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  • mageekm Did you ever resolve this?

    I am having the same trouble with C2 and Cordova CLI.

    It used to work but doesnt any more.

    I can;t remember if there was a slight update needed on the config.xml file created but can't seem to find anything online to help

  • I am using the browser object in construct 2 but the actions do not work when i create my apk file (debug version)

    I am building in Cordova CLI. My project uses goto URL, browser exit and vibrate functions.

    They used to work but its been a few years since I created an APK.

    From memory I had to edit the xml file previously but cant seem to get it working.

    My xml file does have inappbrowser and vibrate in the xml by default

  • Javanie Are you able to help - I am using the browser object but the actions do not work when i create my apk file (debug version)

    I am building in Cordova CLI. My project uses goto URL, browser exit and vibrate functions.

    They used to work but its been a few years since I created an APK.

    From memory I had to edit the xml file previously but cant seem to get it working.

    My xml file does have inappbrowser and vibrate in the xml by default

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  • I have a habit of starting lots and not finishing much!

    Since the days of Klik and Play to Construct, I have quite a few I started and didn't finish!

    At the moment only Short Mat Bowls is online in the store :) Although there will be a couple more hopefully this year. I am thinking of creating a mix of the unfinished ones as a demo app - with ability to vote favorite which then I'd finish next

  • I don't think this is possible - it is something that would be handy though

  • Hi Davioware

    I wanted to pick up and have a play with Q3D again but cannot find a link to update. (I have 2.3 installed).

    I found my paypal receipt email but couldn't see anything else from that day (I purchased back in 2015)

    Would you be able to help if I forward my transaction ID / email to show i purchased it? (Or let me know what might be in the email subject and I can search my inbox)


  • Thanks for the reply. Looks PeerJS end as desktop connections also stopped working.

    When I first built it, you could cross platofrm online :)

    Cordova is just used for building to android / ios

    No problem - I'll just have to learn the C2 multiplayer for anything further to bring it back.

    Shame, as it felt pretty novel using your PeerJS plugin all those years ago to have cross platform multplayer before it was officially posible


  • R0J0hound - Bit of a long shot.

    I finally found my old keystore for my old bowls app. I used this back several years ago to make it online (Before the multiplayer plugin)

    I noticed that it doent work anymore - Do you know if its something from PeerJS / Cordova?

    I plan on creating a new app with the multiplayer plugin but it would be nice to fix this now i can publish again the old version.


  • dop2000 - Yes I think adjusting it after impact will be the way to do it

  • Hi Vankiz,

    I tried to make a snooker game some time ago.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    The issue I soon found was that its not possible to have accurate aiming. From what I looked up, when the balls collide and the build in physics detect a collision its not at the correct time so it throws off the aiming (shown in video)

  • I finally found a copy of my keystore file and so can update and package my app and get it back in the google play store.

    I'm using C2 and Cordova CLI. I am having trouble zip align my APK.

    I don;t really get any errors but google play store keeps telling me its not alligned.

    I've tried the method in the C2 tutorials (Which is how I did it in the past) and I've also tried with the auto APK / easy APK apps (Same issue).

  • From my understanding of steam, you should still be able to get it if you purchased it from there.

    Log into steam, goto library and it should be on the left and you can download.

  • Yes, it's quite easy. You can keep the file chooser button hidden off-screen and use the following code to trigger it:

    > Browser Execute Javascript ""

    where myFileChooser is the ID of FileChooser object. (set this ID on the left panel)

    Thanks - working perfectly.

  • I'd like to made use of the file chooser to allow the player to select a image on thier device.

    It all works, but ideally I'd like to action this pressing my own sprite image as a button (Rather than the default file chooser button style).

    Is there a way to do this? I've tried Rex touch simulate to say "When touch sprite button - similate touch at filechooser.x / y" but it doesn't work.


  • thanks R0J0hound

    I'll look into what you sggested, although the other rules I need to try and work out might mean its not possible. I don;t think what I am trying will actually be possible but wanted to try and work it out.

    I've basically got 6 teams to create a league fixture for. Each team plays each other team 3 times (15 games total)

    There are three mats that hold the matches each week (Mat 1, Mat 2, Mat 3)

    I am trying to work out if it is possible to arrange fixtures in a way that allows each team to play each other 3 times, no team plays the same mat two weeks in a row - ideally each team playing on each mat 3 times. I actually think its mathmateically impossible and I've not been able to work it out in excel.

    My goal was to try and build the rules into arrays and leave something trying brute force to see if its possible or not. At the moment I've managed to setup an array to mimic one round of games (6 teams and 5 matches). It can put 1 - 6 in each row and then check to make sure that no pair of combinations are duplicates (for example so that team 1 and 2 play once only in the 5 games etc...)

    I was hoping there would be easy ways of checking things like count how many of the same value in each X position of an array :(