megatronx's Forum Posts

  • I don't really have much chance of benchmarking on many pc's. I was going to ask few friends but they all have beefy pc's.

    I'm not going for casual market. I'm actually going for ******** people. I do hope that c2 would soon introduce res change. But I don't really have choice with this project atm. And if I remember correctly it doesn't matter if sprites are high or low res, when it's rendered full screen it's being rendered as currently used res.

  • I've solved it ^^''

  • Hi,

    How do I make AI find a path like on the image? I looked for solution for it in search but it doesn't seam like a very popular thing. Maybe something like IF PLAYER Y < ENEMY.Y PICK NEAREST PLATFORM WITH SMALLER Y THAN CURRENT ENEMY.Y ( so it wouldn't pick up the platforms below him ) which would repeat until the enemy would reach the platform with player followed with appropriate movement actions, but I have no idea how to pick nearest platform instance with higher or lower value relative to the enemy instance. Would anyone have any solutions?

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Changing screen resolution is on to do list.

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  • Have similar problem on first preview. It doesn't take 15 mins for me atm, but definitely it takes way longer then following previews.

  • OK, here's a tip: To not clip the sound you need either limiter or compressor. there is no limiter in construct but limiter is a compressor with ratio of 50+. So what you need to do is to set it in the following way: Threshold: -1, Ratio: 50 or more, Attack:1, Release: 1000. The downside is that it only works with advanced audio enabled. ( Knee: don't know how it works in construct as i see that i can set it to some stupid numbers @Ashley how knee works here in c2 compressor? )

    So if you can't use compressor, then you've got to remember that same two sounds played at exactly same time will increase the overall volume by 3db. If they are not the same, the volume output varies. Fairly safe bet would be to set all sounds to -5db or -6db at sounds highest picks, but weather you'd rich clipping or not would depend on how many sounds you play simultaneously. Also you can make sound seam louder if you roll over sub from the sample using eq. This way you will get rid of unheard part of the sound, but it will make the sound sound louder without actual increase in volume.

    EDIT@ I see that filter in advanced audio actions can be used for rolling of parts of frequencies. So set it to high-pass at frequency between 80 and 300hz. Make sure you don't loose any audible information by checking did it change the sound or not. Push it till you hear the change, then lower it slightly. Set Gain to 0, detune to 0.

    Ashley In filter is the Q inverted or not? Many eq's have got inverted Q, which means the higher the number the narrower the band.

  • Yeah, it does look menacing. But you're not offsetting the tileset - you just replacing the tiles, right? You see its still actually much more efficient to have several squares of tileBackgrounds, and switch between them, then having engine to redraw each of the tiledBackgrounds of water created from the tileset. Because for more complex map structures (not square) you can end up with 5, 6 or more tiled background instances for even one small lake, having it to be redraw every few seconds, where my proposition only needs as many instances as there is frames. Even in your example, all water is using 5 instances of tiled backgrounds already, where if you would do it my way, you would only need 3 :)

  • Got loads of bookmarks. Would rather have that on the website itself.

  • I see. But if its two events, is it really so bothersome? :) How is it done?

  • Ashley, do you know if there is possibility to set the audio latency? That would be very useful at optimization.

  • I won't because it seams to have problems with json, which I'm using a lot.

  • And what numbers would be under LEVEL? Would it be current XP or would it be just level number ( for example number 4 ) ?

  • Hey, It's pretty good. You got talent. GL.

  • could you help me understand what is happening here? ceil(ax^y)

  • Hi,

    Got couple of suggestions for the website.

    Forum: Being able to follow/un-follow posts. My reason is that I often come across plugins that might be useful for me at some point, but not at the moment of finding them. With option to follow a post, there could be an option to display only posts you follow in particular subforums, making it easy to keep track on things.

    Page - Plugin Repository: Would be nice to have one page that catalogs all plugins with short description, current version, icon, and links to download, demo, and plugin post. Just would speed browsing those up. I know there is a page on the forum that catalogs them up, but it's not very clean to browse trough.

    Ok, let me know what you guys think?

