mudmask's Forum Posts

  • Hello everyone,

    I've been working for the last couple of days on a random island generator that I want to maybe use for a project in the future. I used the Zelda 2 overworld sprites and tiles modified them to work with a BitWise algorithm (thanks to R0J0hound), and I'm more or less using the method described here for my island generation: (also similar to what Ethan described in a post somewhere, probably this one ).

    You can view the build here:

    controls: arrow keys, press SPACE to regenerate the islands, zoom in and out with your mouse wheel

    Originally I wanted sandy beaches on the edge of my islands, but when I generate my heightmap and run it through a few times, I get some ok island shapes but I wasn't totally sure how to make just the edges of my islands sand. SO, I ended up making everything at my 1st height sand. It just looks really sparse now, with so much sand.

    I guess my questions would be:

    1. How would I just outline the edges of my islands with sand, using an array? Is there a way to do that? I feel like it would almost be like a bitwise method, but just finding my tiles that are next to the ocean/water

    2. Or, when I'm averaging out my array values, I really only end up with values of 0-5 - is there any way to increase that range?

    These are some more complex array scenarios for me, and it's been great learning how to do some of this stuff! I appreciate any help!

  • Fidasx - thanks man, but actually I found a guy who seems to be working out well. I should close this...

  • Can you give a ball park on average cost of services? Nice work btw!

  • Fervir that looks great

  • Update: no longer searching, but thank you for your interest!

    Hey Scirras,

    I'm looking for a level designer to help me complete a bunch of levels for a 2D puzzle platformer called Caver O'Connor.

    I think tryouts and audition type culling is pretty lame and bad for the industry, because you should be paid for your work instead of having to jump through hoops to try and land meager paying indie jobs. That said, I think prior work, a good name and a proven track record speaks for itself - so I'm looking for someone who has made some compelling, engaging, and fun 2D levels that they would be able to show in the form of a portfolio or something similar.

    I have money, too. I'm talking USD's and the like. Not a lot. But there is some, somewhere, and I would be willing to give some of that money to someone who would fit the bill. I am not quite ready to start cranking out levels quite yet, but I will be in maybe the next month or so - and in the meantime I might have an interim project that could use a few nice levels before launching.

    My engine uses levels built entirely in Tiled (tmx format) and spits them out into a playable format, so I'm willing to work out a rate per level for the number of levels I would need.

    I hope that's enough info. Thanks guys. If you're interested, please contact me using my contact form:

    Thanks homies.

  • lucid - thanks for that explanation, I think that the hybrid version of importing will be super helpful going forward. since my last post, while I was using a dummy object for my main character and my spriter enemies, I wasn't sure what route to go with for collision detection. for now I'll just use the dummy sprites for things that aren't too complex.

    thanks again man, this is a great update!

  • lucid I had a feeling it had something to do with the old version. thanks again guys! btw, any good tutorials on best practices for collision boxes? Sounds like it's actually pretty confusing for a few users.

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  • reminds me of xargon... anyone out there play that?

    looking good! fred has some good style for a guy who just crashed his ship!

  • Redoing a few of my older enemies and assets with Spriter, now. Please excuse these doors, they're super temporary, but here is the first boss re-animated.

  • lucid - one more quick question, every time I edit my scml files, do I need to edit the non-spritesheet versions and then save them as sprite sheet projects each time?

  • lucid - hey man, this works great. you also forgot to add that weg gl effects work also those weird extra sprites that were showing up in the corner of the level are gone too. nice work guys!

    I did run in to an issue when I was trying to convert an existing spriter object over to the new format. I seemed to narrow the problem down to when I loaded the sprite sheet in. here are some screenshots of the two errors I got (in chrome):

    since I'm using families for my enemies, I was just able to create a new object and follow the steps and everything worked fine. it's not a huge issue for me to work around it this way, but either way I hope this helps!

  • BBaller1337, here you go

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  • Sethmaster - this looks like it'll be a lot of tedious work to make sure I get every instance selected... but it's definitely a solution

  • Sethmaster - interesting. So when you pick a specific instance of a spriter object, you're able to reference all those spriter sprites as well? is that because it's a container?

  • lucid - looking forward to the update, sounds like you guys are really nailing down a lot of potential issues pretty quickly! would this potentially add the ability to use webgl effects?