Miu3's Forum Posts

  • Uuuh i really like the prices, does the offer count for steam and ps3 stores? :D

  • Ashley, if game maker is there, how about try contacting them to ask how they did it? They migh tell what you need to do to get Valves atention.

  • This sounds interesting, could you describe a bit more what this path plugin could do?

  • Oh my, i must had totaly messed up the numbers...

    Thankyou very much, it works now :)

  • Hello

    Recently I was looking for more ways how to make adventure type of game.

    In previous releases i used the condition "is between angles" to get my character rotate wich turn out great but in the latest version this method got kinda broken...

    Did i miss some changes or is there a way to fix this?

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/perspectivebox.capx

  • Hmmm i guess i will need to start upload also screenshots of the eventsheet with all description...maybe that would help?

  • Well it is for creating the graphical part of the level where it could screenshot the current lauoyt view in its original 100% size. One option would be to simply screenshot the desctop view but i find it time consuming if the layout is alot larger than the size of the pc desctop. It surely can be downloadable or a way of exporting the PNG or what ever works. Iam sadly not a programer but from artistic way this would really help for drawing and composing the background to the functional game levels.

    Take all the time you need though and when ever you feel like it :)

  • This migh sound like a strange request but personaly i would really apreseate if it was included in the future built... if posible.

    The idea is that when i make a game level, i use first very simple square like sprites to place all the solid platforms and make all its game functions work.

    What i would like to be able to do then is to export a 100% screenshot of the whole layout with all its visible sprites to use it as reference for creating all the graphical objects in a way more acurate way.

    This way it would be easyer for me to create the graphic objects faster in the correct size without the need to resize or fix them in case they wont match the required layout wich would only take extra time and posibly loose its quality.

    I hope its not too difficult to understand what i try to explain ^^;

    Ty for reading <3

  • Did any of you ppl even manage to get a reply from companies when you try get permission? I personaly have this huge problem to even get any response from the copyright holders no mater if its a song or a character, they never respond to messages. Even from few popular resources i know that iam not the only one with this problem when it goes to get legaly permission for using copyrighted material in the first place so i asume it becomes easily the cause of why many start not to bother even try get the permission when the companies dont bother to ever reply.

    Personaly i see nothing good about copyrights and in my opinion, only those exposing theyr actual identification will more likely get in trouble for using copyrighted material than the anonymous ones.

    If the ilegal project then gets too popular, then the company will more likely notice and decide in taking posible actions as they risc of loosing customers.

    But hey, not all companies seem to be so touchee.

    Ppl seem to be free to make MLP projects without the owners minding to get a huge fanbase from it for example.

  • File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/pvsztests.capx

    Heres an example of a problem that i encountered and just cant seem to get it done right.

    Basicaly there are copies of "flame" sprites in two groups making a road or something.

    They are distinguished by manualy set up number in their "group" variable same like the "item" sprites (1 or 2).

    When the "enemy" sprite touches the "flame" sprite,its group number changes to same like the the "flame" sprite has.

    This way the group number of "enemy" should match with the group number of "item" sprite.

    The plan is to make active "item" sprite and shoot only when the "enemy" sprites group number matches (think of a game like plantVsZombies).


    With event1 the "enemy sprite is positioned to the mouse so by overlaping the "flame" sprite the plan works just fine and the "item" sprites respond as they should.


    But when you toggle event 1 and untoggle event 2, you spawn with left and right button "enemy" sprites that move left over the "flame" sprites.

    By overlaping them,it is suposed to give each "enemy" sprite its group number 1 or 2 and by that activate the "item" sprite to shoot inmediately.

    This turns out to be very buggy and uneffective with custom movement and bullet behavior.

    In otherwords,the game doesnt respond the same by overlapps by the two methods in event 1 and 2.

    Is this a problem in programming maybe or my plans for the project just wont work this way?

  • try custom movement behavior to move the "boxes"

  • Very fascinatig, it would be splendid to see more of the progress :D

  • i see...well sorry for the idea then, i guess ill have to avoid round objects ^^;

  • Hello again

    I was wondering if it would be posible to include in future an option of creating curves with the collision polygons?

    I believe this could at some points help to avoid using too many polygons in a sprite and would be especialy good for round objects.

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  • Hello

    Im not sure if this has been already requested but is there a posibility to add more options in event sheet for sounds than "On"" ended"? (it recognize the specific sound by its set up tag, right?)

    Im working on a adventure game that got sofar the functions sketched and id like to add voices to it when the characters talk but online play may cause the sound delay because of the load time and wont match the animation anymore.

    I was thinking that conditions like "Is "" loaded" and "Starts ""playing" could help especialy to make the animation match to the recording or help the game to load before leting the player to next level and so on...

    Heres my WIP where you migh notice it on three spots (trashcan,two roads up)


    The sounds respond faster after the first delayed try