Mikal's Forum Posts

  • Congrats!

  • I know it's not the same (and also not perfect), but I converted another normal map effect over to C3.

    See this thread.

  • Had some fun, would like to see more obvious 'shot' from the guard (perhaps a tracer style shot), not obvious you are being shot at and from where and also, sometimes it just felt like I exploded (though I imagine I was shot). I would like to see more dramatic on contrast on the noise ping, make it a little more obvious.

    The flowing hair animation is great. Good work and hope to see more progress.

  • Hi Mikal!

    i know Tokio Dark, it's a really well-made project, a success and a great example of that you can obtain from C2... but personally i've don't liked it, i don't like the manga-style so much, and i feel the gameplay like an "expanded visual novel" more than a real, solid game experience. Have you played "Thimbleweed Park"? It's my idea of great game design: like the early monkey island (and the more-early maniac mansion and zakmcracken) game, the amount of interactive areas, objects and npcs, merged with a solid narrative structure, make the feel of freedom for the player, that make this games greats! And i think that this aspect is a little mess in games like TD (or the recent telltale games).

    Your game seem to have a lot of different choices in terms of game-mechanics, my advice is to take care about the calibration between them.

    Yes, I have played Thimbleweed Park and have really enjoyed it (though I have not played all the way through it yet), I also happen to like the Visual Novel style of game and the TD style of game, in general, I enjoy the narrative genre in its many forms (interactive novels, visual novel, P&C, 'walking simulators' like Life is Strange, Firewatch and AAA like Rise of the Tomb Raider and Uncharted 4.)

    Good comments and cautions on watching out for 'making a mess' and calibrating game mechanics, this is why I need to make a short 'Chapter 0' demo, so I can see how it all feels to me and players.

    That would be great if you did a free tutorial, I know a lot of people (including myself) would appreciate it.

  • Working on story based on the Snowflake method, this will help drive:

    • Characters (art and personality)
    • Scenes (level, level design)
    • Dialogue (writing dialogue, voice)
    • Plot (states of the game)

    I'm going to focus further development on making a demo/chapter 0 and releasing that (this would just be the start of the story, a few scenes: intro, exiled, fire, return to the warren.)

    Here's the influence from the VN Conf

    Here's my initial work from Google Doc:

    Lapine Tales Snowflake

    Inspiration, the warren, Dark Mode, fleeting life of rabbits

    “(Because children grow up we think a child’s purpose is to grow up. But a child’s purpose is to be a child.) Nature does not disdain what only lives for a day. It pours the whole of itself into each moment…. Life’s bounty is in its flow, later is too late.”

    One Sentence

    An exiled rabbit hesitantly returns to their warren to save it from disaster, but at a COST to themselves and the warren.

    COSTS (One sentence alternative endings / branches)

    The rabbit becomes savage to save the warren, but so savage the warren will not accept them back into their rabbit society. (Choice is to go to war and destroy all enemies, rabbit and others alike to save the warren.)

    The rabbit sacrifices some of the warren to save the majority of the warren and the rabbit and the warren must deal with the fallout and grief. (Choice to leave some rabbits behind, so that others can be saved.)

    The rabbit callously abandons the warren, but then learns that is not possible nor worth while to live a life in the wilds alone. (Choice to not help the warren once rebuffed. Witness the destruction. Turn to face an enemy, that cannot be evaded by yourself and fade to black. Still a valid nihilistic choice, not a punishment.)

    One Paragraph

    A rabbit is exiled from his warren as a result of protecting their wayward younger sibling from a deadly punishment. The rabbit is scarred by the chief rabbit's bodyguards and told to never return to the warren. After a heartbroken farewell between the siblings and the rabbit's mate, the rabbit attempts to live in the open away from the warren, encountering friendly, fierce and wily creatures in the open that the rabbit has not seen before and they enlarge his life. The rabbit learns of a looming disaster (a fire) for the warren and races back to the warren to save it. In saving the warren he must make important choices, such as becoming a savage fighter to ward off enemies, or understanding the need for sacrifice (his sibling and friends?) to save the majority of the warren. After the warren is saved, he and the warren must face the consequences of how the warren was saved. For example, the savage rabbit is no longer accepted in the society and must self-impose exile or a far ranging scout.

