Miu3's Forum Posts

  • Hello, id like to try make a adventure game genre type, something like Monkey island3 but i cant really figure out how i could make the movement of the character when i get to a path that turns into other dirrection...

    Example sketch:


    is there maybe a way to deal with this?

  • makes me think of what I did on another capx


    Indeed, too bad it also has its problems on vertical moving slopes but great example you made as always :D

  • Heres a very simple example how to deal with the jumping issue on vertical moving platform.

    The action in event2 requiers precise number in pixels, depending the height of the platform and the player but that should be posible to figure out in lees than a minute by playing with it.

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/vertical%20platform%20movement.capx

    Note: not good for slopes!

  • I have been working on a basic puzzle game where i got to a point that i believe it is a bug.

    The player got platformer behavior, a basic doublejump made with velocity and "jumpPower" variable.

    The yellow light sprite spawns confetti when player collides.

    Heres the problem...

    When i try the game in chrome and let the player collide with the light sprite after making a doublejump, it causes the player fall trough the solid object.


  • Very Nice I love the smoke effect that appears after the fire! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    i think this post belongs in "your creations" forum though?


    I personaly prefer posting more finished work there while I see this post like all the other HowDoI topics. I just instead of giving questions share directly one of many posible "ansvers" that I come up with :P

    Miu3 thank you for sharing!

    Youre welcome ^-^

    Thank you very much for sharing. This certainly inspires some great ideas.

    I was actually just working on a game and thinking "I need to think of how to make Snow, Fire, Rain, and Fog" and this is going to give a great stepping off point for ideas.

    Thank you!

    Youre welcome, I do hope it helps to get some ideas :)

    The only downside of it on my laptop atleast is that all these effects may slow down the game sofar I have noticed.

    Cool effect. Like your other examples, this one's been added to the how do I FAQ.

    As far as I'm concerned, the "your creations" part of the forum is more for finished/full games.

    Specific examples like this one belong in the how do I forum since it is more technical oriented.

    Iam glad to hear the examples may be useful enough to add them to the list :)


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  • This is a example of imitating the particle system where i gave all the element sprites a bullet behavior.

    I made almoust realistic looking snow, fire and rain that interact with the player.

    I made a large use of the system expresion "random" in this wich was a big help.

    Example contains:

    -basic description

    -one spawning sprite that spawns 3 different elements

    -snow that attaches to the player and then melts

    -fire that burns the player and causes the player to smoke

    -rain with two different ways to set its position to spawn. It also bounces off before its destroied and same like snow it puts down the smoke when player is burned





    Heres a new file with leaves and confetti effect included

    The leaves make the player burn loonger,changes into darker leave when "burning" and got a sine behavior while in air.

    The confetti makes a exploding effect and randomizes its look of the pieces in frames from one animation before it falls and bounces of the player, giving it a more funn look to move trough it.

    I also modified the rain so it creates the droops from specified distance.

    I didnt add extra comments though since i find moust of it to be basic event functions and moust of it is explained in the existing comments of this example.



  • I'll try get a keyboard shortcut for moving between frames in the next build - how about Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right?

    Sounds good to me :D

    I have noticed i can use arrows to switch frames but only when i got the frame window open while i need the frame selecting when working on imagepoints in image editor.

  • interesting where i can use this methods ?


    4:38 would be a good example

  • Seconded . And isn't there a assign image point/origin to all frames yet ? On my game i searched and searched for it and couldn't find it. My suggestion is organize the interface more or less like it was on Classic, much better imo

    Do you mean rightclick on created imagepoint and "apply to whole animation" in "image points" list?

  • This is a example inspired from the bonus level in Aladin where you play as the monkey Abu and avoid certain enemy objects.

    I simply made a layer that acts like a timeline sheet where i maped in certain positions of a sprite that triggers when and from where the enemy sprite shall be spawned from.

    I could also imagine this to be used to map the boss behavior wich then triggers when the boss shall move or attack and so on instead of doing the "wait" action.

    Or the sonic2 bonus level i believe can be made this way to effect the change of layout animation and rings spawning.




    This file version is a lil fixed so now you need only one spawner sprite to do different spawning depending on its variable value


  • Hello

    Im working on a platform game and if this function isnt available yet, id like to request it in future built.

