Here's a small problem I'm fairly confident could be solved in an instant and that'll leave me feeling really dumb staring at the obvious answer. Anyways,
I wish to create a platformer that allows rocket jumping, this meaning that when the Player fires a projectile at his feet the ensuing explosion propels the character backwards to the opposite direction. As Construct's behaviour mechanics are fairly versatile I'm quite confident it could be done in just a few events with the platform behaviour.
I've got a .cap here. It contains a layout with a simple room and a player character. Left clicking fires a rocket, and when said rocket hits a wall it creates an explosion and also a sort-of blastwave. The latter is an object with a bullet behaviour, set to target the player. When this object hits the player it sends him flying through the air in the same angle... Or that's what should happen, problem being I don't know how exactly this could be achieved. I guess it could be done with the action "set X, Y component of motion" in the player's platform behaviour but I have no idea how to calculate the angle or force for this.
Download the cap here:
I know this is possibly the simplest stuff but man if I'm not having a hard time with it. Can this even be done with just the platform behaviour or do I have to set up a custom movement of sorts? Help me out!