Spriter/C2 - (9-16-2019 - bug fix)

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Rotate & Animation for 16 Direction & Mouse Direction
  • lucid - I hope you are not bothered, I just wanted to know if you with the Spriter Team have already discussed the Scml object identification feature, like nametags or something better your team thought out?

    , sorry I missed the notification for this. Do you mean to help in picking them in C2, to make it easier to identify individual instances?

    The instructions for the high performance mode seem so straightforward but I can't seem to get it to work..

    Using Spriter 8 (Pro) with the GreyGuy demo asset (also tried my own asset) to no avail. Here's screenshot of the SCML object with the GreyGuy spritesheet loaded, the SCON file imported, and the properties filled out.. Do I need to initialize with some kind of code to make the image/idle animation show up? Thanks in advance for any help!


    Just to ensure it's not a mistake with the case sensitive names for entity and animation, leave those blank, and it should default to the first animation for the first entity.

    Also, do you have all the options selected under File | Other File Actions | Custom Save Options? :

    And most importantly, did you make sure 'embed spritesheet info' was checked in the spritesheet dialog, and that you used this newly generated scon file (saved to same name and directory as the image) and not the original scon file?

    If none of that helps, please send me the file, and I'll see if I can figure out what the issue is.

    lucid - Hello lucid, I just want to report a bug I found. When I use this action:

    Spriter Object --> Set entity --> (Entity: "Entity_Name") & (Animation: "")


    I hope you can fix this lucid.

    I will look into this. Thanks for reporting the bug.

    Sethmaster it has a different message if you tab to Animation

  • Download the new version here.

    (if you are getting an error because you started your project with an older version of the plugin and you don't plan on upgrading to use the new performance mode,

    download this version to avoid the error and load your project)


    • Fixed a bug where using Set Entity and setting to the same entity and animation would cause the animation to restart
  • lucid

    While you are here, got a bug with the second latest scml plugin where there are small seams between sprites in the scml animations when exported out as nwjs in C2 despite that in Spriter, not such seams are ever detected and all animation key frames are using instant transition.

    Pretty bad issue since for pixel art game where this problem is highlighted.

    EDIT: Still happened with the latest plugin.

  • lucid - Wow, that was a fast fix. Thanks again lucid.

  • lucid Shot you an e-mail since we couldn't get it working for our spriter/capx files, would appreciate any help when you get a chance! Thanks so much.

  • > lucid - I hope you are not bothered, I just wanted to know if you with the Spriter Team have already discussed the Scml object identification feature, like nametags or something better your team thought out?


    , sorry I missed the notification for this. Do you mean to help in picking them in C2, to make it easier to identify individual instances?

    Woah, I nearly missed seeing this. I meant the scml object white boxes on the editor(layout view), since they all look alike, it is hard to identify which is which. Then i suggested to add a text(nametag) of the name of the scml object so it will be easier to differentiate like the scml object has it's own scale always shown. Or did you / with your team thought of something better?

    Thanks again.

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  • lucid

    While you are here, got a bug with the second latest scml plugin where there are small seams between sprites in the scml animations when exported out as nwjs in C2 despite that in Spriter, not such seams are ever detected and all animation key frames are using instant transition.

    Pretty bad issue since for pixel art game where this problem is highlighted.

    EDIT: Still happened with the latest plugin.

    So you're using pixel art mode in Spriter. That's primarily used with exporting to images since a small difference in the way Spriter and the engine handle pixel rounding would result in a very different looking character. If you'd like to send me the Spriter project I'll take a look anyway and see if I can come up with something ().

    lucid Shot you an e-mail since we couldn't get it working for our spriter/capx files, would appreciate any help when you get a chance! Thanks so much.

    i HelmetPig, I've looked through my email and I can't find your message. Which address did you send to? (Please send to ), and when did you send it? Also, what email address or name did you send from?

    Woah, I nearly missed seeing this. I meant the scml object white boxes on the editor(layout view), since they all look alike, it is hard to identify which is which. Then i suggested to add a text(nametag) of the name of the scml object so it will be easier to differentiate like the scml object has it's own scale always shown. Or did you / with your team thought of something better?

    Thanks again.

    h right. I need to look into this more. I haven't found a decent solution, but in all honesty I haven't had a lot of time checking for one yet either. There's a few things I need to take care of in the near future, so it may be a while, but please remind me if I haven't responded one way or the other in the next couple of weeks.

  • lucid - Ok. I'll keep reminding every 2or3 weeks in case you forget.

  • lucid Sent on July 9th, 2:22 PM Pacific Time from , will send again now

  • Sent you an e-mail lucid.

  • Hello again lucid . I encountered an unusual problem with a spriter object I have in C2.

    Here is the problem's description:

    I have a specific Spriter object on Construct 2 with a size of (225, 125) and the object doesn't show up when it's body is not visible by approximately > than 50%.

    It's unfortunate I reported this without knowing the specific cause but I can email you the scon/scml file if needed.

  • lucid - Also, there are 2 "set visible" actions at the action dialog.

  • Sethmaster and lucid, regarding the seams issue - this might solve it, and might not, but I was having an issue with sprites lagging and jumping around, and so I made the spriter object set it's x and y to int(object.x) and int(object.y) (where object in this case would be your placeholder sprite) as opposed just object.x and object.y. I guess the issue was that it was trying to align sprites based on coordinates that weren't necessarily whole numbers, so it would round up or down. seems to work well for me, hopefully that helps for you guys. I haven't exported to nwjs, and I'm only guessing on what I think you're referring to with that issue, so maybe this is completely irrelevant.

  • Sethmaster and lucid, regarding the seams issue - this might solve it, and might not, but I was having an issue with sprites lagging and jumping around, and so I made the spriter object set it's x and y to int(object.x) and int(object.y) (where object in this case would be your placeholder sprite) as opposed just object.x and object.y. I guess the issue was that it was trying to align sprites based on coordinates that weren't necessarily whole numbers, so it would round up or down. seems to work well for me, hopefully that helps for you guys. I haven't exported to nwjs, and I'm only guessing on what I think you're referring to with that issue, so maybe this is completely irrelevant.

    The seams are between sprites within the spriter object itself which does not exist inside spriter and only in Construct 2 after export. It is not between spriter objects which would be easier to fix.

  • Hi there lucid , thank you for the hard work and support provided for the C2 community! I was wondering if the procedure for importing AND updating scml objects in C2 had changed since the performance update? I read what you said recently about being able to just reimport the files if not too many changes occurred within spriter in the meantime (new images, sounds etc) but do we still have to rename the scml file association to scon and then rename to scml in C2 before each update? I may have missed the info somewhere but are there other new things to know like that or is it strictly the same as before the performance update? All my searches point me to the official tut made years ago.

    Also I use a lot of container sprites as you recommend in one of your videos in order to apply behaviors and I wished there was a way to not to suppress the container object when it gets updated by drag n dropping the scml file into the c2 project. Right now I have to unbind all my containers manually before any file update, which gets time consuming, maybe a feature to think of later on or again, something I missed? This was actually the reason why I was looking at alternate ways to update the files without breaking the containers every time.

    Thank you again for your hard work and support, spriter is an amazing tool!

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