Mipey's Forum Posts

  • Doesn't appear to do anything for me...?

  • Another image beneath the MiniMap and set the minimap as transparent?

  • And obstacles?

  • What about Layer Zoom? 2x at 640x480.

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  • Competing with "I wanna be the guy", eh? You evil, mean sadist!

  • A screenshot would be nice to know what to expect before downloading your crime on the mankind.

    Did I say that? Oops. Ahem. It is that difficult. Inertia is quite troublesome in a small game like this.

    Couldn't get past the third layout - or was that fourth? - with multiple guns and the God forsaken spike trap.

    Then again I am not a fan of platformers, not much of twitch skills here!

  • White color filter.

  • Hmm, what about semi-transparent objects? If this changes the alpha channel, then they'd be hollowed out?

  • It is fixed in next build. What you do is add family, remove it and add it again - that will get it. It seems that only the first application of family is 'missed'.

  • I've been considering Timeline Object for that purpose. It can be created and run in runtime.

  • Yes, I've been thinking about the very question for quite a while; my big project, which is on hold, relies heavily on storyline, however I don't want it to be too linear.

    For example, if your starting town is invaded and you failed to defend it, you would be kicked out or forced into hiding in underground, where you would continue playing from. The game wouldn't end at all, even if the main character is defeated gruesomely; I'd use the system similar to Left 4 Dead - if it gets too tough for player, lighten up, if it seems too easy, throw some more challenges at him.

    From what I have heard, Left 4 Dead is brilliant. Thing is, however, that implementation would be quite a female dog.

  • I don't think the hash table will load that fast for its key to be instantly accessible... give it some delay and try again?

  • I've had a similar picking issue! Now I see why families are awesome. Thanks

  • The most important thing would be an ability to load textures from resource and dump them at will.

  • Also don't post ideas in this thread, we don't tend to read it or remember what's here.