I posted some of this over in the "How Do I..." section, but I thought I'd keep some updates here too for anyone interested
I've been working for the last couple of days on a random island generator that I want to maybe use for a project in the future. I used the Zelda 2 overworld sprites and tiles modified them to work with a BitWise algorithm (thanks to R0J0hound), and I'm more or less using the method described here for my island generation: http://dxprog.com/files/randmaps.html (also similar to what
Ethan described in a post somewhere, probably this one turn-based-strategy-like-advance-wars-devlog_t87666?&start=10&hilit=random+island).
Here's the first build I did, using zelda 2 graphics. I really wanted to achieve a sandy border around my islands, maybe I can still figure out a way to achieve that at some point... even if it's just creating an algorithm that raises everything on a land mass except for what's on the edge:
I just changed some graphics. Still wanting to figure out how to get some more natural landscapes, but for now I think I can still build on this engine. Any help would be great! I noticed that when I was trying to average out each cell based on the surrounding cells, if I didn't use int() I was getting some insane values.
I abandoned the sandy edges to my islands (for now) until I can figure out how to fix my algorithm. In terms of graphics, I put in an optional animated tiles option for things like water and coasts.
Here's the latest build:
arrow keys, press space to regenerate the island, you can zoom in and out with the mouse wheel, and you can raise and lower terrain using the left and right mouse clicks.
June 9th Update
July 1st Update
Fleshed out the side scrolling a bit, and ran a pass through the array to fill in some of those bitwise gaps. Included some particles and the ocean as well. Really enjoying working on this! the grass is generated at random based on some variables I plug in, as well as the particles.
July 17
Creeping on some bull elk
working on a day/night system (pretty much completed, just needs some better visuals), ducking, crawling, and running for the player, etc. next I'm hoping to get some basic AI for NPCs going.
july stuff
the hunt is on. sort of.
August something
Slowly but surely plugging away. This has been a really neat project to work on, and I've learned a ton. In this example, I randomly generated a mountain, in part using the bitwise method and TMX files, as well as using the spelunky style of level generation. You only see the peak of the mountain here and some hastily drawn mountain peaks in the background, but the whole mountain is huge!
Next I'll be adding in more variation in the different parts of the mountain, as well as some enemy interactions. I'm planning on adding in some caves, too. We'll see how long that takes... this literally took like 3 weeks to figure out!