Mikal's Forum Posts

  • Ashley thanks for all the info. Can you please also add a C3 script interface for the coming 3DCamera Zscale also?

  • Ah, I see, yes, I think it must be 1:1 in terms of image size and sprite size. So if you need to increase the size, also increase the image size (in editor.)

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  • Right, this is not easy to do! I am finding 3D models, blender, animations are difficult to work with in general (even beyond this plug-in.)

    I am leveraging some work that r0j0hound did and hope to get GTLF file formats working for this plug-in, instead of obj/mtl. That being said, I have also found that getting a good gtlf embedded file is also not that easy!

    Here's an example of GTLF import (still WIP, not ready to release yet.)

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  • Hi, if you have not solved this yet, can you share an example project which shows what you are trying to do? I don't quite understand what you are going for.

  • Great work, definitely watching this thread... at the moment I am trying to take your code and add it to my 3DObject plug-in (for C3). It will be interesting to see how much perf it takes for animations (and for creating a nice structure in my case of position and uv for using the C3 Quad3D2() API to draw the triangles with texture.

    I am also translating the glmatrix API to version 2.0 (which I am already including in my plug-in.)

  • More updates, details on github

    1.48.0 Scripting interface for Apply slot colors, scripting interface for addCustomSkinOutfit (quickly update custom skin from object)

    1.47.5 Make compatible with ProUI plugin for scroll lists

    1.47.3 Add bounding box override checkbox (can set bounding box in property, no need for transparent bounding box)

    1.46.0 More animation scripting interfaces

    1.45.0 Animation scripting interfaces

    1.44.0 Palette loading optimization (if only a few palette entries need an update, just update those areas of the palette texture, otherwise update the entire palette texture.)

  • I moved on from this experiment, focusing on my 3D Object plug-in instead, since it’s better integrated with C3 (however does not have animation/lighting like Babylon).

  • You can put model viewer on another canvas over or behind the C3 canvas.


  • Image point is interesting will take a look at that.

    I am not sure what you mean by the Jeep model, can you explain more?

  • I will likely add frame based interpolation for animation in a month or so. Blender can output obj frame based animation and I will find or make a tool to make a JSON format per animation. It is very unlikely to work directly with mixamo. However I think blender can use mixamo and then output frame objs.

  • GeoffB In the Spine program, try adding a Spine bounding box (rectangle) in the Spine project with a name you will remember. Make it small and attach it to the appropriate Spine bone, centered on where you want to pin the C3 Sprite.

    Then, in C3, use the C3 Spine object bbox expressions to find the x,y location and move your C3 sprite to that location, read more details here (check out the notes on update location also):


  • Is that just in a scripting block in the event sheet? Can you give more context? When I try it in a scripting block, I don't get that parsing error marking. Ashley has noted in the past that script blocks are default inside async functions, so you can use await in event scripting.

    Ah, if you are doing it in just a separate C3 JS script file, you need to make the function calling the below function async also, for example:

    async function readJSONFile() {

    const jsonData = await runtime.callFunction("readJsonFile")

    console.log('jsonData:', jsonData)


  • You could try using 'await runtime.callfunction()' (I hope that runtime.callfunction() was made to support async behavior.)

  • Please use a later version of C3 (for example r257.)

    The new version now renders in the editor but relies on a later beta version of C3. The feature should also be available in the next stable version of C3.

  • Yes, this is only for 3.8 right now. I will start working on a 4.0 update after summer. Thanks for checking it out.

    I have not used Spine 4.0+ that much, so I'm interested in what are the nice new features that you like to use?