mystazsea's Forum Posts

  • Use some web Gl effects and turn then on or off as needed

    you can also do this to an entire family of objects or a layer if you need to

    I often use a semi transparent overlay and add severe warp effects for a short duration in conjunction with a screen shake effect

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  • hey may need to show an example capx...

    collision detection is based on the Collision mesh ..if its too small then yeah the bullet may pass through undetected..

    your ideas are good for trying to prevent this ...

    but it comes down to specific solids and the meshes ..would need to see a demo or capx to really break it down and see what is happening..

    you could try using delta time scale and slow it right down to see if there is another problem ..

    like on start of layout set time scale to 0.2 or something..this might help you see whats going may not either but it could point to your bullets being too activate the collision events on certain meshes

  • Hey Shariku

    mmm if you look carefully at your enemy object in the Project tree...(the yellow Box platform controller) and check its properties tab,

    in the platformer behavior, you have still got the enemy default controls set to "yes'

    if you have it this way..whenever the player presses jump the enemies will jump as well because Default are the same for all objects unless its turned off

    Change Uses Default Controls to "No" and then it should fix the enemy jumping issue..

    as for other issues...

    its good practice to place any "on start of layout " events at the top of the it will always be the first thing that processes and is usually what you want ...

    if you need more help ..let me know...but it should fix the jumping issue for starters

  • Yeah its a pretty cool effort..Much Kudos and thanks to Savvy001 for posting his example capx ..its one of the best rope swing/grappling hooks demos Ive seen ..You should be able to modify it for anything you need..

    If you are after a more Physics rope ..with segments..i know there is a few capx examples somewhere on the forums..but i cant think where right now..if i can ill dig up some of the copies I have of other peoples demos...

    all great examples of physics rope swings..

    but yeah you could try searching the forums in the "how do I" section i know there are Physics swing example capx's out there...

    Also check out the "rope" example in the Construct 2 load screen examples im sure it might help

  • Hey Greaver, Construct 2 does support Multi touch so it shouldnt be too hard to get what you want to work

    Touch related expressions are covered in depth in the Manual

    And this Tutorial as well goes into further depth

    A similar question was asked here...and the answer might work for you as well with a little modification.

    I would use The Event Condition "Is touching object" or "On Nth touch start"

    and then Actions that move the Object to the Touch X,Y positions for each Touch

    Every tick

    Touch supports Multi touch though the "On Nth touch start" and "On Nth touch end" Events

    Hope that makes sense

  • hey jcstranger, thats a good question ,

    I dont know if there is a better way but ...I would consider keeping in mind the process order of your event sheets.

    Event sheets process commands from top to bottom so basically if you combined this knowledge with turning on and off groups of events you should be able to come up with a solution.

    Or another possibly easier way would be to use Instance Variables, in this case I would use Booleans

    1st ....-Put all of your Collision checked objects into a Family and then assign a Boolean Instance Variable to the Family

    Name it something like "Collision_Enabled"

    Then if you put all of your Collision check Events in a Group on your Event Sheet, you could direct the Z-index equal Collision objects to The Collision Actions in the next Event because Event Sheets process from top to bottom

    The Construct 2 manual entries on Z order are


    The name of the layer the instance is currently on.


    The zero-based index of the layer the instance is currently on.


    Gets the zero-based index of the Z order of this instance within its current layer. 0 is the bottom instance, increasing up to the top instance.

    So..The next step would be to would create 2 Groups of events one controlling the other...You might be able to make this a sub event but it may work better as a separate event...Trial and error will tell which works best

    Group 1 The Z- index Check

    Create the following event and place it within its own Named Group

    for example : "Z-index Check Group"

    This 1st Group event only compares the Z-index of each object and triggers the Boolean Instance Variable per Object BUT only if they are actually colliding..

    This way you save on alot of processor work ..otherwise you will be clogging up the system with unnecessary checks per tick.

    Z-index Check Group Conditions

    -->Object or Family 1--> on Collision with Object or Family 2
    --> System ->Compare 2 Variables-> Object 1 Zindex = Object 2 Zindex
    --> System->Turn on Group "Collision Actions"[/code:2o8ncrox]
    Next... Event Group 2 
    Actual Collision Actions
    Create another Event and place it within its own Named Group
    For example : "Collision Actions"
    This Group handles the actual Events that happen if the Z-Index proves equal per object but only if its turned on by the first event group ie  only if the Objects Boolean Variable is Triggered  TRUE by the first z-index check Group
    Collision Actions Group Conditions
    [code:2o8ncrox]-->System-> For each Object 
    -->Object->Is Boolean Instance Instance Set ("Collision_Enabled")
    --> Here is where you would place any actions that are related to the triggered Collisions[/code:2o8ncrox]
    This should be all that is required..I know it sounds complex but if you follow the steps it should work
    providing I didnt miss or forget anything
    Hope that Helps
  • zenqwert99 »This was posted just the other day...but there are other examples if you look around in the tutorials and forums

  • Codeman320, if you are looking at monsters..

    here are some links to help

    it really depends on your specific game type, but i tend to think in terms of hybrid designs ..mixed up blends of creatures...or cyborg alien creatures which could be energy types, ai lifeforms, ghosts, mutants can work if the design is unique

    hope that gets you moving

  • hey ijoin, you would make a separate layout to function as your loading screen,

    you can place whatever you like on this loading layout, anything from a progress bar or a simple timed transition

    I do know that layout transitions are feature that are planned for upcoming releases , but its not hard to make a fade in blackout by using a new layer set at the top of other layers with a pure black sprite object (can be quite small say 128by 128 pixels that you apply a fade behavior to...fade in and out the blackout and call it anytime you like in your events screen with any set delay or timer you like.

    loading progress bars are easy to make and dont really have to be accurate, you can just make a timed loading screen to pace out your gameplay flow

    i find its a nice addition to any game to have little feature loading screens ..showcasing artwork or whatever you like in between levels

    some useful links for you to read..

  • In the Properties f the object you can can set it Immovable or just disable and enable physics via your event sheet whenever you need to....

    keeping in mind that the event sheet is processed about 60 times a should have plenty of time each second to turn things on or off as needed

    just put in a few extra commands as you need them

    and dont forget to play around with the Global gravity settings..can lead to cool stuff simulating gravity vortexes and you can link this to time scale events as well to slow down the entire game if you are caught in a vortex...haha

  • No worries ..glad to help out...

  • ijoin, that data can be saved if you use the built in save function

    but you would need to tell construct 2 to save that data just before the programm closes

    and on reopening you should make sure that it checks the data and loads it

    You should read up all about saving data here

    hope that helps

  • leomachado666, you might need to add more information...

    you havent really shown us what you are trying to the overall plan of your game..

    there are so many ways to change players views and swap out images or animations...

    you might need to break it down to simplistic form first then expand on the idea..

    As far as I know.

    one object sprite cannot call another object sprites specific animation view ..unless they are named the same per object..but it runs into troubles if you dont use Families..

    I would suggest that you make a Family of sprite objects that are all the character object sprites..

    This way you can call each family members animations by the same family name and it should work perfectly across the various classes of character..

    Does that make sense?

    use Families, its this kind of thing that Families are specifically used for ..

    groups of similar objects that you want to all affect with the same rules or events

    Each object sprite has its own animations ..but im pretty sure the animation names can be shared across different sprites....

    So you can just swap out several object sprites quite easily...but you need to make sure that you can call the right animation for the right object at the right time, in relation to the Family its in

    You are going to need a system that can handle that request....It might take more planning out than you have done so far...

    So first off, you would need an invisible platformer controller object with some instance variables that represent the player classes

    such as





    etc etc

    Then you need a check to see which variable the player selected

    and then spawn the correct object sprite(with its animations) at the player controller sprite

    of course you may need to destroy the older or existing object character sprite ..

    then you need a way to trigger the right animations across the different sprites no matter what class is selected.

    ive done it having a character menu screen but this is not the only might want to swap character class in game...

    so if the player chooses archer you would would just check what the player chose by looking at what variable was selected and then create the required object (with its unique animations) at the player controller location and pin it..

    By the sounds of it you need to plan out your systems and code structure before you go doing things like this..

    Its always better to build systems that control your events rather than just dropping in events

    what I mean is..

    plan out and create a system that handles the player changing mechanic that you are trying to make

    its all about systems

    you need structure and a good plan to make it work...

    things I would consider are

    1- How does the player chose what class eg: is there a player select screen or is it done in the action part of the game or via a shop or whatnot?

    2- make sure the system is streamlined and optimised so that it doesnt take up all the processor time to swapp out the player objects..

    3-make it robust as well

    Basically you would need to elaborate alot more before you could get the best answer..

    but yeah....try swapping objects by relating it to a variable that tracks the players choice of character either in game or in menus...

    sprite objects can have unlimited animations im pretty sure so use the right object for the right job and you should be fine..

    hope that clears something up

  • Hey ijoin, there are several ways to do this..

    a quick way is to use instance variables

    presuming that your popup is an object...goto its properties and add an instance variable

    make it a Boolean and then give it a name like "Playe_ticked" or something that you recognise

    Then you can add an extra action to the Player clicked on "never show it again for me"

    The action would go anywhere before the popout action that you should already have for the popup..

    and it should trigger the Boolean instance variable that you just made for the Popup object and set the BOOLEAN to true...

    then in your other condition that makes the popup initially trigger you should place another "Condition"

    that checks if the Boolean has been triggered or not

    this way the popup object event will not occur if its been ticked by the player..but should trigger if it hasnt

    Hope that made sense..

  • Yes pirx , Windwalker is right....Once you have picked up your object you can restrict the motion of the Cursor and object to any location you like or even snap to a location by clamping the Mouse or objects coordinates..

    Its probably the best way ...

    another way might be to assign a solid behavior to the object and have a invisible solid border ...and PIn the object to the mouse cursor sprite position with a ROPE style pin...But i dont think this is as reliable as clamping ...

    but it depends on the feel and requirements you are after...

    each game is different and has its own unique mechanics..

    like everything ..just play around to you find what works best for you..