

    but it always comes down to how well you understand the system and how to properly organise your data and program systems and sequences...

    C2 can handle it...

    if you can program it...

    C2 can run it

    its just code

  • Use a Instance Variable on the TEXT Objects and then for each time the TEXT is updated make the variable update to the TEXT character width

    then in the next action set the fade length of the TEXT to the number of seconds you need to read a character multiplied by the Instance Variable length

    or maybe simpler by just taking out the instance Variable and directing setting the Fade length to the TEXT character length

  • UI or HUDs are usually placed on a LAYER above the game level and the LAYERS parallax and scaling amounts set to 0,0 and 0

    this way it will always stay on the screen even if the player moves around

    you can also use the Anchor behavior to fix it on the screen position

    step 1 create a new layer above your game level using the layers tab in the project tree and name it "UI" or "HUD"

    and set the parallax and scale settings to 0,0 and 0 for scale ( it can help to show parallax in the editor as well by checking the box...where it says so)

    step 2 place all of your UI objects into this layer

    they should now "float" above the game level

    hope that helps

  • you need to give more information for a better answer

    There are so many types of games, with all kinds of controls, platformers, top down rpgs, drag and drop physics games

    can you at least tell us what kind of player you are trying to move? is it a platform player or a 8 dir topdown player

    or something else

    you could drag and drop if you just want to move the the player around..

    or you could using the path finding behaviour ...but you would need to know how that works before you can use it properly

    so many other ways ..

    but need more information before can give you a correct answer

  • yeah well there is always that

    the simple option

    it can work sometimes

    if your level is small

    and doesnt use checkpoints

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  • Can you attach your capx?

    so we can see whats happening

  • Fraktal Zero, its much easier than that.

    ive made a copy of your event for grabbing and disabled yours so you can see whats different

    --> added a "Trigger Once while true" to the Shift grab Keypress

    This makes sure that its not a loop kept active by keeping Shift down


    -->added a Timer to the Player detect "GrabTimer" every time the player does actually grab a ledge

    its set to 4 seconds can change this if you like

    on the "Grabtimer" expring the Ledge Grabb Boolean is made false dropping the player

    but can reactivate on each new shift press

    Hope that helps


  • still looking at your capx..nice job !!:)

    but i would first try changing the 1st Event in the Group"Grab Ledge/Hang/Climb"

    "Shift is down (inversed)" event to

    "Shift is released--> "

    this event triggers differently to what you have

    see what that does...