  • Hope you get rid of those crashes, that's no good!

    Before you go too far down the very low-resolution pixel art, take a look at some of the later CAVE shmups, they are a happy medium in my eyes.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Skip ahead to around minute 9:00 to see some of the more modern shmups, they look glorious.

    Good luck with the project, that is so cute and nice to have your daughter work on the art, I am always trying to get my older son to help me out also, still looking for an in, he might help me with story and dialogue, he's a great writer and for video game dialogue, being used to being limited to 140 characters or less per line is actually a plus!

  • Very nice, very clean design. What is the game play like Kraudi?

  • But i've some doubts about the platform-view: in this way, i think, there are some difficulties to exploit the entire screen space if you don't find a way (and a pretest) to fill them with platform, stairs and similar things. I remember some classic narrative games like Another World, that make a great use of the side-scroll/platform type of view, but the mechanics are involved too with this (gun-shoots, barriers, character's run, jump etc, etc....)....

    Hello from italy!

    I basically agree with you here and I'm thinking about adding 'z' to the design, the one thing that is holding me back is that my inspiration for this game in terms of mechanics is basically a side-scroller, even if the art is so good it does not seem like it. I am also thinking more of a Visual Novel / P&C hybrid, where there is no 'pixel hunt' to find objects on the screen. Here's the game that inspired me: Tokyo Dark It was made in C2 (they also wrote a blog )

    For one cutscene, I do want to move to a 'timed event' platformer style where you race through a burning forest with a few narrative choices along the way (e.g. which rabbits do you save / risk as you run.) This drives me to have the side-scroller mode available at least.

    I will watch your development and send in comments. It looks like you have a lot of mechanics working which is great. My current biggest challenge is actually now on the story side and planning side, I want to go down that side a bit further so that the narrative and plans will drive my tech / features, rather than the other way around.

    If you get your engine polished and it's all your own work, you might also think about selling it as a template too (I am already using a couple paid templates in my game, so I won't be doing that.) That might be another way to get 'collaborators.'

    In terms of collaborators, are you on the discord construct channel, you may be able to find folks there, or you could start a blog on Tigsource, which gets a lot of indie attention (I need to do that also!)

  • I really like the devlog and all the videos, keep up the good progress and creative work. The Start screen looks so clean, like a Marvel movie intro, nicely done.

  • Thanks for the details on the festival, sounds like a great time. If it's OK, what was the range of prices that people mentioned? (I also imagine that you are happy to see that Greenworks was just recently to the C3 addon library!)

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  • Great! Thanks for this.

  • Looks cool, some good features in there. I am also working on a P&C / VN, so will follow your progress and comment/help if I can.

    One quick comment, the dialogue 'scrolling' in from the right feels a bit wrong. It might be better to have it come in from the left, but indented to indicate which speaker is talking.

    My devlog for my P&C / VN is below in my signature.

  • Congrats on the festival demo, it would be great to hear about your experience at the festival also.

  • I was working to add an effect, but the upload was rejected with this message:

    • The extension .fx is not permitted. (Path in archive: '/effect.fx')

    Should we be able to add effects now, or is there another method? I set the 'type' to effect.

  • Looking forward to road-testing this with version control - my no.1 request for ages!

    Look forward to a Mac version so I can use it with my main laptop.

    Thanks Scirra.

    +1 on Mac version, since I am switching over to that for my main dev workstation (iMac and Macbook, so xcode and deploy to iOS is simpler.) Right now I am using bootcamp with Win 10 (but switching time is a pain.)