Mr Pancake12309's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • I get that, but that's not what I mean.

    Certain enemies have different max healths, Ex: One has 13 and the other has 11, and from what I can tell there is no way to use families in a way that makes it to where they can keep their different max healths in a convenient way. I could make different families for different health classes of enemies, but I don't have a large enough amount of enemies for that to be helpful, and I don't have a small enough amount for each one to have its own event and it still be easily manageable.

  • So I tried using families, but came across an issue.

    All my enemies have different amounts of health, and if I use families, they would all have to share the same health variable, which I don't want to do.

  • I don't really know how to say this right, but in my game I have multiple enemies, and the current way damage is dealt to them is by each weapon having its own event block that deals damage to that enemy, and I have to create a new event for every enemy that a weapon/projectile can hit, and it very quickly clutters up the event sheet. Is there a way to make it where all I only need 1 event for something to do damage to different enemies?


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  • It went back down after a while, but I didn't anything about it. Weird.

  • I added a song that was 10 megabytes, but at the time I didn't notice that. It increased the file size by 10 megabytes, and even when I deleted the song from the project the file size didn't go down. How do I fix this?


  • So in a game I'm making I have it to where when you die it resets all global variables, but recently I've needed it to reset all but 2 or 3 variables. Is there a way to put variables into a tag then have it reset all of those, or will I have to make it reset all of them separately?


  • 6 posts