midnight's Forum Posts

  • Hey there dude!

    I tried saving the game but I got a "serious save error bug" when trying to save it.

    All the sound files where still referenced in the resources but on trying to run the layout a message appeared saying they would not play.

    Send it to Ashley via Source Forge. I hope your game only consisted of that one layout! But it might be able to be recovered!

    **Side note: LOL Construct is FREAKING OUT MAN! It crashed when I ran the cap but now it won't close! DIE CONSRUCT! CLOSE!

    ...ok there it goes

  • Hey guys!

    First off it is very pretty. LOL

    I applaud the 3d efforts being used, the animations are fluid. What program are you using?

    The controls are messy...I didn't know how to jump (the readme's (on release) doesn't really explain which key to press) and I wasn't sure how to attack the heads. Well, besides moving left and right, I wasn't really sure what I was doing lol. I did manage to jump with e, and i attacked a few times by mistake. I knew how to operate the spell book, but I really think the controls need editing.

    ..or maybe it's just me?

    Besides that, I think this is a great start. The music is very fantasy dream like. Reminds me of Spectromancer (a pc based magic: the gathering game).

    Good work guys! Can't wait to see more!

  • LOL there is an actual Mega Man movie in the works...


    ...Dr. Wily's voice is PERFECT!

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  • lol thanks for the thanks

    (i don't like the mocking of prayer though )

  • LMAO that is the coolest mario EVER!

  • Very professional and clean! Great sprite work too! Can't wait to try the rest of it out!

  • Yo man!

    I can foresee some real coolness with this game! I admit I'm not too crazy with the topdown movement, it just feels too resident evil tank-like. That aside, the concept is cool and the different enemies is good to do early (I don't want to kill the same dude over again!)

    One thing that was a pain was that At first I wasn't sure where my guy was gong to fire at, it felt too random. Then I noticed he holds his gun at an angle, so that was understandable.

    So imo just tweak the controls if you can to allow the player some confidence in where they are aiming (maybe some cross hairs?) and maybe edit the movement.

    BTW there was a VERY cool MMF game that you controlled a group a soliders fighting off waves of bugs, but I can't remember the name...

    that'd be an excellent example to look at.

    Take care!

  • <img src="http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/3/4/1796632/grid.PNG">

    Okay here's a pretty basic explanation based on a 64x64 grid:

    1. You select the unit (which has a green border or indicator that he can move)

    2. Four Arrow detectors are created at it's sides:

    Up: Unit.Y - 64

    Left: Unit.X - 64

    Right: Unit.X + 64

    Down: Unit.Y + 64

    3. IF the arrow overlaps harsh terrain (rock/lava/water, ect) set the arrow to Red (False) + indicate that movement is not allowed.

    4. User clicks on a arrow + Arrow is Green (True)

    Up: Set Unit.Y to Unit.Y - 64

    Left: Set Unit.X Unit.X - 64

    Right: Set Unit.X to Unit.X + 64

    Down: Set Unit.Y to Unit.Y + 64

    Is that what you kinda need?

  • Wold anyone be able to take a look at this cap and explain why the platform movement is acting weird?


    If I press against the wall and jump and turn the character ends up atop the wall of beneath it!

    And when moving left, the detector stops short in front of the the wall (yet does not happen when going right)

    <img src="http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/3/4/1796632/stbwtfreak.PNG">

  • A jump thing, like a spring?

    Player.Y less than Spring.Y


    Player is Falling


    Player collides with Spring


    Player-> Jump

    yea? nay?

  • funny i tried to simulate the said problems in a quick test cap but couldn't!


    that means I have a bug to find.... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

  • if you need an example .cap on basic platform stuff send me a pm

  • Hey just saw linkman post this is a similar thread:

    Moving platforms would probably be pretty easy. Essentially, you would need a bottom detector for the character, one that extends about 1 or 2 pixels below the character. For the platforms, they could each have a variable that has their speed. If the bottom detector is colliding with the platform, it can just add the platform's speed value to the X/Y speed value of the character.

  • http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/3/4/1796632/movingplat.cap

    That's the moving platform part. I failed at making the player stay on it though.

    I do know that moving platforms are eventually going to be added, but hopefully someone can figure a simple solution. It seems so EASY too! LOL

    hope that helps!

  • lol what weird responses...

    Deadeye don't change yours, it's so....you lol

    Broo you fail! What does your wacko avatar symbolize?

    oh mine is spanky the buttweasel (my game character)