HelmetPIg's Forum Posts

  • lucid Thanks so much for the response! For some reason my e-mails back to you are still bouncing. I'll try again later today.

  • lucid thanks for the response eagerly awaiting any help you can provide!

  • lucid Sent on July 9th, 2:22 PM Pacific Time from , will send again now

  • lucid Shot you an e-mail since we couldn't get it working for our spriter/capx files, would appreciate any help when you get a chance! Thanks so much.

  • Can anyone post a capx or youtube video showing the high performance mode working please? Having trouble still.

  • The instructions for the high performance mode seem so straightforward but I can't seem to get it to work..

    Using Spriter 8 (Pro) with the GreyGuy demo asset (also tried my own asset) to no avail. Here's screenshot of the SCML object with the GreyGuy spritesheet loaded, the SCON file imported, and the properties filled out.. Do I need to initialize with some kind of code to make the image/idle animation show up? Thanks in advance for any help!


  • Hi guys - wondering if someone knows what this bug means when I export for node.js. Specifically, would love to figure out if I can go to the designated line numbers within the c2runtime.js file and figure out what is causing my issues (not sure how to read the bolded below, is that line number 8614? What is the 13?)

    Thanks for any help!

    Uncaught node.js Error

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null

    at Layer.createInitialInstances (file:///C:/X/AppData/Local/Temp/nw14172_3021/c2runtime.js:8614:13)

    at Layout.startRunning (file:///C:/X/AppData/Local/Temp/nw14172_3021/c2runtime.js:7681:10)

    at Runtime.go_loading_finished (file:///C:/X/AppData/Local/Temp/nw14172_3021/c2runtime.js:4916:29)

    at Runtime.go (file:///C:/X/AppData/Local/Temp/nw14172_3021/c2runtime.js:4670:9)

    at file (file:///C:/X/AppData/Local/Temp/nw14172_3021/c2runtime.js:4734:33)

  • Hm, but if the Sound group is a sub-menu within the Main menu, I'm still having issues where commands cascade. For example, when I hit Enter it goes through several menus. I would really like to do something like:

    If Menu 1 is up,

    -arrows move up and down

    -if enter pressed while sound selected, go into Menu 2

    -if enter pressed while display selected, go into Menu 3

    else If Menus 2 is up

    -if enter pressed, toggle volume

    else if Menu 3 is up

    -if enter pressed, toggle display

    It sounds like the only alternative is to say

    -if enter pressed,

    if on menu 1, do x

    if on menu 2, do y

    if on menu 3,do z

    But this gets really unintuitive quickly with a lot of menus and multiple controls per menu (e.g., enter, arrows, left, right, gamepad controls, etc)

  • Hm, seems really awkward to create many menus then?

    If UI # 1 (main menu) is up, then hitting arrows should let you do X

    If UI # 2 (sound menu) is up, then hitting buttons should let you Y

    If UI #3 (inventory) is up, then hitting buttons should let you do Z

    You could only do a single trigger and cascade actions based on what menu was up?

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  • How come the below block of code works and the above block of code does not work?

  • Having trouble limiting player inputs from cascading (not sure if there is a better way to describe this problem)

    Example: Two menus. Menu A opens Menu B. When Menu B is open and player hits cancel, the input cascades and closes both Menu B and Menu A.

    Example Code:

    -If menu B is active and player hits cancel, close menu B and make code for menu A active

    -If menu A is active and player hits cancel, close menu A

    Flipping order of the code does solve the problem, but if I have blocks of code in different spreadsheets, things become complex. Tried disabling groups of code and 'on/off' variables to no avail. Wondering if you guys have a simple solution that I'm overlooking!

  • Hm, this plugin doesn't have the ability to set alignment as an action. Any idea how to update it and/or improve the official spritefont plugin to show text perfectly spaced?

  • Hm, now the error reads:

    Cannot read property '0' of undefined

    line 168, col 28

    Uploaded a very quick test capx here if you needed to see it (I click to run the timer, then click button to save/swap layouts, then click again to try to load the save)

  • rexrainbow Hm, follow-up error here. Saving is fine, but trying to load a saved game (with the stopwatch plugin active) causes an error in the plugin. Any help would be appreciated!

    Uncaught ReferenceError n is not defined

    line 168, col29

  • Works perfectly now, thank you so much for your amazing plugins!