    When i for example got a animated rope and want to put the image point on each frame on the end of the rope, it takes too loong in my opinion to select the next frame where i need to click like 3 times till it goes to the next frame and then i need to click back to the image editor to set the new position of the image point.

    This gets a little time consuming by 29 frames...

    So i was wondering if there is a posibility to do a keyboard shortcut for going to next/previous frame to speed up the proces.

    Also a undo function (ctrl+Z) in image editor would be great so i dont need to recreate the whole animation when i make a mistake in resizing or croping for example

    Thankyou for reading

  • You have an historic of your own post in the profil


    Also you can keep a bookmark of your topic.

    As far as bump goes, I would just Reply to my own topic with the new update, and edit the first post by adding the new capx with a little description and changing the title like "Miu3's R&D [UPDATE 2011-05-12]"

    And yeah Kyatric is a nice french guy who maintain a neat FAQ, but compiling some of your stuff might help a bit.

    who talked about screenshot?

    Hmmm I guess I can give it a try after I get more time to set the things up.

    Thankyou for the suggestion :)

    As for the screenshots, I was just thinking foward about other posibilities, sorry ^^;

    Thank you so much, I was going crazy trying to fix a detection issue when doing this. It believed that it would not be able to put something in my game, but you got to this example and you'll be able to make it deeper. Again thank you very much.

    Youre welcome

    Iam only glad when the example can help

  • Miu3 > you should use is Mirrored and Set Mirrored/Set Not Mirrored

    'cause when I ran your cap, the character was upside-down when facing left.

    Maybe you use an old c2 version with the auto mirror option.

    Oh! 11th of November.

    Patched it for you http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23551572/C2/Mui3-advAnim.capx

    Also I can't help but notice that that kind of design choice is really frustrating to manipulate. Having to wait for the character to stop for him to be able to jump. Also you can't simply jump forward or backward.

    Well the animations are cute though (:

    Yes, this example was made before Webgl was introduced so thankyou very much for updating the example! :)

    It is true that this type of character control may be frustrating and alot of extra work.

    It is ment to be controled by the animations so you can effect the character depending on its sytuation.

    I personaly have a weakness for games that got this type of character where you see it turn around, do its crouching and so on without being interupted by suden change in game controls.

    You could for example make a fighting type game in this type of game design or make attack damage on specific frames so the character wont do damage before doing the actual punch animation.

    Its a animator thing...

    The character cannot jump foward or backward because I simply did not included it in this example but I believe it gives enough ideas how to do these actions aswell :P

  • Great job. Thanks for this example

    youre welcome, hope it helps atleast to get some ideas :)

    This should go in "Contrust 2 > Your Releases"

    Well, I think the "How do I" section is ment mainly to look for solutions to do things and I just share examples that my mind comes up with to give some solutions since I love learning from examples that others make aswell :)

    To me the "Your creations" topic is rather for own games finished and in progress.

    Miu3 you should compile all your "This is a small example of" in one topic and push it on top when you have new stuff to show.

    This way your old stuff won't disappear into oblivion and you will have more feedback.

    And for example if one day someone remembers "Oh yeah Miu3 did something neat like that..." and it was 3 months ago... it might be hard to find.

    As far as forum category goes, I think it fits the "how do I" theme...

    Well the topic wont be pushed to top by simply editing the post and im no fan of the bump method. Also the screenshots I find not fitting to make for these type of examples to get the "atention" between posible comments. If some examples become useful then Kyatric is kind to feature them in FAQ


    so ppl may find them.

    I do understand though that seeing constantly a topic that starts with "PLATFORMER:" migh not be best solution and i apreseate your sudgestion but then even if i do put everything in one post and come back like in a week with something new then iam the one who has to browse all over the "how do i" section for my own post to update it XD;

  • There was already one, but after all it's not bad to have several implementations of the same mechanic.

    Added to the how do I FAQ as your previous examples.

    Personaly I like when almoust same result can be made in more than one way so I hope its not a bother posting such examples

    Can you disable platformer behavior? GOSH I didn't know

    Sorry if that was ment sarcastic ^^;

    I find this new action exelent for new ways and its a more time saver than the pin behavior sofar :)