mudmask's Forum Posts

  • Mario Style Template nearing completion - for all those mario makers out there who want to take their mario making to the next level.

  • thank you

  • Title screen for Galaxias

  • Title screen for Galaxias - definitely a work in progress, but getting there...

  • lucid - thanks so much for considering that. an update like that would be huge.

  • PixelRebirth yeah that's what I was thinking. Right now I have an enemies family with just the tint effect applied to it. for enemies with multiple sprites, their parts are grouped by UID and they essentially mimic whatever the tint parameters are for whatever the main enemy object is. with spriter though, I have no idea how to make that work... I guess technically I could go and add all the spriter sprites to another family, but that's going to get huge, and I'm not totally sure how to make sure all those body parts pick up the right UIDs.

  • keep it up man

  • lucid - thanks again for your help. I will definitely be emailing you an SCML file soon. One quick question - is there any way to apply webgl effects to spriter objects? prior to using spriter, my enemies would flash red when getting damaged using the tint effect, which was applied to all enemy families. is there a similar way to do that using spriter?

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  • Sure has been a while since I updated this thread...

  • good stuff man. how close are you keeping to the original NES palette? I sort of started pushing that rule a bit recently..

  • Did you happen to put any third party plugins or behaviors into here?

  • hi Thanks for the kind words, and the game looks great as well. Reminds me of Super-Metroid. Are all the parts we see on the left from the bee boss?

    Strange things happen when blending between animations if they don't share the same exact hierarchy (bone parent and child relationships). The easiest way to check is to load up your project in Spriter, and click on the hierarchy tab (stacked with the zorder tab on the left), and switch between animations and see if you notice anything changing location.

    Hey Lucid!

    Thanks for that feedback, I've been looking at the hierarchy and it doesn't actually change for, say, the shooting animation... but I do have the head sprite changing at the different keyframes to simulate the mouth opening up. I might be wrong, but that's the point when I think I've noticed those sprites showing up - and they happen to be the previous sprite that was used in the previous keyframe if that makes sense (at least as far as I can tell). any way for me to tighten that up? am I maybe going about putting those different sprites in the wrong way?

  • imothep85 ah bummer. oh well, I might still try playing around with this at some point. I'm wanting to build a program where people can upload points of interest to some kind of database from the app, and can also pull up other (static) points of interests that other users have uploaded. would that be possible or no?

  • This is great, exactly what I was looking for. Would it be possible to get user defined points from a server or something? Like multiple users could log what they saw at their location?

  • When do you think you'll have a capx ready? I'd like to have the capx, because I wanted to take this and extend it by building a Super Paper Mario flip mechanic to it, so that it'll have an extra mechanic where you can press say F key to flip and switch perspectives. Could make for interesting puzzles.

    Here's a gif to illustrate what I mean:

    I'm actually pretty close.. maybe another week or two? That looks great btw, interested in how you would pull that off!