Expanded solid behavior so we can turn solid object only in relations to other selected object.
Simplified picking between objects of same type, so we won't have to constantly use walk around. Also simplified picking in general ( when objects arre stuck up on each other for example )
Visual Array editor. I don't ask for much. I just want to double-click on array, have a spreadsheet window pop up, with current array options and SAVE button, so we actually store array data within array object.
Menu object, even basic, but visual, so we can quickly make game menus.
Inventory object. Same as menu, but more versatile in options. I can program my own myself, but again we're trying to trim the fat and actually have tools we can work fast with, removing mundane tasks.
A STABLE and well performing DESKTOP EXPORTER pc/mac/lnx
Expanded movement plugins with ability to set movement angles and speed for those manually trough plugins ui.
This one is a bit nebulous request but an additional behavior trough which we could set objects that the object with behavior would avoid would be nice.