Mipey's Forum Posts

  • *tiptoes over the line*

  • Lately I have been learning Ruby because I felt limited by Construct and other game making engines. I am familiar with some programming concepts and game design, however I couldn't program past "Hello world!" before. Now I'm developing a would-be-roguelike and learning a great deal about game development as well. Granted, there were many snags on the way, but I've had professional help to nudge me into the right direction. Also the Computer Science classes many a year ago may have helped with the foundation, but well, that was in Oberon and programs were pretty much about typing text or outputting results of some math stuff.

    You, too, can learn to program or, more accurately, script if you devote some of your time and mind to it. Sometimes I still wake up in middle of a night with an epiphany regarding to my little project.

    The only limit is your own will and commitment. I've read stories about people who finally acquired driving licence after hundreds of failed tests. I'm sure I, too, will eventually succeed if I keep climbing back into the saddle.

    Bottom line: It all depends on how much effort you are willing to put in.

  • How'd you control them? With your tongue?

  • Bah, Deadeye is really a mellow guy, once you get past that psychic appearance... uh... must... obey...

  • He knows too much.

  • Anything is possible as long as you put time and effort into it. Behaviours just mean you don't have to code events by yourself. When you need a behaviour that is not available or aren't satisfied with existing, you can always create your own behaviour with Construct events - as long as you now the ropes.

    So, really, it just takes time to learn and you'll figure it out. Events are basically code in graphical view.

  • Make a Pacman clone starring Construct logo that nomnoms Game Maker, Stencil, MMF and other 'ghosts'. But first it has to collect 'revisions' in form of dots, gaining in version... then at 1.0 it goes imba and ghosts become vulnerable, that is nomnomable!

  • Actually, Avatar has at least some more quality than the stereotypical Hollywood trash. Or so am I told.

    Also, I don't see Belarusian film makers catering to the masses. At least here in Slovenia they're all about 'art' and stuff rather than entertainment. They keep giving each other rewards and patting each other's backs on job well done. That's the academic art for you. S'why Hollywood is so popular. People prefer to go to MacDonalds than some cheesy 'bowtie' restaurant with snob waiters.

  • <img src="http://www.questionablecontent.net/random/winfail.png">

  • open-source already implies free, I thought. 'Free' just feels kind of dirty. But yeah, if you want to seize the attention of ignorant masses, 'free' is the way to go.

  • But wait! What if you used that stacker for EVENTS rather than expressions?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • dX=mousex-x



    number = 3*distance




    Basically what you do is condense each operation into one variable and operate on the variables instead. It is much easier to work with units (variables) than whole expressions.

    I suppose that these blocks would be named; when clicked, they would expand, showing the details. Click onto each of blocks to expand the whole expression or to collapse them into the simplest form:


    click on number and it expands that block



    Abstraction, woo.

  • No offense, but that is ugly

    Hey, let's have David make a Construct splash for us, including "made by Scirra Construct" and logo and all that. Then we could include it at start or end or whenever we want.

    Multiple resolutions.

  • lerp(a,b,t)

    • where a is the starting point and b the ending point, like this:

    a = bottom-most stair step

    b = top-most stair step

    • t is basically transition or time, a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 is the beginning and 1 is the end.

    When you stand on the bottom-most stair step, you begin clocking at 0. Add a second to the time (normalized to scale of 1) and find yourself on the second step. Add another second and you are on the third step, et cetera until at time = 1.0 you are finally standing on top of the stairs.

    But wait! You can rewind in time! Pick the time - where were you at half the time? Set t= 0.5 (50%) and amazingly enough you find yourself half way on the staircase! Woo, time manipulation!

    |o------------|  |-----------o|  |-----o-----|
    a             b  a            b  a           b
         t=0 (0%)      t=1 (100%)      t=0.5(50%)
  • Cruiser.X, Cruiser.Y refers to whatever cruiser has been 'picked' through condition. For example:

    + Cruiser.X > 100

    -> Spawn Asteroid at Cruiser.X, Cruiser.Y

    In this example, the Cruiser.X > 100 condition picks all cruisers with X greater than 100. That's what 'picking' is like, it is rather intuitive - it is basically filtering, so actions are executed on the objects you want

    If there is no condition or such, all instances of the Cruiser will be picked by default.