Great example, lots of fun! The main character is a 3DObject and the rest are 3DShapes?
Thank you.
Main characters, coins with rotation animation(in blender), and skybox (giant sphere around the scene) are 3D objects and ground is a 3D shape
By the way, the issues that I have while working with 3D objects in this scene
- object bounding box is always on the 0 zelevation
hard to select the object, because when changing zelevation, the object has an offset with its bounding box in the perspective, higher zelevation gives a bigger offset. and sometimes is very hard to find the bounding box
- sphere doesn't rotate in any direction.
I've sent you an example of the sphere from the blender
- while we are working in the 2D editor and always typing zelevation manually
will be better to have zelevation on top of the list in the properties panel.
for now, it is on the top and if to add an effect or behavior, we got to scroll the list to change the elevation, it can take a lot of time with a lot of objects on the scene