I'll look into what you sggested, although the other rules I need to try and work out might mean its not possible. I don;t think what I am trying will actually be possible but wanted to try and work it out.
I've basically got 6 teams to create a league fixture for. Each team plays each other team 3 times (15 games total)
There are three mats that hold the matches each week (Mat 1, Mat 2, Mat 3)
I am trying to work out if it is possible to arrange fixtures in a way that allows each team to play each other 3 times, no team plays the same mat two weeks in a row - ideally each team playing on each mat 3 times. I actually think its mathmateically impossible and I've not been able to work it out in excel.
My goal was to try and build the rules into arrays and leave something trying brute force to see if its possible or not. At the moment I've managed to setup an array to mimic one round of games (6 teams and 5 matches). It can put 1 - 6 in each row and then check to make sure that no pair of combinations are duplicates (for example so that team 1 and 2 play once only in the 5 games etc...)
I was hoping there would be easy ways of checking things like count how many of the same value in each X position of an array :(