There are so many ways to do this...
one simple way is to use a dummy or null object and give it path properties..for example
You could make a translucent Triangular path sprite object that has image points at each corner and make your platform move to the image point x,y pos of the path sprite..this way you can place the paths where ever you like and just set platforms to follow the image points as waypoints, as long as the object is overlapping the path..
does that make sense?
or you could try adding a Pathfinder Behaviour and just plugin a sequence of x,y coords or waypoints...that you already know
step by step it would look something like this
you know--> find path to waypoint 1 ..when path found move along path..etc
---> when arrived at destination --> Find path to waypoint 2 etc etc
or just a simple bullet behaviour would work but make sure angle is not affected by direction
set bullet angle to the angle of the triangle then either change direction after a certain distance or when reached x, y pos
Hope that helps..