mumu64's Forum Posts

  • Looking forward to tutorials, thanks!

    I will now follow your axes and arrows link ^^

  • Thanks.

    I always check the manual first, but I have missed that underlined line. :'(

  • hello,

    One parameter for physics is "stepping iterations".

    I included this for one object at the "at start of layout" event.

    Q1: Later on in the game, another instance of the object will be created. Do I need to include this action again at the creation of future instances? (in the same layout)

    Q2: Do I need to need specify the stepping iteration for other physics objects as well? (or will it be set to the whole project/layout?)

  • Old events? No, I also experience it in a new (almost empty) project.

    I just checked my mobile chrome browser: zoom option is turned off. It makes no difference if I use the mobile or desktop view and I just deleted the browser cache & coocies, closed all open tabs and restarted the phone.

    Should I file a bug report?

  • > The other way around (detect if mobile is used and only set mobile to full screen gives unwanted stretched zoomed in result, on my mobile), so that's why I am asking it like this.


    What full screen option are you using in the browser object's request fullscreen action?

    Hi Kyatric, thanks for your reply. Yes I just tried that again.

    Here is my result and answer to LittleStain:

    Sorry for my late reply.

    I have tried them all.

    All request full screen options are full screen on my android mobile (that's good), but also zoomed in, so only the center area is visible of the layout.

    I have also just tried the following:

    • create a new project
    • resolution 200, 320
    • full screen off (project property)
    • on any touch, request browser full screen (tried all 6 full screen options)

    Result: browser ok (in a frame). On mobile: same "problem": fullscreen, but very much zoomed in. Only the center and/or upper part of the screen is visible.

    Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug or a feature wish?

    (my mobile is using android 4+ and I am using Chrome mobile)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • hi, these are the new features of admob:

    Jonathan Alferness (Global Lead for Mobile Display Ads and AdMob) also mentioned at the Google I/O that ad mediation will be automatically optimized. I do not have details on this.

  • You could set the"fullscreen in browser" option in the project properties to off, that way the game will be played within it's original frame on desktop..

    on any touch - is on mobile - browser request fullscreen..

    That way fullscreen can only be achieved on mobile..

    Ah yes, that is what I was trying.

    But full screen on mobile (via the browser object - I have tested all stretch scale options) is zoomed in or something. The game is unplayable - you can not see anything.

    So I was thinking that my solution is: perhaps there is some javascript code I need to find to scale up the frame of the game when displayed on Chrome Mobile.

    Edit: I just found this:

     in your HTML code, add the following meta in the <head> of your page:
    <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width, height=device-height, target-densitydpi=device-dpi" />[/code:sn6a8qyv]
    I have no experience with meddling with javascript, but the width and height-part seems as what I am looking for (the bold part, I mean)?
  • In project options I turned on full screen. Result: mobile and non-mobile are full screen.

    But I wish to set non-mobile to not-full screen.

    I have tried the browser object and: if on mobile (inverted) > browser object: cancel full screen.

    But that doesn't work.

    The other way around (detect if mobile is used and only set mobile to full screen gives unwanted stretched zoomed in result, on my mobile), so that's why I am asking it like this.

  • Thanks, I was experimenting and it is great.

    I am still wondering if the following result can be achieved:

    on desktop: game is displayed in the center (somewhat small game)

    on mobile phone and tablet: game is scaled up towards the edges of the device.

  • I am wondering if the following is possible:

    Desktop opens html5 game (via dropbox for example) and the game is displayed in the center. Not full screen, because of the 480*320 resolution, which is somewhat low. (this is already working for me)

    But when a mobile phone opens the game, I would like to scale the game towards the edges of the screen, so that it is full screen or nearly full screen.

  • Thanks!

  • Would it be an idea to add a subforum (on the same level as distribution) "monetizing/advertising"?

  • Does Appnext ( work with C2?

    I have searched the forum on "appnext" and I could not find a definitive answer.

    Or could it be simple enough to just paste the code they provide (if it works like that) into a html-file in Intel XDK?

  • Thanks zenox98 and alextro.

  • hello, worst programmer (not even one) here.

    After 6 hours of 0% progress I can say that I am stuck at the following point: matching 3 blocks.

    My situation: create a grid of 50*50 blocks. (I use 1 sprite, with every frame = another color)

    Matching 2 blocks works, but I can't match 3 blocks.

    I am looking for some general tips on different kind of match 3 techniques (on how to let the game know those 3 or more blocks are the same and can be cleared).

    (for example, I am trying the technique to add invisble extra sprites that can touch other blocks and check if that block is the same or not - or at least I am trying to, but failing somewhere)

    Thanks in advance.