<Bug> Using special chars in descriptions is causing an error (e.g. "<", ">")
Fixed for next upload
<Bug> Official plugin documentations are causing a "Runtime Error"
Fixed for next upload
<Bug> Adding a line "hr" doesn't seem to work
Seems to work for me, if the HR is the first or last thing on the document it will remove it by design for style reasons.
<Bug> Using "h1, h2, h2" with other types of formatting like "bold" or "italic" doesn't seem to work
Looking into this
<Feature Request> Downloadable Construct 3 official addons
Chatted to Ash about this, unlikely will be doing this.
<Feature Request> Automatically update/refresh existing preview window instead of opening a new one
Probably not for now, although I'd like to add this. Is a lot of work. On my list of things I'd like to do!
<Feature Request> Transparency for addon icons and less/better compression
Transparency is supported but is on a white background when rendered on the site as a by design style choice. RE bad compression, can you send me by email an icon that you uploaded which isn't compressing well?