lucid - Hello lucid, I just want to report a bug I found. When I use this action:
Spriter Object --> Set entity --> (Entity: "Entity_Name") & (Animation: "")
When I leave the textbox of the animation to blank like this "" . If an animation is already running like the animation "Idle" the animation then stops to play.
This is happening because I used a trigger to set my animation earlier before this action so the animation is set only once but the change entity action stops the
"Idle" animation from playing but it is still in the animation.
To put it simply, when I leave the animation textbox to blank like this "". The animation stops playing. (I am not using an every tick change animation but a before-hand once trigger.)
I hope you can fix this lucid.
I tried this as a workaround but still failed and just showed a new bug. I set the animation to "self.animationName".
Spriter Object --> Set entity --> (Entity: "Entity_Name") & (Animation: self.animationName)
I tried the option above and the animation plays again but the entity change is then ignored. I realised when I use the expression "self.animationName" on the animation textbox. The change entity fails.
I also tried this workaround by adding these actions:
Spriter Object --> Set entity --> (Entity: "Entity_Name") & (Animation: "")
Spriter Object --> Set animation --> (Animation: Self.AnimationName)
But I realised that it just read the "" is it's animation. And it is blank so nothing is played.
May I suggest
lucid to remove the "set animation" from the action "set entity" because it is a disadvantage for those who use the for each loop + AI's on their game.
If they need to set the animation, they can just use the "set animation" action.
It is a disadvantage because whenever we change the entity, we always have to change the animation too and when we set the entity with a for each loop that includes the animation and if we want it to retain it's original entity by leaving it blank, the animation will always become "" (blank) no matter we change it because of the loop. Removing it will save us time to make variables for it and it is very hard for big games.
I hope you can fix this lucid.