Minor's Forum Posts

  • Quick example.


    All the sprites are in a Family called blue.

    EDIT - you'll need 0.9.99 to open it

  • why thank you minor

    btw, do you remember what the situation was where you needed a workaround

    it may be possible to bring this plugin up to a status of "use it this way"

    instead of my normal policy as of late "don't use it"

    Yeah I remember the problem. I had a global variable and depending on that variable Spritefont was supposed to write some text letter by letter, but the event never executed when the variable was that value.

    Pseudocode Example:

    If Global Variable = 1

    Spritefont write text "HELLO"

    If Global Variable = 2

    Spritefont write text "GOODBYE"

    If the Gloabal was 1 or 2 it would never write the text it should have, or would constantly write the text.

    Working version - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1646976/writingtextworking.cap

    If you toggle out the Spritefont condition for checking the value "written" you can see the problem I had.

    another question, have you ever used it with multiple layouts?

    everytime people had problems using the plugin, their caps were always very different than I would have made them.

    Yeah I have used across multiple layouts in RogueLight. Using both global Spritefonts and a Spritefont per layer. The only problem I ever had with this was I missed destroying a global Spritefont at the start of a layout so it would show up at certain points in the level, but that was me being a numpty. I've also used it as an editbox for the level editor I created for Memorized and again I had no problems what so ever.

    there might be a dependable way to use this plugin yet

    In my opinion it is extremely dependable, maybe a little quirky if some can't get it to work as expected, but very easily used and very workable.

    I'll be using this plugin in all my projects until fonts get embedded into the .exe.

    If you need any more info or if you want some help making some examples to put in the Spritefont thread let me know.

  • For my little program BBgff@RT I used the image manipulator.

    You can use it to get the RGB value of any pixel, you will have to paste in a sprite or a canvas first though.

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  • Whoa. So you mean spritefont hasn't caused you any problems? That's awesome


    Only ever had one problem with Spritefont and I made a quick workaround and it worked perfectly. I use it all my projects/experiments/games.

    It's the User created plugin I use the most.

  • Inside the Spritefont zip there should be a folder named plugins. Simply copy/merge that to where your version of Construct is installed.

    I should really mention that in the tutorial thread really.

    I hope the tutorial helps you out.

  • Every now and then I get a silly idea and decide to prototype it in Construct. It's good fun and I also get to use objects that I haven't used before.

    This time I've made a silly little IMAGE > BBCODE creator.

    <img src="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b170/mr_flibble_hhah/Games/BBRT2.png">

    <img src="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b170/mr_flibble_hhah/Games/BBRT1-1.png">

    And it will output this:


































































  • [quote:178uqc6c]That is quite impressive!!!

    What is the first one a picture of though? I can't figure it out .

    EDIT: OH is it sonic?


    Yeah it's Sonic the original pic was a bit off to start with. Just trying to make a nice-ish gui so I can put up for download for people to play around with.

































  • In what way do you mean platform movement broke your engine?

    Sorry David as I metioned in chat it was my fault. The cap works perfectly in the new version.

    I just forgot to press ctrl+BRAIN.

    My bad.

  • Can someone please check Platform and see if it crashed for you? Just make two solid boxes and give the top one Platform, it crashes on run for me.

    Works OK for me.

    This version broke my platform game, not bothered though it needed re-doing anyway.

  • [quote:376aq4qy]One last request-

    what was your best time of survival in the game?? because i think i have made the game a bit harder.

    About 45secs, yeah I know I suck, but my brain doesn't process WASD.

    Glad you got the terrain bit working, although I'm sure I tried that when poking with the .cap you provided.

    Keep it up man.

  • Oooh that rather nice Zotged. I take it thats using the new 3d object?

    Not a screenshot but an output of something I've been playing with in construct.

































































    It takes a 32x32 graphic and outputs the BBCODE for you to use on forums.

  • Here you go quick example.


    Oh you'll need the latest unstable version form HERE.

    Hope that helps.

  • Really nice abhilash2863.

    Although I suck bad at it - I cannot for the life of me use WASD I don't know why maybe it's the years of 8-bit gaming they always used arrows.

    One thing that would help would be screen wrap - Like the old asteroids games go to far left warp on the right. I got stuck off screen and had no idea where I was facing or where I was

    Also I have no idea why your destructable terrain doesn't work. I made a small example from scratch to see if was a bug in the newest unstable release - but it works fine.


    Maybe you can see any difference always easier when you know your way around a .cap.

    Nice start so far.

  • You reeealy should check out the Perlin plug. With it you wouldn't have to check nearest neighbor, since the random data generated ensures that cells at a certain height will be surrounded.

    All you would need to check is if it is at sea level or not.

    Will do newt.

    I think I've come to the end of my capabilites with this little excerise anyway, the things I would like too add seem way out of my capabilities at the moment.

    Still I've learned some programmy stuff - loops and arrays.

    Thanks guys.

  • Thanks for the info Silent Cacophony.

    I'm starting to think this is way too complicated for me at the minute. Best go back with something a little more simple regarding Arrays & Loops, I was on a bit of a roll and started to get ahead of myself.

    Still I have learned a lot so far. I got a nice little map generator going, not bad for a programming thicko .