maxchenchen's Forum Posts

  • Hallo everybody,

    I´ve a question about User Media. The Problem is: If I start with a request camera source event in local host the camera works fine but to load it via webhosting on a domain it doesnt work. To start it on a local host there is a securitiy question in the browser for starting the camera. But via webhosting (means on a server) there is no securitiy question and the camera doesnt work.

    Are there any ideas? What can I do to start the camera online?

    Sorry about my english!


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  • For all the other guys: I�ve combine the two versions from hoguthewhitewolf. That works! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thanks again hugo....

  • Thanks! I have it!!!

  • Thanks for answer. I?ve tested both versions, but nothing works. It would be great to explain the practice a little bit more.

    For the second version I?ve create global variables in the first layout for holding the x-y-coordinates by every tick. "On start of" the second layout I?ve set the coordinates with the edit action --> size & position --> set position.

    What I am doing wrong?

  • Hello,

    I?ve a problem to hold the x-y-coordinates by a sprite when changing the layout. The same sprite in the second layout starts everytime from another position. Did anybody know how to transfer the positions in a new layout?

  • o.k.! You talk about using two layouts...hmmm.... Is it possible to use one layout for overlaying an other layout?

  • Thanks farsmile!

    but I don�t want to duplicate a layout. I want to paste one layer from an existing layout in an other existing this possible, too?

  • Hello,

    is it possible to copy and paste layer from one layout to another?

    Thank you!

  • Hi 3divison,

    have you tested with a lot of devices? To become a good perfomance on android devices is very annoying! There are a lot of things to work with. In example I?ve tested my game on two devices, seems to have nearly the same hardware reqierments. But only of one of the devices my game works very well.

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  • For anybody have the same problem, I�ve fixed it by using two sprites for my actor. One of them is with a platform behavior and the other one is with physic behavior. To use the especially properties of the behaviors I�ve worked with the spawn and destroy options in the condition editor.

    For example:

    Is the actor collide with a movable platform I�ve destroyed the physic behavior and spawn the platform behavior (in the other sprite). My actor was now carried by the movable platform.

    Hope that help�s!

  • Weishaupt It�s right!

    But for only one changes setting it�s not really important to send a hyper-link to my capx. I�ve only changed the standard settings in physic behaviors by the platform-sprite from "immovable no" to "immovable yes". The other setting are the settings by open the physic behavior.

    My question is generally: Is it possible to create a platform-sprite (long rectangle)is moving on x-axis and capable to transport an other sprite (rectangle and named "actor") from A to B? Is the answer "yes"! Please tell me how to do it?

    Thank you!

  • Hello weishaupt,

    you are right. I�ll looking for dropbox or something like that. But the problem is easy to describe.

    Everytime I using the platform and static behavior my actor will be carried by the platform.

    Everytime I using the physic behaviors for actor and platform sprite the actor will standing on the platform but not carried by the platform.

    I hope this would be better to understand!?

  • Hello everyone,

    I?am working with the physic behavior and don?t know how to move my actor which is in contact with a movable platform.


    1. Actor is falling from the sky on a platform.

    2. The platform is moving on x-axis.

    3. The actor don?t change the positon.

    Other example:

    If you are the actor and standing on a moving staircase you?ll change your position. This actor not...

    It?s important for the game-design to use the physic behavior and not the platform behavior.

  • Hello,

    I?am testing my game via cocoonjs on iphone 4. Everytime I?ve adjust the portrait-mode in the launcher the game is only on half screen. Everthing looks like scaled on x-axis. I?ve tested all options in cs2 by the project- and configuration-settings. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />